Jumat, 30 Maret 2018


Transaksi menggunakan teknologi Blockchain adalah peer-to-peer, dalam arti bahwa data (dapat berupa pesan, uang, atau informasi penting) dapat dipindahkan dari satu pengguna ke yang lain tanpa bantuan pihak ketiga untuk memprosesnya. Dengan Blockchain, kita tidak perlu lagi bergantung pada satu server karena semua transaksi direplikasi di seluruh jaringan, menghindari berbagai bentuk penipuan karena data yang diubah, down server, atau akun yang diretas.

Techspecs menjalankan Initial Coin Offering (ICO) untuk mendanai pengembangan perangkat lunaknya. Mereka yang membeli token Techspecs memperoleh manfaat dari pertumbuhan harganya, karena perusahaan menghasilkan pendapatan dari layanannya. Mereka yang menggunakan produk Techspecs juga akan mendapatkan token gratis. Tetapi masalahnya adalah spesifikasi sulit ditemukan atau dievaluasi dengan cara yang jelas dan sistematis. Dan ini hanya dari sisi konsumen. Untuk pengecer online, mencari dan menampilkan spesifikasi dengan jelas untuk setiap ratusan (atau bahkan ribuan) SKU dalam inventori adalah mimpi buruk dan biaya besar. Pada saat yang sama, banyak cryptocurrency tidak memiliki produk nyata di belakang mereka.

Spesifikasi Teknis Menawarkan Solusi Anda

Techspecs mengembangkan situs web dengan spesifikasi teknis untuk jumlah produk yang terus bertambah, widget yang dapat disematkan, dan generator spesifikasi yang digerakkan AI. Pembeli dan penjual kini dapat dengan mudah memeriksa dan membandingkan spesifikasi untuk sesuatu yang ingin mereka beli, jual, sudah miliki, atau ingin menulis tentang. Karena spesifikasi Techspecs dapat digunakan oleh konsumen, bisnis, dan pasar ecommerce, token Techspecs memiliki produk nyata yang mendukung penilaian crptocurrency.


Siapa pun dapat berpartisipasi saat Pra-penjualan publik terbuka (mulai 26 Februari hingga 31 Maret) atau saat penjualan token ICO dibuka (dari 1 Mei hingga 5 Juni) dan saat persediaan token masih ada. Dari ICO, Techspecs akan mulai terdaftar pada bursa cryptocurrency, di mana harganya akan berfluktuasi berdasarkan permintaan publik.

Menggunakan Kasus

Untuk ICO apa pun, penting untuk melakukan penelitian Anda sendiri dan mempelajari rincian perusahaan dan rencananya. Techspec telah dengan jelas memetakan beberapa kasus penggunaan yang lebih umum dan paling cepat untuk layanannya, sebagai berikut:

Peta jalan

Ukuran penting lain dari kelangsungan hidup ICO adalah apakah mereka memiliki rencana yang bagus. Peta jalan adalah bagaimana perusahaan ICO biasanya menunjukkan rencana mereka. Peta jalan Techspecs adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Peluncuran ICS SPECS
  2. Peluncuran TechSpecs "Temukan"
  3. Lokalisasi Platform TechSpecs
  4. Orientasi gelombang pertama Pelanggan Besar kami
Q2/Q3 2018

  1. Perluasan kategori produk kami
  2. Peluncuran layanan kami untuk dukungan Teknis dan diagnosa pengembang game
  3. Orientasi gelombang kedua Pelanggan Besar kami
Q4 2018
  1. Peluncuran Manajer Iklan TechSpecs
  2. Peluncuran Iklan di ekosistem TechSpecs
Q1 2019
  1. Gagasan
  2. Desain UX
  3. Pengembangan produk inti
Q3 / Q4 2017
  1. Peluncuran Situs Web TechSpecs
  2. Peluncuran SPECS ICO Pre-Sale
  3. Peluncuran widget untuk blogger teknologi
Q1 2018
  1. Peluncuran generator tautan Spesifikasi untuk penjual eCommerce
  2. Peluncuran pemeriksa spesifikasi komputer kami
  3. Peluncuran kategori produk baru
Q1 2018
  1. Peluncuran ICS SPECS
  2. Peluncuran TechSpecs "Temukan"
  3. Lokalisasi Platform TechSpecs
  4. Orientasi gelombang pertama Pelanggan Besar kami
Q2 / Q3 2018
  1. Perluasan kategori produk kami
  2. Peluncuran layanan kami untuk dukungan Teknis dan diagnosa pengembang game
  3. Orientasi gelombang kedua Pelanggan Besar kami
Q4 2018
  1. Peluncuran Manajer Iklan TechSpecs
  2. Peluncuran Iklan di ekosistem TechSpecs
Q1 2019
  1. Gagasan
  2. Desain UX
  3. Pengembangan produk inti
Q3 / Q4 2017
  1. Peluncuran Situs Web TechSpecs
  2. Peluncuran SPECS ICO Pre-Sale
  3. Peluncuran widget untuk blogger teknologi
Q1 2018
  1. Peluncuran generator tautan Spesifikasi untuk penjual eCommerce
  2. Peluncuran pemeriksa spesifikasi komputer kami
  3. Peluncuran kategori produk baru
Q1 2018
  1. Peluncuran ICS SPECS
  2. Peluncuran TechSpecs "Temukan"
  3. Lokalisasi Platform TechSpecs
  4. Orientasi gelombang pertama Pelanggan Besar kami
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi tautan di atas:

dengan: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

BitSchool: the world's first educational platform

Image result for bitschool ico

Training is a natural quality of the individual. We have the talent to be told and grow on our own. The accumulation of information on the ground is divided in various ways. Coaching can accumulate in a variety of ways. Skill studies can be described as an understanding of the fact that we tend to have impacts from many experiences in our daily lives. Education Choosing a coaching set that tends to instill skills to be the most effective in the career we choose.

