Jumat, 16 Februari 2018

HERO - Unsold Loan Banking Platform

Hi, how are you all ... almost everyone knows the bank is not it?
the bank that is the place to save money is almost used by everyone in this world. which I want to discuss for this time is one of the Banking Platforms that aims to make credit picking easier, HERO

Few mention that two billion people, about 40% of the global population, still do not own a bank or are still underbanked and have no access to affordable credit, even though they have decent paying jobs and are connected to the internet.

it affects the global economy. the industry's current financial services are full of problems that make it more inclusive than inclusive. The financial system is still running on old technology and is governed by regulations in the nineteenth century. It is full of uneven opposition and development, making it slow, sometimes unsafe, and mostly blurred for shareholders.

With the Blockchain Technology can release many financial services from the boundaries of the old institutions, foster competition and innovation for better maintenance, faster, and cheaper services for those who are out there or who are heavily burdened by their local and formal financial systems.

Increased access to capital capital for financials other than banks and the like, can provide a positive impact from the history of propro- sion. Without access to capital, Colombus's expedition to America may never be achieved, and may also be explored further into the "New World". Without the proper financial mechanisms, industrial revolution and tech bombs on silicon valleys will spread rapidly. National and local economies will be affected by the ease or difficulty of accessing capital.

What is a Hero?

Hero is the future of banks that provide loans with guarantees to uneducated and unbounded consumers throughout Southeast Asia. With the launch of a crypto unit called Hero Token, HERO intends to expand into a blockchain-based, no-load loan. Supported by venture capitalists such as Softbank, Alibaba and 500 Startups, the organization began operations in the Philippines in 2015 and has since helped thousands of Filipinos gain access to affordable credit.

We are introducing HERO, the future of banking in which He will provide secured loans to unbanked and underbanked customers in Southeast Asia. With this token sale, Hero intends to develop into a blockchain / blockchain-based uncollateralized loan-based unsecured loan. Supported by venture capital companies such as Softbank and Alibaba which they share the same vision with us. Our organization, PawnHero has started operations in the Philippines since 2015 and by then, we have helped thousands of Filipinos gain access to more affordable credit.

What is Hero Token?

HERO was built as an ERC20 token on the Ethereal blockchain and identified through the ticker symbol Hero.

Token sales is an event in which the crypto currency project sells some of its tokens to early adopters and fans in return for funds.

Token Hero allows the public to participate in PawnHero's success stories, rather than restricting them to the small amount of venture capital funds selected. By issuing Hero tokens, tokenholders will benefit from PawnHero's future success. Token sales are fast, transparent and efficient for this purpose appropriately.

Vision of the Hero Mission

Hero has a mission to revolutionize the banking industry that aims to make credit picking easier and more affordable for people who do not have bank accounts / unbanked or non-bankers / underbanked in Southeast Asia.

Sales of Token Hero

On the date (to be announced at www.herotoken.io) at 20:00 Singapore time, we will offer 80% of the total Hero Token for sale to the public in Hero Token Sale under symbol ticker Hero. The remaining 20% ​​will be distributed to Bounties, early believers, advisers, and founders to ensure interest alignment and long-term commitment to their tokens and values ​​in the future.

Each Hero Token will be sold at a ratio of 1/200 ETH, which means 1 ETH worth 200 Hero Tokens. For each token and cryptocurrency, you will receive a Hero Token in return, just as if you bought it with Ether or Bitcoin. The exchange rate to be used for this calculation will be based on the currency or token rate you wish to use vis-a-vis Ethereum.

The number of tokens made for the Hero chain are all

  • 80% of the number of tokens available will be sold open to the public.
  • 3% of the number of tokens available to early believers and advisers.
  • 2% of the number of tokens available for bounties.
  • 15% of the number of tokens available to be allocated to the founders for long-term interest alignment.

How to participate in the sale of Hero Token,

You can send the following currency from the wallet you control directly (do not ship from exchange) to the wallet of the Hero.
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • ETH Classic
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ripple
  • LiteCoin
  • Waves
The wallet address will be available on our website www.herotoken.io before the token sale begins. Hero Token will be sent to the buyer after the token sale expires. Transferability will start from the first day of trading, which is planned to begin after the token sale ends in September.

After the sale of this token, no additional Hero Token will be created.


One (1) ETH is equivalent to 200 Hero Token. That means one Hero Token is worth 1/200 ETH. Extra tokens will be given to those who bought earlier. Please see the table below to see the token bonus schedule.
  • First day (first 3 hours) + 30% Bonus tokens;
  • First day (at 3: 01-24) + 20% token bonus;
  • Day 2 and day 3 + 10% bonus tokens;
  • Day 4 to day 7 + 5% token bonus;
  • Day 8 to day 14 + 2.5% token bonus;
  • After day 14 0% token bonus.

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