Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

The Arcona - New Innovations that Integrate the Virtual World into a Blockchain-Based Realm

The Arcona ecosystem creates the Digital Land - the Augmented Reality layer, uniting the physical and virtual world into an information environment that is closely related to our real world. It's designed for an interactive daily user experience by adding virtual multimedia content and a mix of reality in real-world locations. You can change the actual surround environment around you quickly with smartphones, tablets or headsets, like HoloLens or the like.

In this Digital Land, anyone can rent a piece of land and start doing business on the AR platform. Everything will be remotely controlled, allowing you to do business around the world, without leaving your office. the token holder will bid and have a virtual lot and receive lease payments if their lot is used by other AR programs on the platform.

Arcona is designed to combine AR in all real-world business areas. This ecosystem is useful in real estate, tourism, gaming, media, advertising, education, and the arts industry: the possibilities are endless. The Arcona Ecosystem is a simple and easy way to deliver an AR project from any complexity and style, connecting users and developers on a P2P basis. The Arcona ecosystem market will be central, bringing together all the inhabitants of society and enabling free trade of AR content, software, services, digital land, and more.

Digital Land is the main asset of Arcona AR ecosystem. You can buy, sell, rent or rent using an ERC20 token called Arcona. By using Arcona tokens, you can sell creative software or 3D content to landowners and users, buy games, attend special places, purchase professional services (coding, advertising, content creation) and participate in advertising, promotions, special actions, games, and more - all within the Arcona Ecosystem.


From a company point of view
Problem: The ad channel market is saturated. Traditional media channels lose their communication skills to their target audience. The advertising industry needs to find new formats, places and experiences.

Solution: Arcona augmenten reality layer is a new space, a new medium for advertising, communication and brand sharing opportunities. There is little space in the real world for a new billboard, but there's a lot of virtual space in Arcona.

From the end user's point of view

Problem: There is no single tool for the user to interact well with the increasing reality.

Solution: Arcona in the public information space brings together the physical and virtual world everywhere. Arcona offers free access to all users and software functions, enabling them to quickly change the real area around them.

From the standpoint of developer AR

Problem: The AR Indoor project is easy to build, but the outdoor AR project presents a challenge, as developers have to travel to a location to build it, which significantly increases costs.

Solution: With Arcona tools you can accurately and remotely place the added objects of reality in a changing environment. No GPS - we use real world objects as markers.

Arcona offers the ability to connect virtual content with real views anywhere, regardless of size.

We have a universal augmented reality environment that connects developers and consumers.

Arcona visually combines virtual and real space that also adapts to user movement.

From the point of view of the global AR market

Problem: There are more than 10 AR platforms, each supporting only one special AR-enabled device: smartphones only, smart glasses, AR headset only, iPhone only Android phone only. The market is fully tabulated, and universal, Cross-device ecosystems are required to make fluid interactions between AR content developers, AR apps, content, and end users possible.

Solution: Arcona is a cross-platform solution and supports any device. We provide simultaneous experience and device usage. Users will be able to view and interact with virtual objects in real-world locations simultaneously and through different gadgets. We combine developers and users, businesses and customers, and most importantly, we remove the borders between countries. Our decentralized system will operate on every continent and give all participants equal opportunity to the ecosystem.

From a conceptual point of view

Issue: Currently, only professional AR developers can create AR experiences. Therefore, the only end user role available is to buy and use what others have created, without being able to use their creative potential to build their own AR experience.

Solution: The Arcona ecosystem is very important because it gives creative people the opportunity to present their projects to the public at large. Residents of Arcona will be able to create and monetize their own AR projects without the need for hilevel programming knowledge (WordPress and Youtube models).

Attraction, Income, Milestones

Arcona AR ecosystem is being developed by a professional team-PiligrimXXI. We have 5 years experience in developing AR solutions, and Arcona is a natural extension of our passion and experience at AR.

Piligrim XXI has been working in the AR development market since 2013, enhancing the tourism experience by providing opportunities for time travel, to see how various places and events of history look like in the past. In 2014, we launched the world's first outdoor outdoor augmented reality park.


In 2023, the use of Augmented Reality as a broad phenomenon; Piligrim XXI and Arcona AR Ecosystem we have become the industry standard; we have successfully combined the physical and virtual world into a single, complementary reality environment that has reached a total area of ​​100,000 km² of AR georeferencing area in the world's major capitals; the ecosystem community and its internal economy are fully operational and rely on millions of active users, participating in further development and perfection.


Develop augmented reality (AR) technology that enhances and brings new experiences to human beings.


The main features of the AR ecosystem


Arcona allows you to place virtual projects anywhere in the world without leaving your home. Choose the most popular and visited places. Create the whole world on your Digital land.


The world market is open to you in the Arcona ecosystem. Buy, sell, rent your Digital Land. Generate creativity, create and sell the most incredible content.


Smart contracts are blocked, guarantee copyright and property rights protection. The system automates royalty payments to content creators, and rents out to digital asset owners.

Token Arcona

The arcona token is equivalent to the cost of digital assets and is the universal currency of the Arcona ecosystem. It will be used for the purchase of all digital goods and services within the ecosystem. Arcona uses Etheral blockcchain technology ERC20 type.

Blockchain technology makes it possible to guarantee the same conditions and additional protection for ownership of digital landowners within the Arcona platform, as well as copyright protection for developers and artists living in any country in the world. Blockchain technology makes every transaction in the system more reliable, transparent, and mobile.

  • Token details
  • Token name: Arcona
  • Price toke: 1 Arcona = 1 USD
  • Total token: 100,000,000 tokens
  • Token sales: Token sales will be on 27 November 2017
  • Objective: Arcona Tokens will be used for the purchase of all digital goods and services within the ecosystem.

Token distribution

From the total token total target target of 100 million arcona tokens will be distributed
20% of the team (Vesting: 5% for 6 months, 5% for 12 months and 10% for 18 months after ICO completion),> 7% advisors (Vesting: 3.5% for 6 months and> 3.5% for 12 months after ICO is completed), 5% gift,
60% will enter the market
8% reserve fund


more info:

Official website: https://www.arcona.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/arconaico/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/arconaico
Reddit: https: //www.reddit. com / subreddits / Suche? q = arconaico
Medium: https://medium.com/@arcona
Ann Subject: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324174.0

By culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263


The sports industry is a very diverse industry, including segments such as professional sports, athletics, health and fitness, recreational sports and facility management. The industry is currently growing, growing, sports managers in various segments. FIT includes professional sports, cross-sector sports sports, sports and fitness sports, leisure management segments and sports industry facilities and ethical issues in each of these segments.

What is a FIT token?

FIT - the first decentralized platform for fitness and sports, built on the network Ethereal. COCOK's tokens are designed to destroy the fitness and sports industry by developing intelligent and innovative concepts that are suitable for everyday people in Blockchain.