The Internet has linked blessing to create a humanity that deepens the wealth of information and focuses on understanding so many different types of inspiration that we have previously detected in our lives. The problem of learning something the size of new squares is always very important. The motivation of coaching can be so diverse in relation to the chosen situation and count the stakeholders. Some may act voluntarily through their natural instincts, other times perhaps a little stimulant comes from friends and counts the frame. Human expansion is linked to the use of learning.

We use coaching to break down sensitive applications that have a wider impact on humans. The continuation of the study can come from the realization that took root in our brains. Competition and prominence in establishing learning is the most popular selection. we tend to create ways for information and learning to be so common that people can have fun with each other.

BitSchool is an integrated and integrated online learning platform that has seamless ownership and synergy between teaching, teaching and teaching e-learning, and applying a eco-development system perfectly adapted.

Personalized learning is the ultimate target for anyone in the field of education, and it brings a crystal-clear recovery to recent improvements in high-tech operation, such as AI, to the creation or emergence of diverse educational platforms such as tutoring or IOC. However, at BitSchool, we tend to believe that true and ideal individual learning is difficult to achieve by taking a separate approach and can be achieved by integrating AI learning into teaching and learning. This integration is supported by the philosophy of BitSchool that its quantity is often greater than its components, and yet it is applied in the realities of education.

Blockchain is an integral member of the BitSchool business model because it launches, extends and improves the work of BitSchool! Blockchain is available to run BitSchool through Token Sales, allowing BitSchool to grow with innovative Token Reward programs and support transactions that know and enable GoGreenFund BitSchool to contribute to the same learning opportunity in our world.


  • Token value: 4,000,000 tokens (1% of total bid)
  • Premium bonus: 35% of the purchase amount of the token
  • Pre-season schedule: February 26, 2018 09:00 (GMT) ~ March 19, 2018 9:00 am (GMT)
  • Crowdsale Token cost: 296,000,000 tokens (74% of total bid)

Crowdsale Bonus Plan:

  1.   1 (4/16 09:00 GMT ~ 4/23 09:00 GMT) 15% of Token purchase amount
  2.   2 (4/23 09:00 GMT ~ 4/30 09:00 GMT) 10% of Token Purchase Amount
  3.   3 (4/30 09:00 GMT ~ 5/7 09:00 GMT) 5% of Token Purchase Amount
  4.   4th week (5/7 09:00 GMT) ~ 5/14 09:00 GMT) there is no bonus

Crowdsale Schedule: April 16, 2018 09:00 (GMT) ~ May 14th. 2018 09:00 (GMT)
The token will be distributed among investors' portfolios 15 days after the end of the Token sale.

For more information, visit:

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://bitschool.io
WHITE PAPER: https://bitschool.io/files/whitepaper_en.pdf
BITCOINTALK THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2886666.0
TWITTER: https: // twitter .com / @ BitschoolAI
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BitschoolAI/
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitschool/
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/bitschool
TELEGRAM: https: //t.me/BitschoolAI

with: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263



Plentix adalah platform dan aplikasi berbasis blockchain terdesentralisasi yang bertujuan untuk menghubungkan dan memberi penghargaan kepada semua peserta dalam program rujukan online.

Terdesentralisasi dan Otomatis

Sebuah sistem Blockchain terdesentralisasi, terdistribusi - menyediakan bisnis dan pengembang dengan struktur untuk memungkinkan platform untuk tetap bebas sementara, pada saat yang sama, memungkinkan sejumlah besar pengembang untuk membangun di atasnya. Otomasi kontrak pintar - memungkinkan pemrogram untuk dengan mudah memasang dan memainkan perangkat lunak yang didukung, memungkinkan pengurangan biaya dengan kemampuan skala dan otomatisasi yang mudah. Dengan menggunakan infrastruktur terdesentralisasi dan terdistribusi, Plentix menyediakan programer dan bisnis dengan kumpulan API dan fitur bersumber terbuka.

Pilihan Hadiah Fleksibel

Ada banyak cara yang mungkin untuk merujuk jaringan Anda untuk mendapatkan imbalan. Pengarah dapat memperoleh hadiah 10% dalam token untuk setiap rujukan yang melakukan pembelian atau bahkan mendapatkan komisi untuk tiga pembelian pertama; terserah pada bisnis untuk memilih. Hadiah mungkin dalam token Plentix. Hadiah dapat dimonetisasi hingga empat pembelian oleh klien wasit. Pilihan hadiah dapat bervariasi dari bisnis ke bisnis, dan termasuk token, diskon atau campuran keduanya.

