Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

SP8DE - Decentralized Platform For Game Dapps

What is SP8DE?
Sp8de is a protocol for a decentralized block-based platform with some features that are essential to the growing blockchain gambling industry and less solid application implementation in existing projects currently in this space.

Blockchain "Latest Generation" - Sp8de is built on Cardano Blockchain, called Blockchain 3.0 as it is the first POS (Proof of Stake) protocol with no security compromise. What is interesting is that we have not seen any significant project related to Cardano, although Cardano is above 5 crypto world. Hence, we can see Sp8de as the pioneer of Cardano usage. I believe many Cardano investors want to see Sp8de succeed as the real Cardano usage case.

Game of Chance is a risk-taking game; The bottom line is the risks ... and, of course, the rewards. It's all said, however. Per se, they are just abstract concepts and lack of mathematical substance. They are just artifacts of ancient man-made games built around a concept that is at least as old as the universe itself. This concept is commonly referred to as Chaos or randomness: the absence of a pattern or combination that can be understood.

Still sounds abstract. So when applied to the game, randomness is a core concept: it is a process that may not be manipulated by anyone and regularly gives you a series of countless numbers that determine who wins and who loses. This is basically a really refreshing number.

The process of generating these numbers is not possible:

  • Manipulated by any evil party
  • Recognized with a significant probability given the input of the information available before scrolling, or
  • Supervised by anyone before anyone else does, at least in theory.
  • Also, of course, it must be repeated.
A canonical example of a man-made mechanism that, if made sufficient, to meet this important quality is the roulette wheel that is routinely used in almost all casinos worldwide. Thus, roulette wheel playback through our 4 prerequisites for a random number generating mechanism that can be applied to a casino:

  • This wheel produces self-refreshing (which means recursively generating new numbers - over time) a collection of numbers - the number and color of the winning pockets for several periods,
  • Manipulating rolling wheel results is not possible with the assumption of a good wheel,
  • Many individuals who tend to be mathematical about the history of mankind develop and use complex methods aimed at 'guessing' (more like 'predicting the outcome of a particular game with significant statistics and, more importantly, interesting economic probabilities') the results of various casino games including roulette) is given a set of inputs: little if any ever work;
  • Of course, this is repeated: each wheel spin by the dealer is a new iteration that generates a series of randomly selected values.
So now let's take a closer look at each of the above points: A and D. satisfied with the definition - no formal proof is needed - indeed, the roulette wheel intention is to generate a collection of values ​​and random values ​​of this value refreshed in each round. 'C' is more justified for empirical reasons: many have tried to break riskless bets, captivated by the relentless mirages of wealth linked to casinos as well as the complexities and wide interdisciplinary application of mathematics involved in modeling. various aspects of gambling. The most successful of all 'magic models' is probably a betting system, like, for example, the famous Martingale system.

On average, of course, the host always wins and there is no magical or elegant mathematical model strong enough to test the time in the casino hall. Instead, there is only an intelligent money management system that represents a redesigned model primarily from the areas of accounting and financial risk management. The above is quite appropriate when used to describe roulette, but not limited to this game. Rest of 'b.' The dots look pretty ordinary and on the first reading it seems not too different from the other three. However, there is a fundamental difference between the two:
  • There is little meaning in the sentence itself: without a long clarification it seems to claim that using a good wheel needs it well ... it has good wheels. But what is fair in the end?
  • This point is the only one that implies that one needs to assume something.
What is the Real Problem SP8DE Completed?

You and I know that when we go to the casinos on weekends, we have a chance to win. But if we play every day, we will easily lose. Many players believe our home game rigs are thanks to the edges of their homes, built from mathematicians to ensure that homes have a greater chance of winning in the long run. This is where SP8DE comes in for Justice, Transparency, Decentralization.

The Casio Game App is built on SP8DE blockchain which:
  • No centralization: No one has control over the game. It is open source. And if you want to change the rules, it should be accepted by the public. Hence, the host can not create his own rules. It makes it impossible to fool the system.
  • Transparency: Everyone can see what's happening in the game, all recorded publicly in blockchain. No one can change the data.
  • Players do not have to wait for banks or credit card companies to approve their transactions to deposit money and online casinos no longer await these third parties paying their players. Every transaction is almost instant and close to zero by using SPX Tokens.
more info can see on this:

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018


The advancement of the era in the digital era is increasingly making people in the world want to feel traveling easily and safely. Obviously with a supportive application in every way.