Fit Token is a decentralized opportunity for members of the blockchain community to buy membership and order in the Sport Entertainment fitness center from the convenience of their mobile application or web platform.

The FIT Token application will be a key tool for every fitness center to perform its daily tasks. Fit tokens will be an extended application for the fitness center management system and sports that will use the Blockchain network. We firmly believe that blockchain technology has a huge potential for accelerating the subscription to online membership in the Sports and Entertainment Center.

Why invest in FIT tokens?

Decentralized system
FIT Token will be a fully decentralized platform and will use existing block applications. All user data will be stored in a block chain, as the results of the FIT token compliance should not be afraid of the confidentiality of their digital assets.

No commissions for transactions

Transactions related to third parties, such as the Bank or exchange, may be more expensive and busy. The FIT token, on the other hand, is built on distributed block-based technology that contains users of the FIT Tokens client server, which is started and connected to other nodes. Thus, it allows users to contribute to the network and take steps to authorize transactions. In simple words, each transaction does not care about the value and where it happens is allowed after the full participation of each user connected to the network. Thus, transaction costs are divided equally, and individually the price is practically not a user.

Fittoken is quite actively developed, we in 2018 opened the first Fit Center, and then a set of applications that will become the FIT zone.
Imagine that in early 2019 around the world will open and will develop 30-35 Fit center and 20-25 FIT zones.

And, of course, thanks to the decentralized platform of Blockchain, visitors and investors, and only people who come to the new sports center, will always be safe and comfortable.

You do not need to immediately buy an annual subscription and torture yourself with a grueling workout every day - you can not get money back! No, it's different here. You can go in a month or a day, maybe a season!

Ini coin proposal (ICO)

FIT Tokens will launch its own ICO (Initial Offer of Coins) on November 24, 2017. The ICO period will continue until January 24, 2018, after which the sale of tokens will be blocked. By accepting a sales token, FOT Tokens can not be devalued due to inflation. Our ICO is a fundraising campaign based on the contract of Smart Ethereum. To participate in the ICO, you must have a coin with a cryptographic currency, which you will use to purchase our tokens.

The following is a brief overview of the ICO parameters:

ICO parameters

Token's total inventory will be limited to 400,000 FIT

Amount to be attracted

  • Minimum: 3500 ETH
  • Expected: 45,000 ETH
  • Maximum: 300,000 ETH

Token FIT - Sale of a token on sale before ICO

Our preliminary ICO will begin on October 30, 2017 and will last approximately 4 weeks until November 30, 2017. In the preliminary sales of ICO, we will sell about 10% of the total number of 12,500,000 tokens at a price of US $ 0.10 per FIT

Distribution of funds during pre-sale ICO

The funds allocated during the preliminary ISO will be used for marketing and development purposes. Coins COCOK will spend a lot of money for marketing purposes and will implement long-term marketing plans, planning some approaches to digital marketing, such as advertising banners, press releases, advertising campaigns and social networks.

Main current ICO FIT

  • At this stage, we plan to launch a large ICO to raise funds and begin an immediate exchange of FIT tokens from your contribution. The total Token inventory will be limited to 400,000,000 FIT, for example 400 million FIT.
  • People who want to use or donate support for a new FIT token will participate in the crowdfund by sending FIT tokens to the project.
  • At the end of ICO Utama, each participant will receive a FIT token in accordance with the amount of airtime or the value in US dollars that they donate. The more FIT tokens in crowdfund, the more important each sign.
  • After the crowdfund team is finished, the token will be sold on different exchanges, where the value will be determined by supply and demand.
  • Then tokens are sold to provide funds for investment in future growth of projects, to pay team members for the development of their business and to promote this project, mentioned further in Pre ICO.
  • We use key concepts such as cap, gender, escrow, audit, bonus and incentives to protect crowdfund members from unscrupulous projects and avoid FIT tokens from inflation. In addition, the implementation of this rule ensures that those who try to deceive Fit Tokens token owners from their hard-earned FIT tokens remain unsuccessful, and token owners are rewarded for showing enthusiasm for the project. The value of the rigid cover is supported by 100 million Tokens.
Distribution of tokens

200 000 FIT or 50% of the total amount will be sold to the participants of foldsal. This includes tokens, which are available during pre-sales and major sales.

75,000,000 FIT, or 20% of the total, will be issued to develop the Platform and provide incentives to key stakeholders, promote the Platform and reward initial adapters. Taking into account the periods of blocking.

75 000 000 FIT or 20% of the total amount will be used by Marketing, advisers and owners
50 000 000 FIT or 10% on remuneration for platform users.

Token Sales Structure

Wallet for deposits: BTC, ET, DASH, ZCASH, WAVES
Pre-sale: 10% = 12,500,000 pre-sale tokens at a price of $ 0.10.

Initial capitalization of public sales:
  • 25 000000 FIT Token @ $ 0.20 per token (0.00075 ETH)
  • 25 000000 FIT Token @ $ 0.25 per token (0.00095 ETH)
  • 25 000 000 token FIT @ $ 0.30 per token (0.001 ETH)
  • 25 000 000 token FIT @ $ 0.35 per token (0.0013 ETH)
  • 42 500 000 FIT Tokens @ $ 0.40 per token (0.0015 ETH)
  • 42 500 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.50 per token (0.0019 ETH)
Bounty: The prize will be launched to send and sell the FIT token. 20% will be added to the participation in the bounty. The minimum FIT token that will be purchased in the pre-sale sale: 3000 FIT

Dividend Security Token

All early adopters who purchase tokens will receive a 20% bonus from a number of tokens that are purchased privately and will be delivered to their FIT platform when it becomes functional

I also love sports fans, I would like to thank the creators. The Fittoken project is a team of 33 professionals of sports and fitness at the international level! And the countries that want to join, are becoming more and more successful!

For more information you can click on the link below:

Website: https://fittoken.io
ANN Theme: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2526775.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FITToken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FITToken/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/DHQwjwzsnBq0PDCFibAe3Q

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Block bank

What is Block Bank
At this time I will discuss Block Bank to you

Block Bank is a decentralized interactive financial platform and one of the first generation banks to use blockchain to improve the efficiency and security of its financial services. The mission of Block Bank's mission is to revolutionize the banking industry by offering the most accessible credit to all, including non-bank countries.

The purpose of the BanK Block is to provide integrated and integrated services integrated with blockchain technology that will provide transparency to Block Bank customers and investors. In this way, the client can ensure Block Banks activity and investment security. Block Bank will also use blockchain technology to streamline business activity and improve efficiency and security.