Arsitektur Inovatif

Bisnis akan memiliki berbagai pilihan integrasi - memungkinkan mereka untuk menyambungkan ke sistem CRM atau sistem POS mereka dengan mulus. Sementara platform Plentix memberdayakan para pengembang untuk menulis modul mereka, aplikasi Plentix akan memungkinkan para pemrogram untuk menulis modul yang akan berintegrasi dengan modul perangkat lunak mereka memiliki sebuah transaksi. Terlepas dari beberapa pemain yang bekerja sama di belakang panggung aplikasi Plentix, pengguna hanya melihat antarmuka front-end dan hanya perlu mendaftar ke aplikasi Plentix.

Akses ke Referal Token

Setiap kali bisnis dan pelanggan terhubung, setiap rekomendasi untuk teman, token Plentix menyimpan dan mentransfer nilai. Karena Plentix adalah platform jaringan dengan token yang mendasari yang merupakan aset dalam ekonomi kripto, semua orang menang: keberhasilan platform sangat terkait dengan keberhasilan penggunanya, pertumbuhan token dan nilai ekosistemnya meningkat oleh platform Plentix. (# 4Win)

  1. Anda dapat merujuk teman menggunakan antarmuka Plentix yang mudah digunakan. Plentix menawarkan kemampuan untuk merujuk pengguna yang bukan anggota platform dengan merutekan undangan melalui media sosial, email, atau SMS - memberi semua pengguna cara mudah dan lurus untuk berinteraksi.
  2. Wasit akan menerima kode diskon yang dapat mereka beli dari bisnis spesifik. Jumlah diskon dan jumlah berapa kali wasit dapat menggunakannya tergantung pada skema dari setiap bisnis yang ditetapkan pada panel admin bisnis mereka.
  3. Orang yang dimaksud kemudian dapat menggunakan kode diskon untuk membeli produk atau layanan. Kode diskon mungkin untuk jangka waktu yang tergantung pada skema.
  4. Pengarah akan menerima token digital atau hadiah kode diskon, tergantung pada skema rujukan bisnis, namun, pengarah akan menerima komisi jika wasit menggunakan kode diskon dan pembelian dari bisnis.

Plentix adalah platform yang memberi pengembang fleksibilitas luar biasa dan potensi untuk menghasilkan melalui perkembangan mereka. Pengembang dapat menggunakan API Plentix untuk menulis modul perangkat lunak mereka sendiri, baik di platform atau melalui aplikasi pihak ke-3 mereka sendiri. Modul on-platform dapat diintegrasikan dalam aplikasi Plentix.

Pengembang di platform akan mendapatkan penghasilan untuk setiap interaksi yang dimiliki pelanggan melalui pengembangan mereka; Programmer dapat menggunakan fitur Plentix untuk menulis di panel administratif khusus yang disesuaikan untuk bisnis yang mereka gunakan untuk berinteraksi dan dibayar untuk setiap transaksi dengan bisnis tersebut dalam aplikasi Plentix.

Panel administratif bisnis menawarkan opsi berbasis industri yang berbeda di mana bisnis dapat memilih skema referensi mana yang ingin mereka tawarkan kepada pengguna. Pengarah selalu dapat memilih antara token Plentix atau diskon di toko atau online. Kami mengantisipasi bahwa opsi akan bervariasi untuk setiap bisnis, berdasarkan sifatnya.

Anda dapat mengontrol kapan dan bagaimana referal Anda dibagikan. Sebagai platform terdesentralisasi, semuanya dilakukan di blockchain - sepenuhnya otomatis program rujukan Anda menggunakan kontrak cerdas - tanpa perlu otoritas, atau bisnis pengontrol apa pun di antaranya



Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bergabung dengan media sosial Plentix hari ini silakan ikuti beberapa sumber untuk referensi berikut:

Situs web: http://plentix.io/

dengan: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Equi adalah Token Inovatif yang akan Mengubah Pasar Modal Ventura. silahkan baca blog ini hingga lengkap untuk mendapatkan informasi yang baik tentang equi.

Visi yang sama adalah untuk membawa modal ventura ke era teknologi modern. dan tentu saja itu akan membuat Anda mudah dalam bisnis dan gaya hidup. menggunakan konektivitas kolektif dan jaringan globalnya yang luas dan didukung oleh dewan pengusaha yang sukses dan visioner. Ini memungkinkan individu untuk menggabungkan kekuatan dan berpartisipasi dalam sektor investasi yang secara tradisional telah melestarikan institusi dan individu dengan kekayaan bersih yang sangat tinggi. akan menampilkan peluang-peluang ini dan memungkinkan investor untuk berpartisipasi dalam generasi selanjutnya dari perusahaan yang sukses.

Setiap investor yang telah berkomitmen EQUItokens untuk peluang investasi pada platform EQUI akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari 70% (pro-rata) dari keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari proyek yang diinvestasikan. Para peserta akan memiliki fleksibilitas dalam proyek yang mereka investasikan dan juga berkaitan dengan nilai mereka memilih untuk berinvestasi, memungkinkan kontrol penuh atas keputusan investasi. Pendekatan ini memberi investor kemampuan untuk menciptakan portofolio investasi investasi yang beragam yang mewakili kepentingan dan pandangan mereka.

