Jumat, 15 September 2017


What is VALUS?

VALUS is a blockchain platform that will be based on the Ethereal platform. VALUS will allow customers to verify items via QR code and they will get basic information about the item being scanned (VALUS Verify). In the case of purchase of goods, the subscriber may register ownership of the item (VALUS Ownership). If customers often buy goods online, they can check whether the sites they buy can be trusted. Existing customers can provide experience and also trademarks to verify websites. (VALUS Website). Customers can also check whether brick and mortar stores are selling genuine goods. On the other hand, customers can help trademarks to reduce the number of manufacturers selling counterfeit goods and report it, the customer will get a VLS token (VALUS Store).

how it works?


The essence of VALUS is that customers can check items via QR code. The customer gets basic information such as the picture of this item, the name, which created this item, when the item was created, the serial number, origin, previous owner (if any), if the item was stolen or not and its history From this item again (VALUS Verify).
When they buy goods, customers have the opportunity to register ownership of goods that really belong to them. If the listed item is stolen, the customer can report the item and mark it as a stolen item. That means if someone wants to check the status of the goods, it will be seen on the platform VALUS that this item is stolen (VALUS Ownership).
Customers will have the option to check if the website they created is trustworthy or not. Trademarks may verify websites that sell genuine merchandise as well as previous customers may provide reviews / experiences about websites (VALUS Websites).


The trademark will add the item to the blockchain. In this way they make the goods safer and also the customer can verify these items. Trademarks help customers make safer and better purchases by verifying websites and stores that sell real items. Trademarks also get reports from customers about suspicious websites and stores. If a trademark determines that a website or store that is reported to be hurting customers, this website or store may be closed.


Resellers can gain market reputation from trademarks based on verification. Customers are more secure when making a purchase because they know that verified resellers are selling genuine.

Valve Platform Using Blockchain Technology For 3 Reasons, Namely:

1) Blockchain is decentralized and operates on a network without a server which means no centralized Database, as it uses peer to peer (P2P) systems so very fast in validating transactions.

2) Blockchain is absolute in another sense the existing data can not be changed or in fake, this will ensure security in transacting.

3) Blockchain low fee, even if you transact abroad or different bank fees remain the same, this can .
reduce transaction costs.


Valus Menghubungkan Pembeli Dan Toko Retail Dengan Trademark

As a retail store owner you can gain complete trust from customers, with other meanings you will easily get new buyers as well as regular customers, why is that? the picture is like this When the goods ordered by the buyer on the way from the factory to the retail store, you as a retail store owner can track the existence of this item. If the item is stolen during shipment, you can mark Trademark of this item as "Stolen". This will provide security to Trademarks, retail stores and buyers if anyone wants to sell this stolen item. Later the Trademark owner can verify to the buyer that the goods sold by your retail store are genuine.

As a Trademark owner you can do several things including:
Adding items to blockchain, you will then be asked to write complete information about the item such as goods name, manufacturer, production date, origin, category and picture. After the registration process is complete you will be given a QR code (barcode code), and you must attach the QR code to the image of the item you wish to register on the blockchain. After all the process is complete, the item data along with the QR code you have submitted earlier will be stored into the smart contract etherum, the QR code will be used by the buyer to verify the authenticity of the goods to be purchased.
You can also Help convince buyers that the retail store website actually sells genuine goods by giving some buyers reference URL url links suggested to buyers. In addition you can also close retail store websites that sell counterfeit or artificial goods belonging to you.

As a buyer you can also do several things, including:
Check the authenticity of goods sold at retail stores by scanning QR code using a smartphone attached to the item image. You can also report retail stores or websites that sell counterfeit goods to Trademark owners, in addition you can also track the existence of goods with QR code this to ensure that items ordered are not misplaced or stolen.
Usually if after shopping online you will be asked to write a review about the quality of goods or about the sales service then you will get points that can be redeemed into discount vouchers or merchandise, Valus will also use a similar system, but slightly different. For each action you perform such as registering an item, reporting a counterfeit item, and reporting a retail store selling counterfeit items you will be rewarded in the form of a Valus token (VLS).

Start time: October 1, 2017
End time: October 31, 2017
Accept payment: BTC / ETH
Soft cap: $ 1,000,000
Price and bonus:
In 48 hours (till 3 October 12:00 UTC) after ICO starts - 15% bonus (1 VLS = $ 0.085)
1st week (3 October 12:00 UTC-8 October 2017 23:59 UTC) - 10% bonus (1 VLS = $ 0.09)
2nd week (9 October 00:00 UTC-15 October 2017 23:59 UTC) - 6% bonus (1 VLS = $ 0.094)
3rd week (16 October 00:00 UTC-22 October 2017 23:59 UTC) - 3% bonus (1 VLS = $ 0.097)




Great projects need a great team too. Valus has a team of highly skilled and intelligent people who constantly strive to make the platform a standard center for community members to understand the essence of technology.

Nik Klemenc - Founder and CEO
Uros Hrastar - Developer
Rok KapuĊĦin - Marketing
Primoz Hrastar - Developer
Davor Muc - Developer
Zan Kozlevcar - Design

More information visit here:

Website : https://valus.one/
Whitepaper : https://valus.one/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/valus.one
Twitter : https://twitter.com/VALUSone

ANN Trit : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2108140.0

Bitcointalk (culun86): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1096996

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