Visionary actors years ago recognized the potential that the crypto currency, and invested in promising blockchain technology. Today these people have returned many times. But crypto currency is not just a quick enrichment scheme. Blockchain technology allows the progress of all systems and processes that we know today. Transactions are faster and cheaper, and all without intermediaries. Many innovative teams have recognized the power of crypto currency, or blockchain technology, and are quickly starting to build teams for their crypto beginners.

One of these promising projects is the story. This is a Block Bank project. Block Bank intends to create the first decentralized bank that fully comply with the rule of law. Currently, banks have many problems, such as high fees and brokering. Block Bank will fix it. Not only will it improve the way businesses work for users of the existing banking system, but will also allow access to those who currently do not have access to banking, the country and the underdeveloped population. Together with the Block Bank project, we must enter a new banking era. The client platform will be able to lend funds, the loan will be able to borrow fiat currency, or crypto currency.

All this is possible with very low borrowing costs. Block Bank will bundle blockchain technology into its model. It will use the ethereum network, which brings us smart contracts and compatible proof of ERC that can drive the ecosystem. This is a very serious project that has secured multi-million private investment from private sources who want to participate in the revolution. Block Bank is indeed a project we need today, it will show the strength of the house has blockchain technology, as well as complement the infrastructure that we miss.

The BlockBank project is a fruit team led by Adam Cuffe. Along with him there are a number of developers, designers, architects and other marketing experts who helped him in the project. Together, they have the knowledge they need to overcome the challenges they face in their journey. Many projects do not have the skills and variations of people like this project.

How to make money with Blockbank
You can view and understand the video from the project below:

Long term investment
The owner of the BBRT token can earn up to 80% of the bank's total net income

Partner code
Users can create up to 30% commissions by connecting people on their network to Block Bank with a pairing code

The appeal of the project

This project looks very interesting and here we have provided you with basic information. We try to get closer to this prospective project, but to know all the information, to the level of detail, we recommend you look at official clip makers, very detailed and clear to understand that you are an expert or beginner in blocking. technology, which you can find at the following link: //theblock-bank.com/pdf/blockbank_whitepaper.pdf

Offer Token Offer Token
also planned you can support this project and thus allow development and in turn get tokens, and engage in revolution. Sales are done in several stages. Prices start from $ 0.2 to $ 0.6 per point, depending on the stage you are selling. You can participate in the token offer at the following link: http://theblock-bank.com/

Bounty Campaign
You can also participate through the so-called gift program. This means you can support a project through a social network, help founders in translation, blogs, engage in signature campaigns, etc. For more information, please see: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2345662.0

Bitcointalk is the place to find out the best information and people about this project, but you can ask questions and the people who work on the project are happy to answer or help if needed. Thread with project announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2353455

There is nothing else to do but expect people to work on projects as well as those who will support them. Block Bank brings the right predictions to gain valuable market value and we believe it will be a total success, and you do not forget to go to http://theblock-bank.com/ and through token offerings to participate in the revolution.

If you want to invest in this project, make sure you have seen and read the Website and the white paper they provide.

For more information :

Website: http://theblock-bank.com/

Whitepaper: http://theblock-bank.com/pdf/blockbank_whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/BlockBank_cash

Twitter: https://twitter.com/block_bank

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blockbank.cash

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

WePower Blokzinciri based green energy platform

WePower enables renewable energy producers to increase capital by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens represent the energy they commit to be produced and delivered. The standardization of energy tokenisasi simplifies and opens the current global energy investment ecosystem. As a result, energy producers can trade directly with green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and raise capital by selling energy upfront, below market prices. Energy encryption ensures liquidity and expands access to capital. WePower's blockfalk solution is currently recognized by Elering, one of the most innovative Transmission System Operators in Europe.

To optimize the financing cycle and open up access to capital, WePower allows energy to be energized. Encrypted energy is a contract mechanism between energy producers and energy buyers

The founder says WePower will offer an electric contract at a lower price than the conventional market. In Spain, the market for the launch of WePower, they estimate that one megawatt-hour would cost $ 39- $ 40 per unit with a standard wholesale price of $ 47 per unit. That will save 17% and the unit itself can be traded, which means you can sell at a price if the price goes up (say, because there is a shortage of renewable power available anytime).

The current structure of the energy market
According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BENF) 1, the investment rate of 2016 to renewable energy has reached 242 billion USD, which is a 23% decrease from the previous year as seen in the table on the right. Nevertheless, the preliminary trend of 2017 shows investment in renewable energy fell to 20.9% in Q1 compared to 2016, from 64.25 billion to 50.84 billion. The market is dominated by banks, PE funds and hedge funds that dominate the energy investment market. This system does not serve the renewable energy community with proper access to the network. Nor does it serve consumers with the right energy access.

Through this method, WePower solves the following energy market shortfalls:

Global access to capital for green energy projects
Global access to green energy investment and trade (ie liquidity)
Speed ​​and transparency
WePower business case
Energy production is big business:

24,756 TWh3 of energy produced annually.
Energy 24,756,000,000 MWh generated from renewable sources.
Assuming LEC (measured energy level) of the average solar and wind 50 EUR / MWh (most probably cheaper), the total market of energy production alone and its sales is 1.24 trillion USD.
The current annual investment in renewable energy amounts to 242 billion USD4.

WePower token model
The WePower platform enables renewable energy producers to provide tokens and sell the energy they generate. A renewable energy producer connected to the platform releases its own energy token inside the WePower platform, where 1 energy token represents 1 kWh of green energy to be produced within a certain time in the future (usually within 4-6 months of connection).

Any renewable energy plant connected to the WePower platform will hold an auction for the sale of token energy. The WePower token holder will have priority access to the auction and the allocation will depend on the number of WePower tokens they have.

Blockchain function
Blockchain allows:
  • Innovative community interactions across apps
  • Provide third party liquidity through decentralized exchange and protocol
  • Improve efficiency due to the removal of intelligent brokering agents
  • Improved security due to data conservation
  • Maintenance is cheap vs centralized database
  • Transaction history and transaction prediction
  • Tolerance error for DApps due to the decentralized nature of blockchain

Sales Token
The main terms of selling WePower tokens:

Token creation will expire when the maximum amount of WPR is issued or the contribution period has expired. If less than the soft margin of the minimum token is issued, the sales contribution token may be taken.

WePower started the second Official Bounty Program to reward its supporters with more WPR tokens.

1.5% of all issued tokens will be allocated to the Bounty Program but will not exceed 525,000 USD in the WPR token.
The program will run until the end of Sale Token. Prizes will be paid within 30 days after the end of the Token Sale.

more info:

Website https://wepower.network/
Whitepapper https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9QClujD9ilRSGVxMXcwdUstN0E/view
Twitter https://twitter.com/WePowerN

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Boon review from Mashenka. BoonTech - a revolution in the freelance market.