Setiap Pemegang menerima 5% (pro-rata) dari laba yang dihasilkan dari portofolio investasi terealisasi, menyediakan token diadakan selama 3 bulan sebelum distribusi keuntungan.

Setiap Pedagang yang memilih untuk menghapus token mereka dari platform EQUI hanya mendapat manfaat dari peningkatan dalam harga EQUItoken dan tidak mendapatkan keuntungan dari mekanisme penghargaan EQUI.


Tim investasi dan spesialis keuangan EQUI yang profesional dan berpengalaman memberikan akses yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya ke jalur luas peluang investasi ceruk.

Semua investasi yang diusulkan mengikuti proses uji tuntas yang ketat untuk mengevaluasi dan memvalidasi pemilihan investasi. Semua pengungkapan material dari proses uji tuntas akan disediakan dalam Platform.

Setelah investasi didanai oleh peserta EQUI, tim EQUI akan bekerja dengan perwakilan hukum untuk proyek mengelola transaksi sampai selesai.

EQUI mengambil pendekatan aktif dengan perusahaan portofolio kami, bekerja dalam kemitraan dengan tim manajemen yang menyediakan fondasi, infrastruktur, dan bimbingan untuk membantu dalam pengembangan dan evolusi bisnis, dengan ambisi utama untuk mencapai pengembalian pemangku kepentingan.

Tim EQUI akan menganalisis kondisi pasar dan evolusi bisnis untuk mencapai posisi keluar optimal bagi semua pemangku kepentingan.

Nama (EQUI)
total pasokan (250 juta EQUItokens)
harga (0,5 USD)

  • 65% token akan tersedia untuk umum melalui proses pra-penjualan dan ICO.
  • 12% akan didistribusikan ke Pendiri EQUI, tunduk pada periode lock-in enam bulan.
  • 15% akan didistribusikan ke Tim EQUI, kuartalan, selama periode dua tahun, tunduk pada periode lock-in enam bulan.
  • 6% akan didistribusikan ke Dewan Penasihat setiap tiga bulan, selama periode dua tahun, tunduk pada periode lock-in enam bulan.
  • 2% akan tersedia untuk Hadiah Bounty.


Tim EQUI memiliki pengalaman yang luas yang mencakup semua aspek bisnis sehingga mereka dilengkapi dengan baik untuk bermitra dengan usaha wirausaha dan mencapai kesuksesan. dan EQUI Capital adalah dana ventura tahap awal, yang mendukung pengusaha teknologi visioner dalam membangun perusahaan terkemuka. EQUI Capital bertujuan menjadi portal utama bagi para wirausaha ambisius yang ingin memelopori visi mereka menjadi kenyataan. Fokus untuk pemilihan investasi menempatkan penekanan pada kemajuan teknologi dengan bias terhadap teknologi blockchain. EQUI Capital bertujuan untuk menjadi portal utama bagi para wirausaha ambisius yang ingin memelopori visi mereka menjadi kenyataan. Dalam ruang modal ventura, dua struktur yang paling sering digunakan adalah hutang ekuitas dan konversi. Ekuitas adalah pengeluaran saham biasa atau saham preferen. Setelah diinvestasikan, ekuitas dimiliki langsung sampai beberapa jenis penjualan atau peristiwa likuiditas perusahaan. Tidak seperti hutang, ekuitas tidak memerlukan pembayaran tetapi diinvestasikan sebagai imbalan untuk persentase saham di perusahaan. Hutang konversi adalah pinjaman yang memberikan pemegang opsi untuk dikonversi menjadi ekuitas.

dengan: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Join Whitelist Presale Instantly Begins, Traderhub - Trading Platform With Sophisticated And Complete Features

Hello friends, on this occasion I will outline some important points, very important and you need to know, this is Mega Project Gemilang Traderhub. the key to your current position, with registration on the whitelist you have the opportunity to earn a lot of profit, contribute to the development of Tokers Tradershub (ENT) project. below I submit some important reasons that become a reference that Tradershub will be a trading platform with a complete line of modern and sophisticated features, it is very helpful to the interest of cryptocurrency in the world FinTech especially Copytrading from some leading traders. take the time to read all the important points I mentioned below.


The world of money and finance is changing rapidly right before our eyes. While most of the world remains unconscious or skeptical, the crypto finance parallel world is growing faster than ever. Cryptocurrencies have been viewed by some as merely passing or unimportant, but as time goes by, the more usage and range of capabilities we witnessed shows that crypto is happening in an important role, prompting cryptocurrency investment from hacker novelty to more common practices main.

Tradershub is developed by a strong cross-functional team to eliminate all friction points, maximize profits and reduce risk by consolidating best trading practices. Working closely with hundreds of people. Worldwide traders and destinations in mind, Tradershub will provide a smart trading platform that combines multiple exchanges with gene trading tools and provides traders and investors of all levels of experience with a credible and collaborative trading environment. Tradershub wants to build the best crypto trading platform and one stop tool in the crypto world.

Tradershub aims to address security concerns, complexity and lack of transparency by consolidating the best trading solutions and eliminating the existing friction points faced daily as it tries to engage in the cryptocurrency market.