Obviously if you are a tourist in an interesting place of interest you want to connect and interact with local residents of the place. of course this is a very breakthrough phenomenon, not even exist in any part of the country.

Snapcity is a breakthrough and the answer. SnapCity is an app that connects you directly to the local inhabitants of the city you've just visited. Everything you've always wanted to ask is now at your fingertips. Ask questions only! Then you can choose with the locals you want to chat with. She'll be there to help you get the most out of this new city you're exploring.

Everyone loves to explore cities around the world. But it is very easy to miss the best scenery in cities when time is limited. That's why SnapCity (the latest iOS and Android apps soon launch) encourages users to investigate and explore the best that cities in the world offer.

SnapCity Has 3 Easy Steps For You All:

  • 1. Looking at the challenges in the app, these challenges can be created by SnapCity, your friends or the general public.
  • 2. Go to the location and take a photo, take pictures confirming that you visited the location and completed the challenge of giving you a token.
  • 3. Redeem your token to a local business, because the money does not match their goods or services.

Not Just That Only, SnapCity Gives You More!

Users can use tokens to challenge their friends, users create challenges can be something (So make them the one you want!).
With tokens, businesses can advertise by creating public challenges that bring users to their location.
Users can also create a public challenge, visible to everyone! The first person to complete the challenge gets a token, and the creator of the challenge is rewarded depending on how popular the challenge is!
The challenges are verified using a decentralized and distributed blockchain based solution that prevents users from using their tokens more than once, rewarding users for verifying challenges and providing early returns for investors in SnapTokens.

January 08, 2018

The advancement of the era in the digital era is increasingly making people in the world want to feel traveling easily and safely. Obviously with a supportive application in every way.

Obviously if you are a tourist in an interesting place of interest you want to connect and interact with local residents of the place. of course this is a very breakthrough phenomenon, not even exist in any part of the country.

Snapcity is a breakthrough and the answer. SnapCity is an app that connects you directly to the local inhabitants of the city you've just visited. Everything you've always wanted to ask is now at your fingertips. Ask questions only! Then you can choose with the locals you want to chat with. She'll be there to help you get the most out of this new city you're exploring.

Everyone loves to explore cities around the world. But it is very easy to miss the best scenery in cities when time is limited. That's why SnapCity (the latest iOS and Android apps soon launch) encourages users to investigate and explore the best that cities in the world offer.

SnapCity Has 3 Easy Steps For You All:
  • 1. Looking at the challenges in the app, these challenges can be created by SnapCity, your friends or the general public.
  • 2. Go to the location and take a photo, take pictures confirming that you visited the location and completed the challenge of giving you a token.
  • 3. Redeem your token to a local business, because the money does not match their goods or services.

Not Just That Only, SnapCity Gives You More!

Users can use tokens to challenge their friends, users create challenges can be something (So make them the one you want!).
With tokens, businesses can advertise by creating public challenges that bring users to their location.
Users can also create a public challenge, visible to everyone! The first person to complete the challenge gets a token, and the creator of the challenge is rewarded depending on how popular the challenge is!
The challenges are verified using a decentralized and distributed blockchain based solution that prevents users from using their tokens more than once, rewarding users for verifying challenges and providing early returns for investors in SnapTokens.

See Challenges
View challenges on map view in apps. You can see your current location and nearby challenges. Click on the challenge to read more information about it, including pictures and who determines the challenge.

Complete Challenge
Go to the location and take a picture. Taking pictures confirms that you go to a location and complete the challenge of giving you SnapTokens. You can then use this token to challenge your friends, the public or redeem it in nearby businesses.

Redeem Token
Nearby businesses can advertise on SnapCity by accepting SnapTokens as a discount on their goods and services, we have developed a simple business interface to use to receive SnapTokens, since tokens according to their ERC20 protocols can be stored in most Ethereal wallets.

Use your token to challenge your friends or the general public. You in return for how popular your challenge is, as determined by the number of entries (only for public challenge). It's easy to share your challenges on social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The race became the first to complete the public challenge around the city. The first to solve the public challenge is the token winner. Explore your city and world while doing it.