Freelance is a developed, advanced and increasingly popular phenomenon in the modern labor market. Formed and gained momentum this market just a few years ago. Before that, it existed for many freelancers just as an additional source of earning or part-time work in their spare time.

The development of computer technology, the proliferation of powerful computers and smartphones, high-speed Internet, social networks, 3-d printing and other new technologies give strong impulses for the development of modern freelancing. More and more popular freelance is increasing every year the involvement of modern society in the world of high technology, the Internet and the digital economy.

What is Boon Tech?
Boon Tech is a revolutionary platform for freelancers and employers, working on the basis of blocking technology. This is the first decentralized platform in the world in which both employers and freelancers receive rewards for working with the platform. For convenient work, a mobile application for iOS, Android, and WEB version of the interface is being developed. Both customers and freelancers use the platform for free. In order to attract users and motivate them to work with the platform Boon Tech will reward users with tokens of Boon Coin.

What are Boon Tech tokens?
The Boon Tech campaign developed and patented technology, which is designed to hedge against the volatility of the crypto currency.
Interaction on the Boon Tech platform between customers and executors will be performed on smart Ethereum contracts, using BOON tokens. BOON's tokens will be protected from the high volatility of other crypto-currencies and will not be used as an investment or speculative instrument, as well as for the promotion of certain campaigns. BOON will be used exclusively for mutual settlements between customers and performers within the Boon Tech platform.

Information about ICO.
The cost of the token on ICO 1 ETH = 8,000 BOON Coins.
The sale of tokens (Pre ICO) starts on December 15 and ends on January 15.
Registration at Presale is open on the site: https://boon.vc/
In total, 1 billion BOON tokens will be issued. Of these, the ICO plans to sell 500 million, and the rest will be used on the platform for mutual settlements.

Platforms that include platform owners and the Entrepreneur's agenda. The BOON Tech platform provides more incentives by providing bonuses for coin expenditure on the platform. This allows us to create trust, also inspire Entrepreneurs to take advantage of the platform.

BOON Tech platform that rewards Employers and workers especially freelancers so they are given incentives to control the platform to restore jobs even while building trust. Provide a platform that lowers earnings if they pass through the platform. BOON Tech rewards them for using the BOON platform. It enables to use the platform again, much more.

The BOON Tech platform supports freelancers to operate platforms with many existing Entrepreneurs, enabling many good reviews for the profile. Freelancers are inspired to use the platform for re-review of many existing Entrepreneurs, which makes their information more tempting for new Entrepreneurs.

Give a platform that gives incentives to workers or freelancers to guide other entrepreneurs as they work with individuals. BOON Tech provides bonuses for using the platform.

Finally, once you understand all the things you need to know about BOON Tech, hopefully this article makes you better understand about joining a very good platform for workers (freelancers) or entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur, you may be able to use BOON Platform because their capital is secure in escrow also guarantee rewards for using the BOON Platform. You are free to contact them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoonTechUSA

more info:

Website: https: //boon.vc/
Whitepaper: https: //boon.vc/Whitepaper/BoonTechWhitePaper.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/boontechusa/
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/boontechusa

Telegram: https: //t.me/booncoin

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

TIGEREUM - Attaching Money to Instant Messaging

The technology behind the crypto currency, really changes our view of the world. Almost all the processes and operations we know are altered. The usability of blockchain technology has been noticed by many innovators that are now gathering into crypto projects. In this way, the missing infrastructure in the crypto world is filled up, but it is also shown the value of the utilization power provided by this innovative technology.

The project we are talking about today is called the Tigereum. They solve many of the problems we currently have in the crypto world. One of the major problems is the complexity of transactions, especially for new users who are not familiar with the cryptovalue mechanism and blockchain technology. Tigereum offers an elegant solution to this problem in the form of a world that will send a crypto currencies message. Bot will be present on all major and well-known messaging applications. One such application can be seen in African countries where people are exchanging money through sms messages on mobile devices. Now with the help of blockchain technology, all this will get to a new level. What's great about Tigereum is that there is no unnecessary bureaucracy. Everything is very simple. This ensures a good user response and experience. All crypts are supported and there is guaranteed anonymity. The whole process will go this way. First, add Tigereum as your app's friend. Open chat with Tigereum and ask you three questions. Which crypto currency you are sending, how much do you want to write something for the friend you are sending to? Then select the friends you are sending to. And that's it. It's really easy and easy! You have sent crypto currencies to your friend on the app. We're sure we'll be surprised when it gets such a transfer. The Tigereum is a real example of how to spread news about crypto currencies and blockchain technology.

Bounty Campaign
You can also take part in so-called bounty programs. This means that you can support a project through social networks, help founders in various translations, write blogs, engage in signature campaigns, etc. For more information, see: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2534098.0

Bitcointalk is where to find out the best information and people about the project, but you can ask questions and people who work on the project are happy to answer or help if needed. Thread with project announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2331649

There is nothing left to do but to wish for the people working on the project as well as those who will support it. The Tigereum brings the real prediction to the crypto currency market and we are sure it will be a complete success, and you do not forget to go to https://www.tigereum.io/ and through the offer of tokens to participate in the revolution.

The Tigereum Project is a fruit of a team led by Darren Olney-Fraser. Along with him there are a number of other developers, designers, architects and marketing experts who assist him in the project. Together, they have the knowledge they need to cope with any challenge they face in their journey. Many projects do not have the expertise and a wide range of people as this project has.

The project looks very interesting and here we have given you basic information. We tried to get you closer to this prospective project, but to find out all the information, to the level of detail, we recommend looking at the official whitepaper, very detailed and clear to understand you were an expert or novice in blockchain technologies, which you can find at the following link: https: //docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/970dc6_0468245ff0854f95b4e0030218ce4564.pdf

Offer token
A token offering is also planned. You can support the project and thus enable development and in turn get tokens, and so engage in revolution. You can participate in the token purchase until 18.12. at the price of 1000 TIG = 1 ETH. In the circulation 40,000,000 TIG tokens are available. You can take part in the token offer at the following link: https://www.tigereum.io/

For more information :

Website: http: //www.tigereum.io/
Whitepaper:https: //docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/970dc6_0468245ff0854f95b4e0030218ce4564.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/tigereumtokens
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/tigereumtokens
Telegram: https: //t.me/joinchat/F8Cw7xEinbeAPbD1NKNApA

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

ugChain: the decentralized game ecosystem

Why did ugChain choose the gaming industry?
The gaming industry has a huge user base. The current size of the Chinese gamer user base is nearly 507 million. Apart from that, the market size of the gambling industry will reach a trillion scale in the near future. There is room for a huge profit margin.