Why You Need to Invest Your Tradershub Project Development:

  • Crypto market access with all major exchanges from one account
  • Keep your portfolio data in hand and up-to-date in one place
  • Seamlessly trade and track your performance across all your devices
  • Utilize social capital by following and copying top traders
  • Encourage your knowledge and expertise through the Tradershub reward system
  • Schedule your trading experience with a smarter and simpler UX
  • Make better decisions with current market data feeds and newswires
  • Minimize risk & maximize profits with advanced trading tools
  • Ask for help always on hand with 24/7 customer support

The mission of Tradershub will create a community-powered social trading platform that makes the cryptocurrency market accessible to the average user and offers added value to advanced users.

General purpose:
  • To build an advanced trading platform, on a basis similar to that used by professional traders in traditional markets, and adapted to the crypto economy.
  • Become a go-to platform for trading cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology.
  • Become the most cost-effective and easy-to-use platform to facilitate professional trading of crypto-traders and investors as well as new entrants.
  • To accelerate mass adoption and increase the trust of cryptocurrency trading.
  • To build a market for traders with a focus on social trading and content creation.
Tradeshub will be implemented as an ERC20 compatible token on the Ethereal blockchain.
Ethereum is the optimal choice for this project due to its wide adoption and industry standards
to publish special digital assets. Compatibility with standard ERC20 utilize
The advantages of existing infrastructure from the Ethereal ecosystem.

Tradershub Token will:
  • Become a payment mechanism for accessing and using all features and services on the Tradershub platform
  • Fuel system rewards and dynamic social reputation
  • Become a payment instrument for transaction fees and API calls
Tradershub Token will not:
  • Pay any dividends or profits, including buyback
  • Allows the holder to choose company issues
  • Controlling a company or giving / implying ownership in any way.
ENT is the main payment unit of Tradershub, which basically serves as a utility token. It will be used on platforms to pay fees, access features, provide community building incentives and content creation through a dynamic rewards system

Add Value For Token Holder and Platform User:
  • ENT is the base currency for our platform and will be used to pay all costs on the platform. There will be a limited ENT token. After the initial announcement, there is no set of ENT tokens to be published.
  • Token holders must enter the ENT token into a secured wallet to gain access to premium services on the platform.
  • THT tokens will be used to invest in one or more traders or automatic trading strategies / algo.
  • Certain premium elements of the platform will have limited access. That means users will
  • Needed to have sufficient amount of ENT stored in a secure wallet to access premium services and content.
  • THT tokens will be used to reward qualified creators and traders who will provide insight into their trading books, let others follow them and create valuable content for the community.
Providing Helpful Contribution to Community Development
Through a satisfactory system, Tradershub will give back to users who will be involved in creating additional value for the community. Tradershub will provide up to 20% of the cost as a monthly gift for the best traders and content providers. The prize will be based on the blockchain technology model. We will arrange a competition where traders can get ENT tokens. In addition, platform users can choose the best creators, and show their support for rewarding and encouraging their efforts in quality creation content.
  • Respect system for trader with return score / lowest risk
  • Appreciate systems for traders and creators with the largest number of followers
  • Prizes for active users with the highest referral scores
  • Gifts for the best bloggers

The core team
The tokens will be retained by the founders and developers at the Tradershub team to provide incentives to continue efforts. Because we want to make a profit only if the project is successful operationally, all team token will be locked in a smart contract for 12 months. After that period, tokens will gradually open, receiving a 25% token every 4 months during the second year.

Token will be created for and given to our key advisers and partners who help us on the way to the realization of the project. Part of the advisory mark will be locked for at least 6 months. Our plan is to launch the platform on the market as soon as possible, and throughout the process, the consultant will play a key role in the project guide.

Gift Campaign (Bounty)
Tokens will be allocated to multiple bounties, which we will distribute to everyone who supports Tradershub before and during ICO in the form of social media support, translation, moderation, surveys, bug and vulnerability detection, etc.

Token Distribution
We want to be as transparent as possible about the distribution and ownership of tokens in order to disagree concerns about the well-known "pump and dump" schemes. We strongly believe that crypto-crypto is part of the global financial future and is committed to building a high quality service.

Tradershub increases development fund and market launch by issuing Tradershub Token (ENT) and running an ICO campaign. A maximum of 83,385,000 Traderhub figures will be generated, of which 60.00% will be reserved for crowdsale: 22,896,000 for Presale, and 27,135,000 for ICO. Once the hard cap target is reached, the THT smart contract will stop accepting commitments.

Any funds received on hardcap will be returned to investors. No additional THT will be generated more than the total set of tokens created. If the soft cap is not reached, the investor will be refunded. Additional token sale requirements will be published on the official website, Tradershub.io

Tradershub Token Info:



First public sale
Successful receptivity to whitelist and KYC
ETH at presale.
Presale will give us early community feedback on the level of support and involvement in the Tradershub project.
Funds financed will be used primarily for the technical preparation of MVP, support for advisory legal procedures, including compliance and merger; finance upfront operating costs, including offices and salaries and encourage future ICO marketing campaigns.

