Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

The Arcona - New Innovations that Integrate the Virtual World into a Blockchain-Based Realm

The Arcona ecosystem creates the Digital Land - the Augmented Reality layer, uniting the physical and virtual world into an information environment that is closely related to our real world. It's designed for an interactive daily user experience by adding virtual multimedia content and a mix of reality in real-world locations. You can change the actual surround environment around you quickly with smartphones, tablets or headsets, like HoloLens or the like.

In this Digital Land, anyone can rent a piece of land and start doing business on the AR platform. Everything will be remotely controlled, allowing you to do business around the world, without leaving your office. the token holder will bid and have a virtual lot and receive lease payments if their lot is used by other AR programs on the platform.

Arcona is designed to combine AR in all real-world business areas. This ecosystem is useful in real estate, tourism, gaming, media, advertising, education, and the arts industry: the possibilities are endless. The Arcona Ecosystem is a simple and easy way to deliver an AR project from any complexity and style, connecting users and developers on a P2P basis. The Arcona ecosystem market will be central, bringing together all the inhabitants of society and enabling free trade of AR content, software, services, digital land, and more.

Digital Land is the main asset of Arcona AR ecosystem. You can buy, sell, rent or rent using an ERC20 token called Arcona. By using Arcona tokens, you can sell creative software or 3D content to landowners and users, buy games, attend special places, purchase professional services (coding, advertising, content creation) and participate in advertising, promotions, special actions, games, and more - all within the Arcona Ecosystem.


From a company point of view
Problem: The ad channel market is saturated. Traditional media channels lose their communication skills to their target audience. The advertising industry needs to find new formats, places and experiences.

Solution: Arcona augmenten reality layer is a new space, a new medium for advertising, communication and brand sharing opportunities. There is little space in the real world for a new billboard, but there's a lot of virtual space in Arcona.

From the end user's point of view

Problem: There is no single tool for the user to interact well with the increasing reality.

Solution: Arcona in the public information space brings together the physical and virtual world everywhere. Arcona offers free access to all users and software functions, enabling them to quickly change the real area around them.

From the standpoint of developer AR

Problem: The AR Indoor project is easy to build, but the outdoor AR project presents a challenge, as developers have to travel to a location to build it, which significantly increases costs.

Solution: With Arcona tools you can accurately and remotely place the added objects of reality in a changing environment. No GPS - we use real world objects as markers.

Arcona offers the ability to connect virtual content with real views anywhere, regardless of size.

We have a universal augmented reality environment that connects developers and consumers.

Arcona visually combines virtual and real space that also adapts to user movement.

From the point of view of the global AR market

Problem: There are more than 10 AR platforms, each supporting only one special AR-enabled device: smartphones only, smart glasses, AR headset only, iPhone only Android phone only. The market is fully tabulated, and universal, Cross-device ecosystems are required to make fluid interactions between AR content developers, AR apps, content, and end users possible.

Solution: Arcona is a cross-platform solution and supports any device. We provide simultaneous experience and device usage. Users will be able to view and interact with virtual objects in real-world locations simultaneously and through different gadgets. We combine developers and users, businesses and customers, and most importantly, we remove the borders between countries. Our decentralized system will operate on every continent and give all participants equal opportunity to the ecosystem.

From a conceptual point of view

Issue: Currently, only professional AR developers can create AR experiences. Therefore, the only end user role available is to buy and use what others have created, without being able to use their creative potential to build their own AR experience.

Solution: The Arcona ecosystem is very important because it gives creative people the opportunity to present their projects to the public at large. Residents of Arcona will be able to create and monetize their own AR projects without the need for hilevel programming knowledge (WordPress and Youtube models).

Attraction, Income, Milestones

Arcona AR ecosystem is being developed by a professional team-PiligrimXXI. We have 5 years experience in developing AR solutions, and Arcona is a natural extension of our passion and experience at AR.

Piligrim XXI has been working in the AR development market since 2013, enhancing the tourism experience by providing opportunities for time travel, to see how various places and events of history look like in the past. In 2014, we launched the world's first outdoor outdoor augmented reality park.


In 2023, the use of Augmented Reality as a broad phenomenon; Piligrim XXI and Arcona AR Ecosystem we have become the industry standard; we have successfully combined the physical and virtual world into a single, complementary reality environment that has reached a total area of ​​100,000 km² of AR georeferencing area in the world's major capitals; the ecosystem community and its internal economy are fully operational and rely on millions of active users, participating in further development and perfection.


Develop augmented reality (AR) technology that enhances and brings new experiences to human beings.


The main features of the AR ecosystem


Arcona allows you to place virtual projects anywhere in the world without leaving your home. Choose the most popular and visited places. Create the whole world on your Digital land.


The world market is open to you in the Arcona ecosystem. Buy, sell, rent your Digital Land. Generate creativity, create and sell the most incredible content.


Smart contracts are blocked, guarantee copyright and property rights protection. The system automates royalty payments to content creators, and rents out to digital asset owners.

Token Arcona

The arcona token is equivalent to the cost of digital assets and is the universal currency of the Arcona ecosystem. It will be used for the purchase of all digital goods and services within the ecosystem. Arcona uses Etheral blockcchain technology ERC20 type.

Blockchain technology makes it possible to guarantee the same conditions and additional protection for ownership of digital landowners within the Arcona platform, as well as copyright protection for developers and artists living in any country in the world. Blockchain technology makes every transaction in the system more reliable, transparent, and mobile.

  • Token details
  • Token name: Arcona
  • Price toke: 1 Arcona = 1 USD
  • Total token: 100,000,000 tokens
  • Token sales: Token sales will be on 27 November 2017
  • Objective: Arcona Tokens will be used for the purchase of all digital goods and services within the ecosystem.

Token distribution

From the total token total target target of 100 million arcona tokens will be distributed
20% of the team (Vesting: 5% for 6 months, 5% for 12 months and 10% for 18 months after ICO completion),> 7% advisors (Vesting: 3.5% for 6 months and> 3.5% for 12 months after ICO is completed), 5% gift,
60% will enter the market
8% reserve fund


more info:

Official website: https://www.arcona.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/arconaico/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/arconaico
Reddit: https: //www.reddit. com / subreddits / Suche? q = arconaico
Medium: https://medium.com/@arcona
Ann Subject: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324174.0

By culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

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