Our Blockchain-based solutions ensure that tokens can not be spent more than once, rewarding users for verifying challenges and providing transparent and decentralized social media games.

Total Raised (USD)
4930.40 USD
Total Sold (SNPT)
154075.00 SNPT
Investor 19 0 ETH
1,000 ETH
2,500 ETH
4,000 ETH
Token Name: Yellow SnapToken
Token Price: 25.000 SNPT = 1ETH
Number of tokens: 50,000,000
Contract Address: 0x1B33c83F9032d30b24E92073A6Dd12457F7D98Aa
Decimal: 18
Symbol: SNPT-Y
Platform: Ethereal
Purchase method accepted: ETH
Token Etereum ERC20

SnapCity Street Map

SnapCity Team

For More Information About This Project:

Website: http://www.snapcity.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.snapcity.io/whitepaper
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2655453.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SnapCityReal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SnapCityReal/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HQCp3k-kkxJ1ScPMsrPmow

With geek86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

G-global Connecting Experts and Clients On Public Platform


If you are a fan of blockchains and investors, then you must have heard of a G-global company. It is a blockchain-based ecosystem that is developed that provides many opportunities to investors that allow them to explore the deepest parts of the vast opportunities out there. This ecosystem paves the way through assets in the professionally selected blockchain sector to promote growth, stability, and development. They have established in-house incubation that offers startups in the blockchain industry as a hub to develop their ideas. They utilize adequate resources, ranging from capital, technical support, personnel and legal support and ultimately provide a broad market for viable products from this sponsored industry using ICO.

G-global benefits

Most of the existing systems only select some experts who provide opportunities, but G-Global's main platform is to find potential and potential potential investors who have good ideas and offer opportunities to build and grow. It is a working platform for talented individuals and groups. The platform offers mechanisms, advice consultations and enables interaction for development purposes.

The best thing is that the ecosystem runs on the principles of motivation in which the interaction structure is practiced in the determination protocol. The system is out there to facilitate young talents but not compete or try to eliminate other platforms that work as intermediaries.

G-Global Innovation

The G-Global platform runs on a decentralized system that is a new generation capable of developing ecosystems without a central server thereby removing restrictions or being under any jurisdiction thus encouraging freedom in running smooth operations.

The ecosystem runs on integrated open source software to ensure information automation where it can not be edited or deleted in any way. This encourages independence and stability so that the system is safe and reliable, and this is why beginners gain confidence in this system.

Users who need expert services will be able to get the desired experts on time. The protocols used will assess experts and rank them using ethereum-based ethical contracts. The internal algorithm then ranks them, and the higher-ranking experts will be ranked in the top positions allowing them to receive many of the orders they can reply that show their offerings for services over the same platform.

Ecosystems use safer Hash data storage and do not allow any party to modify or change. All transactions, operations and actions taken will be recorded and stored in distributed systems using the IPFS protocol and disbursed to the public on the ethereum platform.

Users are required to create their account where they can access the information they need, and the RSA key will be used to connect the user's wallet where the smart contract placed on the user's wallet will record all activities and transactions. of users on the platform Through the integration of all blockchain technologies, the G-Global ecosystem will take advantage of uninterrupted and reliable operations in the market where experts will be able to interact with clients effectively.

G-Global ICO

ICO operates on a G-Global token that is only released during the ICO process. The evidence is usually based on etherum standard etherum blockchain. The G-Global Token forms the basis of all transactions after completing each transaction, the paid service fee only informs the G-Global token of the customer's wallet. Costs are always changing with current token changes so it's important that you understand how the calculations work because they form the basic principles on the platform and also ensure the liquidity of your tokens available for transactions and trading. This is a vast market that allows experts to exploit their skills while at the same time, potential investors get the opportunity to grow their business and grow to the global level.