Divided into 5 Phases that continued in the ICO:

a.) Phase One
Duration: Up to the beginning of presale
Contribution: 3000 ETH
b.) Second Phase
Duration: 5 Days
Contribution: 1800 ETH
KYC will be required for participants to contribute to the ETH in the ICO crowd. Funds raised will 

mainly be used to:

Full-time team allocation licensing into the engineering and development of the Tradershub platform.
Building relationships with entities, such as exchange providers and other complementary strategic partners
Proactive business development operations, such as preparation and implementation of user acquisition plans and strategies.
Ensuring user security and platform security.
Divided into 3 Advanced Stages from Presale in 3 weeks:
c.) Stage 3: 2250 ETH
d.) Stage 4: 2250 ETH
e.) Stage 5: 2700 ETH

Tradershub will collect revenue from multiple streams. This includes, but is not limited to the following, source (subject to change):
  • Implementation FeeTradershub will charge the execution fee for transactions made through the Tradershub platform.
  • Fees for Trade FeaturesTradershub will charge an execution fee as a mark-up model to exchange fees. The exchange fee usually varies from 0.10 to 0.25.
  • Copy of Trading Cost and Hadah
  • Platform users will have the option to copy their merchants and successful strategies, and on the other hand have the opportunity to show their trading skills to the public where they can make a name for themselves, and possibly get a large number of followers.
  • Active Managing Funds
  • We plan to implement the Tradershub asset management option at later development stage (after market launch) as a solution for wider market usage.
  • Monthly Competition
  • The monthly competition is done with a "demo / paper trade" account. To enter the competition payment of entry fee in ENT will be required. Winners will benefit from participant funds
  • Additional Services 3RD
  • There may be fees or other subscriptions for the platform may collect various other platforms or third party services. Fees will apply to services such as data feeds, newswires, ghosting and other complementary activities on the platform.
The following roadmap shows a milestone of Tradershub history:

Q2 2017 Official start of Tradershub May 23, 2017
Building ideas and building concepts
Tips on active trade, blog
Cryptomarket research
Reviews of the best market trading platform and the development of the customized crypto market
Q3 2017Web page
Feature development
Team expansion
Finalization of business model
Q4 2017Birding
The merchant database
Q1 2018ICO
Q2-Q3 2018 Portfolio appearance
Demo / paper trade
The merchant sees and follows the option
Visualizer arbitrage opportunity
Download market data
Q3-Q4 2018Bersi bet from Tradershub gateway
A customizable crypto watchlist
Combined view
Backtesting database solution
Tradershub SRS
Ghost trade
Mobile app
Q1-Q2 2019Improved indicators, trade scripts and robots
Multi monitor setup
Trade warning
Interactive platform, technical indicators prepared
Third-party add-on products
Smart security and security features, cold wallet integration
Q3-Q4 2019 Further development of social features
The managed fund is managed by Tradershub
To lead the development of the Tradershub platform, it has put together a cross-functional team core with a variety of skills and experience; from crypto trade experts, blockchain software engineers, UX and design professionals, to an experienced advisory board in trade services, security, legal compliance and marketing. Tradershub aims to expand our team to get additional power to deliver road maps on time, and exceeding support expectations.

The core team


TokenStars - Bringing Interaction Between Stars, Fans and Advertisers

The core plan behind TokenStars is to bring the interaction between stars, fans and replacement rate advertisers and solve celebrity management trade issues.https: //tokenstars.com


skills and professionals. In an era of associate once skilled career development is highly dependent on the power to attract social capital and access funding sources, the star wants additional ways that to induce are discovered by spectators and sponsors.


The balance of celebrities, fans and the media has shifted dramatically. Fans are not just watching. In real time they participate, analyze, criticize, fantasize and connect with their favorite stars. Fans want innovation that will provide an opportunity to interact and two-way communication with celebrities.


Brands are asking for new channels of promotion with highly engaged demand for clear and customized tool to run ad campaigns.

We understand that in order to encourage collaboration between the various participants TokenStars must develop a digital climbable solution and competitive incentives for all concerned. Therefore, we have a tendency to build standard blockchain platforms that allow participants to mix that blocks and achieve the required results. Eventually it will amend the way but celebrities connect with fans and advertisers, creating additional economical and valuable. we have a tendency to introduce token teams to empower interactions between parties. Team Token (ERC-20 standard) can function type access to TokenStars platform and as interior currency, required for most operations and transactions between our schemes.

Use of Blockchain.

Our choice of blockchain as the underlying TokenStars platform technology enables us to build transparent, scalable and verifiable systems for all participant platforms, especially for fans, Scouts, promoters, and advertisers. We will provide fans of community leaders with tools to audit distributed blockchain ledger records to prove transparency of interactions and avoid
potential conflict between participants.

Solve market problems.

TokenStars solves major problems that 4 market participants:

  1. talent (the star of the future). We provide financial support for young talents at critical junior age, so they do not fall out of professional sports and entertainment industries. We also help them to attract audiences and gather social capital from the start of collaboration, to start professional careers with considerable disabilities (compared to their peers).
  2. Pros (active sports & entertainment stars). We offer representation and marketing promotions for established pro-athletes and personality media, which are already attractive to sponsors but who are ignored by traditional institutions.
  3. fans desire much closer interaction with celebrity stars and more influence over their favorite clubs. We provide community fans with the opportunity to communicate in real time, choose future stars and become involved in celebrity activities. TokenStars platform has 12 modules for the community and charity click https://tokenstars.com/charity this link to charity TokenStars if it works.