We believe that existing problems in the game industry can be solved with the correct implementation of blockchain technology. This is why blockchain will be considered in the near future as an inevitable trend for the development of the game industry. What are the competitive advantages of ugChain?

ugChain is the first game-based ecosystem based on blockchain technology in China. In April 2017, ugChain completed the first blockchain-based application platform for gaming.

ugChain push smart contract attributes of the blockchain to solve the current mico transaction problems and hitches in the sector.

Blockchain-based gaming platform not only has the power of technology empowerment, it also strengthens resource integration.

With the impeccable experience in the development of blockchain-based applications and gaming industry, ugChain has already set up a partnership with a number of large game companies and platforms.Crowdsale
One hundred million (100,000,000) UGTs are made as UGT's total token offer. The UGToken offer is

distributed as follows:

  • 45% of UGTs (45,000,000) is distributed via the crowdsale.
  • 30% of the UGTs (30,000,000) will be allocated to community initiatives related to business.

development, as well as academic research and education

  • 10% of UGTs (10,000,000) is distributed to market promotion and expansion.
  • 10% of the UGTs (10,000,000) are distributed among the founders and the development team.
  • 5% of the UGTs (10,000,000) are distributed among early backers and consultants. New blood.

from ugChain Team

As part of the ugChain business development, our team is constantly upgrading and expanding. The good future and technical strength of this project also attracted more and more remarkable talents.
In the strategic layout of ugChain, the Chengdu office will serve as a landing site and a development center. In the meantime, ugChain is actively working at other overseas branches, including those in the United Kingdom; to realize brand new changes in project introduction, collaboration partners and developer meeting.

more info:

Bounty details: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2483522.0
Main thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2420674
Website: http://ugchain.org/

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Rabu, 27 Desember 2017


Bitmora is building a service that will allow users to globally exchange cryptocurrency and vote on the framework on which the exchange will be built. Cryptocurrency trading is currently a $ 100 billion market, but we have found that even the largest of them lack the technology and social framework to meet the ever-changing needs of their users. . Bitmora is designed to host a fully functional mobile application, 24-hour phone support staff, and an established user voting system to provide users with an outstanding trading experience.

Fundamental values.

The goal of Bitmora is to revolutionize the way the world looks at cryptocurrency investing. All the major revolutions have been accomplished not only by the leaders, but by the people behind these leaders. Rather than fighting history, we will make all major decisions directly in the hands of our users.
Community awareness.

We care about our community and are ready to prove it. From the first day, we will provide superior customer support to what is currently available and a mobile app with coin offerings far outpacing our competitors. More importantly, we realize that the problems faced by today's cryptocurrency community will not be the same as those of tomorrow, so we have built a unique voting system that can adapt to this landscape by constant evolution in an efficient and equitable way.
Public awareness.

We want to help the world understand Bitcoin, Ethereum and other altcoins. By putting the future of cryptocurrency in the hands of our users and by partnering with the world leaders in cryptographic technology, we will give the world the opportunity not only to testify, but also to participate in the establishment of currencies of the future.

Main advantages of Bitmora.

Focused security.

The security of our exchange is of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to providing the best possible security to ensure that no fund ever goes away.

Company network.

The days of watching a loading screen when you click Sell are complete. Our systems run at lightning speed to ensure you get the price you want.

Innovative costs.

We are all tired of paying ridiculous fees. That's why we introduce a revolutionary fee system that no cryptocurrency exchange has ever used before. You can choose between two systems, and depending on your transaction type and volume, one system may be more affordable than the other.

Built by you.

Bitmora is the first exchange that allows the community to vote on user suggestions for new features. Vote for a poll and be proud to see it live knowing that you helped pass it on!

Completely legal.

Bitmora Inc. is a US-based C-Corp company, MSB complies with FinCEN standards and is backed by strong banking agreements.

Modern interface

Whether you are on your desktop or mobile phone, you can trade, analyze and control your investments. We make it easy for beginners, but also effective for experienced users.

Dedicated support.

Our support team is dedicated and scalable. We guarantee fast response times and offer live phone support on the day of our opening.

To guarantee.

Our cold storage funds will be distributed worldwide in several undisclosed locations. We provide routine audits, DDoS protection for businesses, and ensure funds are securely protected by many access control systems and software.

Financial transparency

Download our monthly financial data and see all the fees we receive as well as the monthly volume traded on all pairs. Your trust is of the utmost importance to us.

For more information you can visit this link:

Website: https://bitmora.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitmora_inc

Facebook: https://facebook.com/bitmorainc

Whitepaper: https://bitmora.com/whitepaper

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Selasa, 26 Desember 2017


Hello Sahabat berjumpa lagi dengan saya Argiyan.
Seperti biasa pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah artikel yang sangat keren kepada kalian semua. artikel ini akan mebahas sebuah platform yaitu :

CrytpF menciptakan seperangkat cryptocoins baru, yang pertama kali didukung oleh saham dan obligasi. Kami menyajikan kesempatan bagi semua kelas sosial untuk berpartisipasi dalam pasar keuangan global. Melewati keterbatasan perdagangan geografis, kebutuhan akan rekening bank, dan pria menengah yang mahal.

Apa itu koin CryptF ???

CryptF cryptocoins adalah produk investasi kolektif berbasis blockchain. Koin diperdagangkan di bursa kripto seperti kriptokokus lainnya dan tersedia bagi siapa saja untuk membeli.

Yang membuat koin CryptF berbeda adalah kenyataan bahwa mereka didukung oleh saham dan obligasi blue-chip. Harga koin terprogram dengan nilai pasar sekuritas terkait saat ini.

Koin CryptF memberikan alternatif yang paling sederhana dan terjangkau untuk diperdagangkan di bursa efek tradisional.

Likuiditas yang tinggi dari koin-koin itu.CryptF menjamin pembelian kembali koin tanpa syarat dari investor baik secara langsung maupun pada pertukaran kripto.

Konsep CryptF

Kami menciptakan kesempatan bagi setiap pemegang kripto untuk berinvestasi di saham perusahaan dan obligasi terkemuka di negara-negara berkembang. CryptF cryptocoins adalah produk investasi / instrumen kolektif berbasis blockchain. Koin akan diperdagangkan di bursa kripto seperti koin kripto lainnya dan tersedia bagi siapa saja untuk membeli.

Apa yang membuat koin CryptF unik adalah dukungan yang andal dengan saham dan obligasi blue-chip. Harga koin terprogram dengan nilai pasar sekuritas terkait saat ini. Koin CryptF memungkinkan Anda berinvestasi ke segmen pasar, yang ditunjukkan oleh seperangkat derivatif tetap koin yang terkait dengannya. Portofolio investasi dikelola oleh CryptF sehingga seluruh pengalaman benar-benar bebas kerumitan bagi pemegang koin.