Finally, if you are a blockchain industry enthusiast and have good ideas, need expert help or even financial support that includes incubation, but you do not know, then G-Global is the ecosystem you need. You just need to visit the official website at http://gglobal.io/ where you find all the information you need, register and have your account and start learning from professionals who can help realize your dreams.

more info:

Website: http://gglobal.io/
Whitepaper: http://gglobal.io/pdf/G-GlobalWPEng.pdf

Dengan culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

EQUITYBASE - Industri Investasi Real Estat Global berdasarkan Teknologi Blockchain


Equitybase adalah ekosistem properti real estat komersial end-to-end untuk evaluasi proyek, risiko kredit, likuiditas, sepenuhnya pada blockchain. Equitybase memungkinkan pengembang dan pengelola dana untuk menawarkan peluang investasi yang didukung aset kepada investor di seluruh dunia.

Digunakan dalam investasi atau perdagangan saat membeli token modal dasar dengan biaya setara, tanpa biaya pengangkutan di platform kami. Peserta di seluruh dunia akan dapat menggunakan platform kami untuk investasi dan diversifikasi portofolio mereka, bersamaan dengan likuiditas di pasar, namun menghasilkan pendapatan dari pasar swasta. Dengan dukungan spesialis kami dengan pengalaman dan reputasi yang luas di bidang real estat, elektronik konsumen dan industri berteknologi tinggi, kami di Equitybase mengumpulkan $ 300.000 bibit bulat. Kami menciptakan dan menerbitkan profil tinggi di situs perusahaan, dengan pengalaman luas dalam real estat dan operasi awal selama 15 tahun terakhir.

Pada musim panas 2018, fungsionalitas penuh akan diluncurkan di platform Equitybase kami. Dimana setiap peserta dapat melakukan investasi di bidang real estat komersial bersama dan menerima dividen dari sewa, kami berguling dengan kepuasan aset yang akan dilalui dengan sempurna pada kontrak dan melunasi mata uang kripto atau fiat beserta likuiditasnya. pasar umum tradisional Pada musim gugur 2018, iOS dan Android akan tersedia bagi pengguna platform kami, dengan fungsionalitas penuh dari situs kami dengan andal di perangkat seluler mereka.

Dalam bahasa yang lebih sederhana - pertukaran real estat berdasarkan blockchain

Apa masalah model investasi saat ini?

Likuiditas ke Pasar Swasta (Investasi ekuitas memiliki periode lock-up yang panjang 3-10 tahun)
Ketersediaan Pembiayaan (Pengembang hanya dapat memperoleh pembiayaan dari dalam negeri)
Biaya pinjaman (tingkat bunga tergantung pada daerah dan dana pengembangnya akan signifikan)
Entri penghalang (Investasi komersial memerlukan sejumlah besar start-up)
Low Level of Return (pasar saham untuk 10 tahun terakhir rata-rata 7% dari keuntungan per tahun)
Biaya Manajemen Tinggi (Biaya pengelolaan modal swasta berkisar antara 2-4% per tahun)

Solusi apa tim yang ditawarkan proyek ini?

World Access (Pengembang dari seluruh dunia akan dapat memposting proyek mereka di platform Ekuitas Investasi dan meningkatkan modal yang cukup dengan mudah)
Tidak ada investasi minimal (investor dapat menginvestasikan sejumlah pilihannya tanpa membatasi investasi minimum)
Sistem Penilaian Kredit (Investor dapat melacak kinerja dan rekam jejak pengembang)
Liquid Investments (Platform Exchange kami menawarkan fleksibilitas bagi investor untuk melikuidasi aset mereka untuk investasi apapun)
Zero Investment Duty (dasar pemegang token akan dapat menggunakan platform tanpa komisi saat dividen diterima pada Joint Stock Fund)
Dividen dan target profitabilitas (Volume investasi di real estat komersial menawarkan profitabilitas dan dividen database yang tinggi untuk setiap kelas aset di seluruh dunia)

Peta jalan:

3КВ / 2017

  • Pembentukan Perusahaan
  • pembentukan equitybase
  • Pembentukan tim Langkah pertama dalam pengembangan arsitektur platform adalah equitybase.

