Minggu, 17 Desember 2017

CREDITS: The next big thing for your business


CREDIT is a unique new platform that creates and manages financial services based on blockchain technology.

This platform helps users create financial services by using available high-speed transaction processing up to 1 million per second. All new platform users will be able to create online services using the revolution blockchain technology started by bitcoin is still limited and there are only a few shortcomings inherent in large financial homes to adopt this digital currency. There has been an improvement in the world of cryptocurrency after the launch of Ethereum. Transaction speed takes a few minutes to process the major obstacles to the adoption of this technology in bulk.

Though transactions based on credit cards are much faster. The biggest problem faced by businesses in transactions is network latency if they use crypto-kiron-based technology today to process payment and fund transactions. The latency is the actual response time when compared to the expected response time. Another major issue is bandwidth, the current system form can handle only a limited number of transactions per second. The current system form based on bitcoin and blockchain networks takes more than 10 minutes. The second major issue is the cost that has an inherent role in every project and is currently a high cost for crypto adoption on a large scale that hinders many businesses to take advantage of the advantages of digital currencies.

CREDIT: Fast chains / ledgers, available intelligence contracts, financial wizards, support multiple currencies:

Ethereum Emphasize smart contracting and record it in chain blocks, Others through the use of third-party services to solve, For all industries, Slow block chain. Similar things: smart contracts, internal currency encryption differences.

CREDIT: Other quick ledgers, different computing systems to support currencies, internal use, focusing on Ripple's financial sector only for billing and exchange systems, Developers and companies close. commonality: Fast block chain / ledger, billing system of various currencies, specializing in financial differences.

CREDIT: available intelligence contracts, open platform developers, any company can connect to the platform It's very fast and will in turn offer new technical solutions and new conceptual models of network participant interaction for the development of modern decentralized financial services. . For more information, see whitepaper. Link below

The CREDIT platform offers solutions for low speed and high transaction costs. It expands potential blockchain technology to the Internet and Internet industry Things:

Blockchain-: Distributed, decentralized storage and open source code. Support for public and private networks. Transaction-: Each record is inserted into blocking database blockade without Merkle tree and sidechains by processing consensual transaction. Block-formation: Permissions are set at transaction level. The transaction was added to the next consensus finding by the algorithm to find a finite state machine solution. The consensus model: The consensus model: federal with mechanisms to resolve most of the nodes with permission to make decisions. Smart contracts: Each smart contract is performed in a separate isolated virtual machine environment, allowing development in scripting languages ​​(JavaScript), extended work with scheduled calendars . System: - The system is scalable (as the number of nodes increases, the number of transactions processed per unit of time increases). There is no mining so all coins are issued in a certain amount.

more info:

Website: http://credits.com

Whitepaper: https://credits.com/Content/Docs/TechnicalWhitePaperCREDITSEng.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/creditscom

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

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