Manfaat CryptF

  • Mampu berpartisipasi di pasar keuangan global langsung dari kriptowallet Anda.
  • Harga koin terjaga dengan andal dilacak ke saham atau indeks obligasi yang sesuai.
  • Portofolio transparan.
  • Biaya operasional rendah bagi investor.
  • Likuiditas tinggi dari uang logam. CryptF menjamin pembelian kembali koin tanpa syarat dari investor baik secara langsung maupun pada pertukaran kripto.

Risiko CryptF

Cryptocoins kami terprogram dengan harga dari indeks dan saham yang sesuai, oleh karena itu, harga koin akan berkorelasi dengannya. Sementara harga bisa turun dalam jangka pendek, konsensus umum antar investor merupakan pertumbuhan jangka panjang yang stabil.

Hasil rata-rata pasar saham Amerika sekitar 6-7% per tahun. Efek pertumbuhan majemuk dapat diharapkan melipatgandakan modal Anda dalam 11-12 tahun. Jika Anda membeli koin CFIT, Anda akan berinvestasi di perusahaan yang paling andal di segmen ini. Ini termasuk stok Apple.

Keamanan CryptF

Koin CryptF dibuat melalui replikasi fisik: semua sekuritas yang terkait dengan koin dibeli oleh CryptF. Kami berencana untuk secara teratur melakukan audit dan menerbitkan laporan terverifikasi broker untuk memberikan transparansi maksimum pada akun sekuritas CryptF.

Dividen CryptF

Semua keuntungan dalam dividen akan diinvestasikan kembali ke saham lebih banyak karena nilai koin akan sedikit lebih tinggi dari nilai indeks yang terkait.

Token CPTF

Token CPTF dibuat berdasarkan kontrak cerdas yang berbasis di blockchain Ethereal. Token akan dipancarkan hanya selama periode ICO.

Setiap pembeli token perlu menggunakan dompet kompatibel ERC-20. Untuk membeli token CPTF, pembeli perlu mentransfer kripto yang didukung ke alamat kontrak cerdas. Smart-kontrak mentransfer token CPTF kembali ke alamat pembeli. Pembayaran apa pun yang akan terjadi sebelum atau sesudah ICO akan dibatalkan dan dikembalikan tanpa token CPTF yang dipancarkan.

CPTF token kami akan berpartisipasi dalam redistribusi keuntungan perusahaan dan bisa menjadi sumber pendapatan pasif masa depan. Kami percaya bahwa nilai token ini akan tumbuh seiring dengan korelasi positif dengan jumlah cryptocoins yang dipancarkan.

Hal ini didasarkan pada blokir Ethereal yang saat ini merupakan protokol blockchain standar untuk ICO yang paling terkemuka.

Distribusi keuntungan

CryptF akan mendistribusikan 40% dari laba kuartalannya ke kontrak pintar CPTF. Informasi ini akan dipublikasikan di situs CryptF. Setiap pemegang token akan diberi tahu dengan menggunakan informasi kontak yang diberikan. Profit akan dibagi secara proporsional sesuai dengan sejumlah token dalam holding user. Setiap pembayaran akan dilakukan di ET.

Komisi apa yang dikenakan CryptF ???

Komisi sebenarnya bergantung pada banyak faktor dan dihitung ulang setiap hari namun dibatasi 1,95% per tahun.


Kemajuan sehari-hari dalam teknologi blockchain dan peraturan nasional yang baru dapat mengubah favorit pasar dalam semalam. Arah yang benar adalah dengan mendiversifikasi portofolio kripto Anda di berbagai alat keuangan untuk meminimalkan eksposur risiko dan meningkatkan keuntungan jangka panjang. Kami berusaha menciptakan produk yang akan membawa stabilitas pada kepemilikan kripto Anda yang membakarnya di ekonomi dunia nyata.

Koin Kriptof Keuntungan


Investasi yang diperoleh selama Initial Coin Offering (ICO) akan mempercepat awal proyek serta memberikan pemasaran strategis untuk penerimaan cepat kriptool keluar pada pertukaran kripto. Meningkatnya jumlah cryptocoins yang tersedia akan langsung diterjemahkan ke dalam pertumbuhan pendapatan.

Dana yang dibiayai harus digunakan untuk menciptakan infrastruktur, pengembangan produk, organisasi perdagangan pertukaran kripto, dan dukungan likuiditas koin.

Harga token awal adalah 0,001 ETH atau ekuivalen.

Jumlah total token CPTF akan menjadi 90.000.000 (90 juta), dimana 63.000.000 akan ditawarkan dalam putaran ICO, 18.900.000 akan berada dalam cadangan perusahaan, dan 8.100.000 akan didistribusikan ke tim.

Token CPTF adalah token utilitas fungsional dalam ekosistem CryptF. Token CPTF bukan sekuritas, barang tersebut tidak dapat dikembalikan, bukan untuk investasi spekulatif. Cryptf tidak dapat menjamin kinerja, dividen, atau stabilitas masa depan.

Tahapan ICO

Penjualan token CPTF ini terjadi dalam 4 tahap: Pra-ICO, putaran pertama ICO, putaran ICO ke-2 dan putaran terakhir ICO ke-3. Volume Token sangat terbatas untuk mempertahankan pendapatan yang sehat bagi setiap pemegang token dan memastikan token CPTF tetap berharga di bursa kripto.

Harap dicatat bahwa kapan pun sebelum pra-ICO dimulai atau di antara putaran investasi Anda dapat memesan sejumlah token yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan fungsi "Cadangan Token" di akun Anda di situs web.

Pemesanan Token diberikan bonus tambahan 5%!

Proses ICO

Pre-ICO dimulai pada tanggal 13 Desember. Dana dapat ditransfer di BTC, BCC (Bitcoin Cash) atau ETH. Alamat untuk transaksi akan dipublikasikan di website ini. Jika Anda menggunakan cryptocurrency non-ETH, perlu membuat akun untuk memberi otorisasi alamat untuk transaksi dan alamat Ethereal untuk menerima token CPTF. Anda tidak perlu melakukan pembelian dengan Ethereal, karena token CPTF akan dikirim secara otomatis ke alamat penerima pembayaran Ethereal.


13 Desember 2017, 1 siang UTC - 26 Desember 2017, 13:00 UTC
Ukuran penawaran dibatasi sebesar 15.000.000 (15 juta) CPTF

ICO Putaran 1

4 Januari 2018, 1 siang UTC - 24 Januari 2018, 13:00 UTC
Ukuran penawaran dibatasi 30.000.000 (30 juta) CPTF

Putaran ICO 2

8 Februari 2018, 13.00 UTC - 21 Februari 2018, 13:00 UTC
Ukuran penawaran dibatasi pada 6.000.000 (6 juta) CPTF

Putaran ICO 3

1 Maret 2018, 1 siang UTC - 14 Maret 2018, 13:00 UTC
Ukuran penawaran dibatasi sebesar 12.000.000 (12 juta) CPTF

Tentang Token

Kami memancarkan token CPTF. Token tidak kedaluwarsa dan mengizinkan pemilik untuk mengambil bagian dalam distribusi pendapatan kuartalan. Penghasilan per token harus ditransfer ke ETH dengan menggunakan kontrak pintar CPTF.