4kV / 2017
  • Pembiayaan
  • Pengembangan
  • Modal awal: $ 300.000
  • Mulai kembangkan sebuah platform
1Q / 2018
  • Crowdsale
  • Pra-penjualan perorangan
  • Pra IKO
  • IKO Publik
  • Versi demo platform akan dirilis
  • Pengembangan Front-End dan Back-End, pengujian API
2КВ / 2018
  • Dividen
  • Platform Peluncuran Rilis
  • versi beta Ekuitas Berinvestasi
  • Pertukaran daftar marker dasar
  • Agregasi likuiditas dari beberapa bursa mata uang Crypto tercipta
3КВ / 2018
  • Pengembangan
  • Akuisisi pengguna
  • Peluncuran Aplikasi Mobile
  • Kemitraan dan menarik pengguna
  • Peringkat kredit dan pelaporan rinci, integrasi
4kV / 2018
  • Ekspansi
  • Menetapkan kantor regional di London, Shanghai
  • Perluasan proposal untuk hedge fund dan private equity funds
  • Dana ekuitas IKO
  • Mengubah uang FIATA langsung
  • Simbol penanda: BASE
  • Penanda pengiriman biasa: 360.000.000 BASE
  • Pembatasan Kuat: $ 50,4 Juta.
  • Penanda Harga: $ 0.28
  • Pembelian minimal: Tidak
  • Penerimaan: Ethereal, Transfer Bank
  • Penanda ERC20: iya
  • Cover Individu: Tidak ada
  • Negara diizinkan: Equitybase tidak mengecualikan orang dari negara manapun untuk berpartisipasi dalam IRS kami. Kami, warga, warga negara, dan pemegang Green Card perlu mengkonfirmasi hak mereka sebagai investor terakreditasi. Semua peserta diajak mengunjungi negara / kawasan yang bersangkutan untuk mengatur IKO. Sebagai alternatif untuk penyediaan dokumen keuangan, investor AS dapat diakreditasi jika mereka dapat memberikan bukti bahwa mereka memiliki setidaknya $ 1mm mata uang kripto di perusahaan tersebut.
  • Basis 180mm (50%) harus dialokasikan ke basis penjualan penanda.
  • 72 mm (20%) alasan untuk masuk ke dalam dompet dengan lisensi multi tanda tangan dan membelanjakan Ekuitas untuk investasi jangka panjang dan pembaruan jaringan.
  • Basis 48MM (15%) akan digunakan untuk backup
  • 36MM (10%) dari dasar harus dialokasikan ke karunia dan berbasis masyarakat, termasuk konsultan, mitra rumah di platform ekuitas.
  • 18mm (5%) dari tawaran dasar untuk pra-penjualan pribadi



MorganM. Chan
Pendiri / CEO
General partner Sapphire modal dari perusahaan pengembangan real estat komersial dengan $ 100 juta di bawah manajemen. Ia mulai bekerja dan beberapa IT dan consumer electronics sejak tahun 2000. & Connie Yiu
Pendiri / Direktur Pemasaran
Sebelumnya di klub cukur dolar sebagai pengelola jejaring sosial, mengatur semua aspek pemasaran sosial. Pengambilan DSC oleh Unilever pada 2016 seharga $ 1 miliar. Sebelum DSC, dia berada di newegg, sebagai manajer pemasaran.


Blend - All-In-One Solution For Cross Platform Investment Loans

Hai all..

Blend, the all-in-one solution for cross-platform lending investments.
Blend provides a clear view on lending investments to maximize your profits by blending multiple lending platforms into one easy-to-use dashboard.
We are a European based company with a team that consists of highly-skilled professional developers, software engineers, project managers and advisers, all very experienced within stock market trading and investment platforms.

We have blended their knowledge and skills to become a high-end team within the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and block-chain technology.
Our Blend platform will interact with multiple lending platforms and thereby make it easier for our users to make, manage and track their cross-platform lending investments.

With our technology we are able to bring a group of lenders and borrowers together in an understandable and trusted environment where security and safety are key priorities.
In our view, this flexibility will lead to a better balance in supply and demand in the lending market and at the same time a more secure and profitable platform with various opportunities for growth.

  • Features
  • We will blend in all usable and most profitable features.
  • Features
  • Cross Platform
  • Bonus
  • Token 
  • RealTime
  • Investment Tracker
  • Wallet
  • Exchange
  • Security
  • Camparing
  • Risk Management

Blend has created an all in one platform that will allow users to make, manage and track all their cross-platform insvestments by using only one dashboard
Our team come to that one of the most important things lending investors will need is an all in one platform where you can easily choose from the most profitable and reliable lending contracs across multiple platform
In order to do so , we will use our blend technology to actively monitor and interact wit multiple lending platform, we will give our users the possibility to easily to compare and review lending platform and contracs according to our critical standards, before investing their hard earned money.

