Senin, 09 Juli 2018

Bitdrive - First Base Blockchain Special



As Blockchain continues to expand and advance into uncharted territories, its use spreads to areas previously considered unthinkable. In recent months, the idea of ​​using blockchain-based services in the ride-sharing industry has increased. Over the years, the commuting landscape has changed from booking a trip to a call to booking your trip with just one click. This industry has undergone a lot of changes to meet the needs of the ever growing business list of commuters. This gradual change was expected as blockchain technology is the only way to improve the ride-sharing industry to offset the growing demand for these carpooling services.

Today, almost all cities and major cities in the world have independent and organized transport services that are extremely important to our modern lives. Due to the importance of commuting in our daily lives, it is not surprising that taxis and other simple means of transport are in high demand these days and the industry has become extremely competitive in recent years. It is currently estimated that the global ridesharing market fluctuates between $ 50 and $ 100 million each year. Recently, Goldman Sachs has been shedding light on the carpooling experience of how this industry is booming in a few years. If the growth rate is constant, companies such as Uber and Lyft will rise to $ 285 billion by 2030. For co-operators, this translates into revenue of around $ 65 billion by 2030, but this is based solely on the assumption that they would earn a commission of 23% on gross market revenue.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Uber is currently the most valued private-ride hailing company and currently has a $ 68 billion stock valuation.

Lyft has a valuation of only $ 7.5 billion compared to Uber. Both of these companies' valuations do not appear to be profitable, as they spend a large part of their resources on driving and attracting new drivers. Interestingly, keeping drivers and expanding the driver network are the parameters that are considered for the company's growth, and unfortunately this remains the ultimate challenge for these companies as they are constantly involved in negotiations with the drivers. Drivers are often upset about the centralized nature of operations and are often treated as independent contractors. With errors that are often thwarted in the payment process, the drivers are not satisfied with the basic model of today's driving business industry.

Traditionally, co-driving communities have organized around centralized organizational structures. It is still a norm in many countries that every driver who wants to be registered in a federation has to undergo strict payment procedures. This is essentially due to the centralized operation of most companies. This certainly delays the registration process and also leaves room for mismanagement. However, with the introduction of blockchain technology, companies are finding various ways to reduce the centralization factor and provide a much more streamlined business process. The concept of tokenization and use of blockchain-based applications can help car-service-based services to have more control over their personal data and to give a decentralized theme to their work methodology. In many ways, Blockchain is referred to as the technology developed for the "ordinary man". This is an apt description, as ordinary people have more control over their resources. The implementation of blockchain technology will inspire the growth of a transparent industry, and opaque unions or associations will no longer bother between drivers and commuters. Instead, anyone who has a blockchain token can retain full control over all the benefits associated with such tokens, be it against other tokens or Fiat, or just for the payment of travel rates.

Bitdrive - A first of its kind Specialized blockchain-based ride-sharing service
Transportation is a segment that has never stagnated, and one of the great innovations that have recently changed the way is the phenomenon of ride sharing. Ridesharing was created and popularized by Uber, who still remains the king of this beautiful new industry. They were able to redefine the way we look at transportation. But for years the market has been extremely saturated and at risk from Uber himself. Ridesharing is a phenomenal concept that is simply too good, too important, and too much embedded in the modern psyche to go down the drain. But Uber and other centralized organizations, always risking the industry and the trust that passengers and drivers place in them, pose the greatest threat to rides. That's why a team of visionary tech experts with decades of experience at the highest level, to create Bitdrive, the blockchain-based revolutionary platform that disrupts the disruptor and makes current competitors in an industry where consumer satisfaction should be the engine of innovation obsolete.

Bitdrive is based on the revolutionary blockchain technology, which is perhaps the most innovative and versatile technology mankind has ever known. It is slowly branching out into different industries, offering tailor-made solutions to a whole range of complicated problems. From finance to supply chain to smart energy grids, blockchain technology is changing the way we do things, and the bitdrive we've developed will redefine the industry and keep it from collapsing.

BitDrive and transparency of blockchain technology

One of the most persistent problems of the current ride platforms has always been the opacity and absolute arbitrariness of running their business. Drivers who work with both Uber and Lyft are forced to take what both platforms give them while working hard to earn a decent living. Both platforms spend 25% of their revenue on the hard work of the driver. That's a whole quarter of every penny they've earned! As an intermediary, rather than the actual provider of this service, Bitdrive believes that these numbers are outrageous and only end up being borne by the key figures in the equation, the driver and the passenger. More worryingly, the advertised 25% fee is only the tip of the iceberg for the drivers, as careful research has shown that Uber and Lyft actually add as much as 42.75 in the case of booking fees and other hidden fees % of what the driver deserves. If you deduct the actual cost the driver spends on gasoline and other expenses to drive his car, the driver gets less than 20% of the total revenue from his hard work.

A break from tyranny

Bitdrive's decision to use blockchain technology to deliver ride-sharing to a truly global audience is well-known. We want to break out of an unenviable past of the traveling industry, which is tyrannical, apathetic and does not take into account the hard work of the drivers or the comfort of the passengers who spend their money using them. Bitdrive is a fully transparent platform because all transactions are visible using the blockchain. There will be no hidden fees or opaque practices. The promise of the Bitdrive platform to put the driver and driver at the center of everything is demonstrated by the degree of transparency that the platform will require 13% of revenue and not 42.75% like current revenue. At Bitdrive, we value the hard work that drivers can do to facilitate rides, and we believe they deserve a better deal. With zero middlemen or unfriendly payment modes, a truly affordable ridesharing opportunity for riders and a highly profitable rider will finally become reality.

Our vision

  • Common problems that still haunt the rides industry
  • Unauthorized cover-ups
  • Poor passenger safety
  • Bad security
  • Lean wages

How will Blockchain-based Bitdrive offer the perfect solution for today's ridesharing industry?

The versatility and application of blockchain technology is endless and its importance for structuring business models can not be emphasized enough. We have developed this unique vision to solve the issues that the RV industry faces.

Well structured business model

  • Impeccable competition analysis
  • Decentra II Zed system
  • Crisp market analysis

  • Incentives for the milestone conclusion
  • Comprehensive value
  • Efficient core team
  • Approximate investment costs for prototyping
Why choose ERC20 tokens?

Since our platform uses Ethereum currency, ERC20 tokens are used. ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comments Ethereum issued technical specifications for the Ethereum Tokens in 2015. These tokens work exclusively on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Tokens that adhere to these conformations are referred to as ERC20 tokens. These are essentially smart contracts that work within the framework set by the Ethereum team. The framework is wide enough to allow developers to change the design and functionality of these tokens. The majority of tokens offered through Ethereum ICOs are ERC20 compliant. The ERC20 standard, which has a total of six functions and two events, was created primarily to facilitate operations within these applications, exchange nodes, and interfaces. These functions describe how these tokens can be transmitted and how these token-related data can be accessed.

Token sales

token allocation

Use of funds

road map

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