TokenStars ICO is LIVE. Sales token starts 40% Bonus until January 10 12:00 pm PDT and has an additional 5% bunos of participating investors 1Bitcoin and above.

Star ICO module: tokenizing time

Stars do his personal ICO, gets upfront payments for various exclusive communications with fans (locker-room tours, dinners, chats, goods).

Some offers are sold at auction. Offering such a video chat has an unlimited number of participants. Celebrity time is a valuable and limited resource. Which is a fundamental growth factor.

The 'Olympic champion' presells his 50-hour communication with fans, who redeem tokens at 1 on 1 star training, VIP dinner, video chat and other exclusive offerings.

Details of Token

  • Name: Star token
  • TOKEN PRICE: 1 TIM = 0.0001 BTC
  • TOPI: $ 1,000,000
  • HARD TOPI: $ 15,000,000
  • Total Supply: team 75,000,000

More info:

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2043613.0
Website: https://tokenstars.com
Whitepaper: https://tokenstars.com/upload/files/team_whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TokenStars/
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/TokenStars/
Telegram: https://t.me/tokenstars

with: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

SELFLLERY - Simplify Public To Share Visual Content

Greetings of the community, in this new post I will introduce about Project Selfllery and here is the Explanation:

In recent years, the platform for sharing visual content has begun to experience significant growth, with a record 1.2 trillion images taken in 2017, that number has increased by more than 600 billion by 2013. In Photos that will increase year by year create a sharing platform that starts visualizing visual content. But for that amount, only a few earn money for their visual content, and others just share content but do not benefit from it. We have seen this uneven and started building a platform called "SELFLLERY", a Platform that allows Users to monetize their Content, and a Platform that will make it easier for Public to share visual content. Our goal is to make the Community as easy and as possible as possible in sharing visual content and getting results from it,

We provide some features that can maximize your content sharing activity for charity purposes or share news with other users. We create an ecosystem where our system is integrated directly with the blockchain technology that will be the basis for our Platform development.

We will make it easier for the Community to share the visual content in this area, and make the most of it. Users do not have to bother monetizing their visual content like on other Platforms when your content likes to get your content instantly paid by using a token.

Users will also have tokens from whatever visual content they sell in the markets we provide, or users can participate in campaign ads and get results from them.

Any social activity that Users use on our Platform is directly rewarded with a token, which will give users direct access to paid content on the SELFLLERY Platform. We provide media where users can make purchases in the Selfllery market and stock galleries, donate to charities, and make internal transfers and withdraw tokens on Ethereal wallets.

We believe in a well-designed and well-established system. We can provide an innovative and feature-rich Content Sharing platform each of which has User-generated content types. We believe that blockchain technology is the most important part of it, we can build a platform that is more secure and more efficient than similar platforms.

we invite you to expand this Platform, to reach Broad Society. We will release a Token with the name "YOU Token", here is the data.

  • Name: YOUR Token
  • 1 YOU: 0.001 ETH
  • Softcap: 10 000 ETH
  • Hardcap: 55,000 ET
  • Minimum purchase amount: 0.1 ETH

Distribution and Sale Token


For more information:

WEB: https://selfllery.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://selfllery.com/wp/selfllery_whitepaper_en.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Selfllery
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/selfllery
FACEBOOK: https://selfllery.com/: //selfllery.com/: //www.facebook.com/Selfllery

with: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Betex is the foremost platform for trading

Betex is the foremost platform for trading in P2P derivative financial instruments. In recent years, regulators from around the world have made quite strong statements, arguing that binary options are a hoax, and that traders do not want to participate. Apparently, the excellent concept of Binary Options has been undermined by shady and dishonest brokers, their appetite for profit and the fact that they have endless opportunities to deceive their customers. Some programs have low speed and performance, which affects both the delay in graphical display of quotes , and on the timeliness of transactions - day traders lose their temper when the program slows down, although those who do not conduct intraday trading, may not attach importance to this. Betex has no such shortcomings Intuitive clarity of the interface, color solution - important factors that affect the comfort of trade.

With Betex, traders will bet against each other, not against platform providers or any other intermediaries. This platform is built on Blockchain technology, which is different from the usual platforms. Betex provides access to real-time data, thereby reliably owning the absolute transparency of its system. Payments are automatically cleared through smart contracts directly to your ETH wallet, providing immediate withdrawal without delay or cancellation
Betex - 95% of the funds are distributed between traders.

This project is created by people who are well versed in this technology.
The project team:


You can take part in the company's bounty (BOUNTY).
Thus, to contribute to the development of the project.
Participating in campaigns with bonuses, where you can help the creators of the project with marketing. For example, through a social network, such as Facebook or Twitter, or even translating a project into another language and so on. For your participation you will be rewarded with tokens.
Additional information about BOUNTY can be found here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2961780.0

Some of the links you might need:

Official web page: https: //betexlab.com/
Technical documentation: https: //betexlab.com/ico/betex-wp.pdf
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/betex_tokens
Telegram: https: //t.me/betex_ico
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/Betex-Lab-108138139938618/

with: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Elementh. Project for the e-commerce / development industry with great potential.