We decided to implement a bonus system to reward our users with extra coins to make even more
profits on top of your lending investments.

(B) lending:
Receive extra Blend coins for using lending programs through our Blend dashboard.

Receive an interest bonus for holding your coins in the Blend Wallet (web / desktop / app).

Receive Blend coins by participating in trading challenges and more.

Receive referral bonuses for inviting your friends and family to our platform.

(B) lending
Blending multiple lending platforms into one easy-to-use dashboard.
You can simply manage, track and evaluate all your cross-platform investments within our easy-to-use dashboard, so you will have a clear and distinct view on how to make your investments as highly profitable as possible.

Above all, we will guide you through the process based on your level of risk management model and risk level classification model.

You will be able to build a profitable lending portfolio with realistic targets using our tips & tools to achieve your goals. Even if other platforms fail to fulfill their obligations, you will still receive your guaranteed Blend bonus.

Hold your Blend coins for more profit.
You will get an annual interest bonus up to 10% for just holding your coins in the Blend Wallet.
Blend coin holders will also benefit from profit sharing of trading fees within our internal exchange.
Over time, the Blend Wallet will be available on the web, desktop and android / iOS.

You can simply buy and sell your coins within our internal exchange.
Receive Blend coin rewards by participating in trading challenges and get discounts on trading fees.
Blend coin (BLE) will also be listed on multiple external exchanges in the short term.
After all, they want to invest their trade, trade or hold their Blend coins for making the most profits on their investments.

Earn more by helping us grow.
You will have the possibility to earn Blend coin bonuses on different levels by simply inviting your friends and family to start using our platform.
As a result Blend and its users will have mutual benefits from the growth of the company.

Blend coin: ERC20 token
Total supply: 40,000,000 BLE
Total ICO cap: 8,000,000 BLE
Token decimals:18

Token sale
You will have the opportunity to invest in our company by participating in our token sale.
We will distribute a maximum of 8 000 000 tokens (BLE) through our ICO token sale.
This token sale consists of different phases with different discounts and the extra bonus for all participants on our selling selling targets.
We have decided to put in a pre-sale phase with the least supply, but with the most discount to show our appreciation for supporting our company at an early stage.

Target Bonus
Target bonus (for all ICO token sale participants)
The achieved target bonus will be automatically applied upon your purchases and will be distributed after the sale has ended. The final target bonus will replace all previous achieved target bonuses.



For more information visit the link below:

Website: https://www.blendcoins.io/
Whitepaper: https://cdn.blendcoins.io/webassets/Blend-Whitepaper-v1.0.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blendcoins
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blend-207195543190648
Telegram: https://t.me/BlendANN

Dengan culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Jumat, 16 Februari 2018

Token Stars - First Blockchain Company

Hallo all, in this new dipostingan I will introduce about Token Stars project, and for more details let us just direct the following discussion:

The core idea behind TokenStars is to bring the interaction between stars, fans and advertisers to a whole new level and solve industry issues of celebrity management.

What is Tokenstars?

TokenStars is the first blockchain company to capture big celebrities. It aims to provide a source of funding and promotion to improve the star by disrupting and decentralizing the talent management industry. Starting with issuing ACE tokens for vertical tennis, the company plans to expand with new verticals, including football, poker, basketball, hockey, cinema actors, musicians, and models.

Token Stars is the first company to perpetuate athletes, helping them grow their careers, while giving investors a piece of cake that can be a very good cake. Let's say an investor contributes to Token Stars and can get many different players, and all but one fails, but that is Serena Williams next. You may see a thoughtful 6-7 draw depending on how much you contributed.

Fans: The balance of celebrities, fans, and media has shifted dramatically. Fans are no longer just watching. In real time they participate, analyze, criticize, fantasize and connect with their favorite stars. People need innovation that will provide opportunities for interaction and two-way communication with celebrities.

Stars: talent and professional. In an era when professional career development relies heavily on the ability to attract social capital and access funding sources, stars need more ways to be found by spectators and sponsors.