Begitu ICO selesai, token bisa diperdagangkan di bursa kripto. Token yang tidak terjual harus dibuang

Apa itu token CPTF?

Token token CPTF memberi hak kepada pemegang token untuk menerima bagian dari keuntungan perusahaan. Token ini akan bebas diperdagangkan di bursa kripto dan langsung di antara kriptowallet individu. Tokoh CPTF bukan keamanan.

Rincian token CFIT

CFIT adalah kombinasi dari lima perusahaan teknologi terbaik di pasar AS, yaitu Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix dan Alphabet's Google. Kapitalisasi pasar perusahaan-perusahaan ini sekitar 2,4 triliun dolar pada pertengahan 2017 evaluasi dan pertumbuhan.

Rincian tanda CFGM

CFGM adalah kombinasi dari lima penerbit game internasional yang berkembang secara aktif. Permainan online multipel adalah fenomena sosial yang meluas dan sangat populer. Gabungan MMORPG dan pasar ponsel berubah menjadi 101 miliar pada 2016. Diperkirakan menjadi 109 miliar pada 2017 dan 116 miliar pada tahun 2018. Pasar game Asia tumbuh paling cepat dengan NetEase menjadi salah satu penerbit terbesar dan sukses di China.

Rincian token CFBND

negara berkembang. Ini adalah hutang berdaulat cair dengan potensi hasil tinggi. Mereka mencakup banyak mata uang yang berbeda, dan memiliki durasi jatuh tempo. Bagian masing-masing negara tidak akan melebihi 10%. Sementara koin ini mungkin tidak menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang luar biasa, ini bisa menjadi investasi yang sangat stabil dengan volatilitas terendah yang tersedia.

Peta jalan


Informasi Detail:

Situs web: https://cryptf.io/
Whitepaper: https://cryptf.io/CryptF%20White%20Paper.pdf
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/cryptf/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptf_io

penulis: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Bounty campaign Eristica

Картинки по запросу Eristica

Eristica Stories
In 2014 two amateur musicians Nikita Akimov and Artyom Dalevich bet whether Nikita will successfully learn 15 guitar solos in just a few weeks. A box of Scotch Chivas Regal whiskey is at stake. Friends post the challenge on social networking and their followers begin to comment and then ask for proof of the challenge of Nikita where she plays the solo.

Website: https://eristica.com/
Eristica is a revolutionary P2P platform that encourages participation in online challenges and competitions. The project was launched in 2015 and has gained over 1.2 million users.

The platform enables each participant to start and accept challenges, provide video footage of completed challenges and get an assessment based on the results.

Eristica users are also allowed to generate virus content with challenge videos that get millions of views on YouTube, and the winner becomes a star. The rating, reputation and ranking systems create strong incentives for active participation. Competitive incentives put players at the top of the rankings in an effort to gain fame and reward.

With the help of blockchain technology, the Eristica project intends to overcome the obstacles facing the industry and create a single ecosystem for both offline and online competition.

The platform's economic platformization offers an opportunity to win prizes for winning challenges, receiving virtual rewards from successful predictions and buying access to all platform services.

Eristica is a universal platform, where every member of the community benefits from the synergies created within the ecosystem.

Use case example: challenge and prediction
The Eristica service allows users to challenge each other and the further development of this service will allow viewers to create customized groups that will be challenged. It will be possible to create mass challenges that coincide with specific dates or times. By combining offline and online competition into one smart contract, users will receive various tools to create any bets or challenges. Eristica's proof will be universal money to create challenges, rewards and rewards for the winners. The Eristica project will charge 3% of each bet. Fees will be paid in the ERT token. Evidence received in the form of fees will be taken to the project pool, where they can be bought back by the user through a personal account. Thus, the project community will have the opportunity to purchase tokens,

Eristica. The story

Use case example: decentralized government.
Decentralized voting will make it possible to get people's opinions on all important issues in a transparent and fast manner, as well as select representative user groups and resolve disputable situations. A voting request will be sent to the user's feed. And, depending on the importance of the subject, it will encourage users to make choices. When voting on important issues, users will receive a token as a reward for participation. Anonymity voting will help avoid the majority pressure. Transparency calculation will guarantee a fair result. Smart content filters will remove irrelevant polls for users without notifying users with queries. With the help of decentralized voting, users will have the ability to solve disputable situations when determining the winner in a challenge. If the situation is disputed, the video with the challenge will be sent to the user's feed, where everyone can choose whether a challenge has been completed or not. On the Eristica platform, video is one of the main sources to prove that the challenge is over. With the introduction of blockchain technology, the authenticity of video shots on smartphones will be assured. Hash21 videos along with timestamps will be stored in blockchain, where everyone can see the authenticity and timing of video recording. Thus, people will be convinced of the evidence presented. video is one of the main sources to prove that the challenge has been completed. With the introduction of blockchain technology, the authenticity of video shots on smartphones will be assured. Hash21 videos along with timestamps will be stored in blockchain, where everyone can see the authenticity and timing of video recording. Thus, people will be convinced of the evidence presented. video is one of the main sources to prove that the challenge has been completed. With the introduction of blockchain technology, the authenticity of video shots on smartphones will be assured. Hash21 videos along with timestamps will be stored in blockchain, where everyone can see the authenticity and timing of video recording. Thus, people will be convinced of the evidence presented.

Use case example: top blogger challenge.
The challenge of starring in bloggers has become a new popular trend on YouTube. Often the bloggers themselves encourage viewers to challenge them. Eristica provides a ready-to-use and reliable platform, where bloggers can create challenges for their customers and accept challenges from other bloggers. The ERT token will provide an opportunity to monetize the event to a new level. The fees received from the event will motivate the bloggers to engage their audience in participation in the event. In addition, rewarding the winners with proof of Eristica will spark interest from viewers.

Use case example: brand challenge.
Famous brands will be able to interact with the community in new ways. This means that by creating challenges and rewards for participants with Eristica tokens, brands will be able to work with audiences at a new level. The recent success of the Burger King22 offer (they give tokens as a gift to all buyers) shows true potential in new types of interactions based on economic tokenization.