Elementh is a non-profit organization. This is a huge global project that can have a big impact on the global e-commerce industry. They use blockchain technology to revolutionize the e-commerce industry.

Beginning of work:

Elementh is managed and developed by an experienced and professional team, using renewable resources and technologies to develop its platform. Elementh uses Blockchain technology as a buffer structure for the entire ecosystem created. Using this technology, Elementh creates the best services for e-commerce platforms. Elementh operates as a service that will provide and create a list of proprietary elements for the e-commerce industry that use the intellectual contract system in each implementation. Elementh understands that there are still many mistakes in the application of code in the e-commerce industry, and the experience and the team that are reliable, then Elementh has created a system that will handle it. Elementh creates an alternative protocol for decentralized application development in the e-commerce industry. Elementh has an intellectual function in the implementation of intellectual contracts in the e-commerce industry. Users can directly check and track items that were previously registered. Elementh has developed this system for loading items with the name of the original owner. Elementh also creates that any activity performed within the framework of the Platform will be based on a token named EEE, this token can be used for transaction or exchange in exchange. Elementh will use the decentralized system and the IPFS protocol. which will ensure the storage of user data and make the data more accessible. Elementh provides functions in which users can manage their finances or finances.

And what about Lockhein?

Elementh will achieve this by creating a Blockchain with the full built-in programming language Turing, allowing everyone to write intelligent contracts and decentralized applications, allowing the use of integrated product maps, e-commerce transactions and their own translations. Elementh will use Blockchain technology to manage the presence and listing of products and ensure the collaboration of users and sellers.

Customers will be able to pay for smart contracts and can easily return money if the product never arrives (because Blockchain can track the product and check if the product is shipped or not).
Elementh has a system of products that can also be used in a large number of applications, such as tracking the movement of certain products from its creation to the current owner, tracking goods and detecting counterfeit goods.

Unlike the token system, the goods system also provides the ability to extract certain products at a specific address that shows all possible item data (such as name, manufacturer, barcode, etc.). And if an identical element already exists in Blockchain, the publisher will receive a message about it, and he will have the opportunity to show how many items he wants to release. Elements of the system are in the same copy, and if the goods with the same serial number are added to the system,
any dApp can notify customers that the origin of the goods is unknown. If the chain of ownership belongs to the manufacturer, the authenticity of the goods will be produced throughout the network.

The account is one of the main objects in Elementh; This is used as the identifier of network members. Each account has:
The balance of the internal account of the EEE;

information on the ownership of goods For the storage of data on goods, such as specifications, photographs, EAN codes, serial numbers and others, Elementh uses the IPFS protocol. IPFS (interplanetary file system) is a hypermedia communication protocol, addressable, peer-to-peer. IPFS allows you to create a fully distributed application.

It's aimed
Make the World Wide Web faster, safer and more open. There are two types of applications on Elementh.

The first category is a financial application that gives users a good opportunity to manage and participate in contracts using cash, including buying and selling products and content online and offline, and tokens available in the Elementh software.

The second category is non-financial applications, such as the identification of counterfeit goods or counterfeit goods in the supply chain, and others. Elementh Blockchain has its own built-in currency, elementh (EEE), which is used for all operations inside Elementh Blockchain,
For example, payment of transaction fees.

Tokens are checked as EEE, and they follow the default ERC20. The initial sale of Elementh platform tokens will begin on April 1, 2018 at 00:00 UTC and will expire on April 30, 2018 at 11:59 pm
UTC. 1 EEE will be equivalent to 0.0002 ETH. During the ICO, each sale of tokens on the first day will attract 30% of the bonus token, and the second day will attract 15% of the bonus token.
The only currency that will be received during the sale of the marker is ET. One of the road maps of the platform is the launch of the alpha-Elementh Blockchain version in June 2018.

Elementh's goal is to create an alternative protocol for the development of decentralized applications used by e-commerce, providing a standard nomenclature of quality, ensuring the ownership of a particular product and the ability to create specialized intellectual contracts for electronic commerce. Elementh will achieve this by creating a block chain with the built-in Turing programming language, allowing everyone to write intelligent contracts and decentralized applications, allowing the use of unified product maps, e-commerce transactions and transfer of ownership.

Elementh believes that with a reliable and reliable team and system, Elementh can provide users with services that will solve problems related to electronic commerce and provide users with various advantages and ease in each of their activities in the electronic commerce industry. Team Elementh also believes that with systematic and professional development Team Elementh can build a better platform than similar platforms.

January 15, 2018 - February 14, 2018
Selling lexemes
April 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018

Information on ticker tokens: EEEPlatform: EthereumType of marker: ERC20Affordable for sale: 217 500 000 EEE

Financial Price: 1 EEA = 0.0001 ETH Acceptance: ETH, BTC Hard cover: 1,500 ETH

Road map


For more information, please click on the link below:

WEB: https://elementh.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://github.com/ElementhFoundation/Documentation
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/elementh_community
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Ahooleeman
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Elementh-1371154296341075/

with: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263