  • Start Time: December 7, 2017
  • End Time: December 29, 2017
  • Duration: 22 days or shortly when the hard cover is reached.
  • Cap Hard: $ 10 million
  • Basic price for token: 1 ERT = $ 0.02 USD

Further information :

Website: https: //eristica.com/
Ann thread: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 2473473
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/eristica/
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/EristicaApp
Telegram: https: //t.me/eristicachat

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

StopTheFakes.io [STFcoin] ⚡ Anti-Penipuan dan Pelanggaran Hak Cipta

StopTheFakes adalah layanan desentralisasi berbasis Blockchain yang bertujuan untuk mendeteksi pemalsuan dan pelanggaran hak kekayaan intelektual, yang akan dibuat di atas platform kontrak cerdas Ethereal.

Teknologi blockchain telah diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan lisensi open source. Proyek ini memiliki token tersendiri, yang merupakan satu-satunya metode pembayaran dalam kerangka karyanya. Ide dasar kami adalah membangun sebuah sistem yang benar-benar transparan dan andal yang bisa mentransfer data dari pengguna ke pemegang hak. Kami memikul tanggung jawab untuk menyediakan infrastruktur yang diperlukan dan menggabungkan mereka yang ingin mengetahui tentang pelanggaran hak-hak mereka dan mereka yang dapat memberi mereka informasi ini karena lokasi geografis mereka atau faktor lainnya.

Kami bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan memberi penghargaan kepada penyedia layanan dan mempertahankan remunerasi sebagai biaya Komisi. Token yang dikeluarkan oleh kita akan menjadi satu-satunya alat pembayaran yang akan dibeli oleh pelanggan untuk keperluan remunerasi. Kuantitas mereka terbatas, dan prinsip teknologi Blockchain menjamin perlindungan terhadap pemalsuan. Kontrak Ethereal yang cerdas menjamin pemenuhan komitmen yang benar.

Prinsip operasi dan kekhususan teknis sistem, jumlah token, batas waktu untuk penerbitan akuisisi mereka dan kondisi yang dijelaskan di bawah ini. Kontrak Ethereal yang cerdas menjamin pemenuhan komitmen yang benar. Prinsip operasi dan kekhususan teknis sistem, jumlah token, batas waktu untuk penerbitan akuisisi mereka dan kondisi yang dijelaskan di bawah ini. Kontrak Ethereal yang cerdas menjamin pemenuhan komitmen yang benar. Prinsip operasi dan kekhususan teknis sistem, jumlah token, batas waktu untuk penerbitan akuisisi mereka dan kondisi yang dijelaskan di bawah ini.


Bitcoin adalah operasi kripto pertama yang terdesentralisasi yang beroperasi sejak Januari 2009. Diikuti oleh Namecoin, diluncurkan dua tahun kemudian, pada bulan April 2011. Sekarang, ribuan kripto yang ada ada, namun sebagian kecil dari mereka secara aktif diperdagangkan dan bertukar. untuk mata uang fiat hingga Maret 2017, kapitalisasi pasar total kripto-kiron melebihi $ 25 miliar. Dengan sekitar $ 18 miliar, bagian terbesar dari merebut pasar Bitcoin ini. Pertumbuhan dramatis diikuti, dan pasar tumbuh lima kali lipat dalam waktu kurang dari enam bulan. Menurut data dari coinmarketcap.com, per 16 September 2017:

Cryptocurrencies sebagai metode pembayaran

Karena kami bermaksud menggunakan remunerasi token sebagai sarana bagi pelanggan untuk membayar pokok layanan, kami sekarang akan memeriksa aspek penggunaannya. Berikut ini adalah keuntungan utama kriptocurrency atas mata uang fiat sebagai metode pembayaran:

  • Pembayaran bisa dilakukan 24/7, 365 hari setahun.
  • Cukup sedikit waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan transaksi.
  • Tidak ada hambatan hukum atau geografis terhadap transaksi tersebut.
  • Biaya transaksi rendah, tidak adanya biaya komisi tambahan atau perantara.

Faktor-faktor yang disebutkan di atas membuat sebagian besar pembayaran di kriptourrency transnasional. Hingga 46% dari semua transaksi bervariasi dari $ 100 sampai $ 1.000, dan 34% dari transaksi melebihi jumlah ini.

Pasar dan industri

Selama berabad-abad, manusia telah menemukan teknologinya untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak produk, dan menyederhanakan proses untuk mengurangi pemborosan usaha dan sumber daya. Sejarah dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa periode dari satu revolusi ke revolusi industri lainnya. Sebuah terobosan terjadi di abad ke-20. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi membantu mengurangi biaya seminimal mungkin. Perusahaan mulai mengeluarkan lebih banyak uang untuk iklan dan kurang produktif, sehingga abad ke 20 dikenal dengan Era Informasi.

Pasar Kriptocurrency

Pada tahun 2017, kripto paling sukses (seperti sekarang), Bitcoin, mencapai beberapa kali harga tertinggi sepanjang masa dalam nilai tukar sehubungan dengan mata uang fiat. Pertumbuhan eksplosif dalam popularitas 'uang virtual' ini menghasilkan pengakuan de facto terhadap kelangsungan tren teknologi keuangan oleh badan pemerintah dan institusi publik. Awalnya, cryptocurrencies adalah hak prerogatif para geek, pengembang, dan peminat, begitu banyak mitos. Untuk menolak stereotip ini dan menangani angka yang dapat dipercaya dan terbukti secara ilmiah, semua data tentang kriptocurrency pasar disajikan dalam dokumen ini diambil dari The Cryptocurrency Global Benchmarking Study, sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Garrick Hileman dan Michel Rauchs, yang diterbitkan oleh University of Cambridge pada bulan April 2017. VISA membantu peneliti dalam pekerjaan mereka. Data dari sumber lain ditunjukkan secara terpisah. Saat ini, jumlah pengguna dompet cryptocurrency yang aktif bervariasi dari 2,9 juta sampai 5,8 juta orang di seluruh dunia. Mereka memiliki 5,8 juta sampai 11,5 juta tas.


Token adalah etiket berbasis dibuat untuk memastikan fungsionalitas penuh layanan. Kami bermaksud menggunakan Ethereal blockchain yang ada; Tidak ada rencana untuk membuat blockchain kita sendiri. Kontrak cerdas melindungi layanan dari akses tidak sah, kecurangan dan intervensi ilegal lainnya. STF adalah token fungsional yang dirancang khusus untuk digunakan pada platform StopTheFakes.io. Dengan kata lain, ini memungkinkan peserta di platform StopTheFakes.io untuk menerima dan mengirim sinyal yang menginformasikan pelanggaran tersebut. Sebanyak 29 juta token yang akan dikeluarkan. Lapangan berulang atau tambahan tidak terencana. Nilai tukar: 1 Etika = 520 STFCoin mengeluarkan token Distribution:

Kunjungi Situs Ini Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut:

website: https://stopthefakes.io/
bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2414250
whitepaper: https://stopthefakes.io/docs/WP_En.pdf

penulis: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263