Advertiser: Brands are looking for new promotional channels with highly engaged audiences and ask for tools that are transparent and customizable to run ad campaigns.
Allocation of Token

Token TEAM (compatible Ethereum ERC-20 standard utility token) facilitates engagement between participants on the platform and serves as a form of access to the platform and the internal currency

There are 3 ways, how participants get TEAM tokens:

  • Join crowdsale.
  • Buy the token then on the crypto exchange.
  • Get tokens inside the platform to take action and complete tasks.

The Token allocation formula is set to ensure healthy distribution to:
  • Sampoerna contributors,
  • TokenStars "employees and advisers, providing long-term motivation,
  • Community and network growth activities, required to achieve financial and operational objectives.
Use of Blockchain

TokenStars choice of blockchain as TokenStars platform technology allows us to build transparent, scalable and verifiable systems for all platform participants, especially for fans, scouts, promoters and advertisers. We will provide community leaders with tools to audit 14 documented blockchain ledgers to prove transparency of interactions and avoid potential conflicts among participants.

Any event such as a sound recording in a poll, collecting reports from promoters, accepting an auction bid or registering an ad click will result in handwritten blocking operations. The spoken in-house advertising will use blockchain to record all the important events for further analysis. The daily number of these events could reach millions.

TokenStars private blockchain will be built as a network node, managed by the Company in the early stages of platform development. We then plan to delegate maintenance rights (partly or wholly) to the leaders of the fan community who will be invited to become part of the network. This will enable us to create truly distributed networks that are not controlled by one party in the true spirit of blockchain.

TokenStars will produce the easy-to-install software packages necessary to run network nodes and will provide all the necessary instructions and 24/7 support worldwide. Network node operators will be compensated for their efforts with TEAM tokens.

To Get More Information And Join The Token Stars Project filled with current projects, Please Visit Some of The Next Links / Sites:

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

BLOOMZED - High Tech Software Which Has API

Hallo all here I will introduce a new bloomzed project post that has a unique and good concept, for more details let's see the following discussion:

Technology and people can never be separated. Man forever will still need technology in facilitating its activities. The phenomenon of technological development and human technology today as a lifestyle, is a metaphor for humans themselves as users of technology. Many people are following the development of the technology. Basically they just want to adjust their life needs from the benefits of technology development itself. It can be said that the use of technology depends on the needs of its users.

The latest tech trend in human works is the creation of unlimited workspaces. Now Smartphones, PCs, and notebooks are growing more minimalist in terms of size and maximum performance. This tool makes it easier for humans to obtain and share information and even between continents. In addition to providing information, technology also provides services and convenience to humans in helping conduct financial transactions wherever and whenever, using only applications android or web services that can be done.

One of the technologies I will introduce here is the Bloomzeed project. The general idea of ​​the project is to create a multifunctional AI universal assistant available across gadgets and devices (tablets, terminals, Internet equipment, smartphones, ATMs, computers). Bloomzed is always available and will help you:
to manage all financial flows (revenue, expenses, transfers, payments);
planning, investing, obtaining, saving, receiving loans and obtaining financing.

Bloomzed works with all current financial instruments: payment cards, bank accounts, electronic wallets, international money transfer systems, cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, etc. This is one system that unifies all your facilities that enhance the convenience and efficiency of their management, reliably protected by advanced technology, which enhances financial security, easy to use, enables you to start using it quickly: Bloomzed is very easy to use even your child can manage it without difficulty

What is Bloomed?

By definition, Bloomzed is a high-tech software solution that has an open API and consists of a large number of software blocks integrated into an integrated system. The Bloomed unified system is designed to provide easy connection of any technology solution, to manage individual blocks and entire systems. The system is created, so the settings, release, updating, editing, expansion capabilities, and other options are available to us endlessly and / or slow down the system as a whole.

Competitive Advantages of Bloomed Projects

Our project concept not only considers the experience of the leading market players, but also the modern trend in the development of electronic payment ball. Therefore, to ensure Bloomzed's competitiveness, the focus is on the following areas.
Provides the most complete functionality among other similar projects on the market. Currently, Bloomzed gives users the greatest opportunity amongst the world's mobile wallets. The pacing project combines all of the basic competitor activities described in the previous section, and combines functions in one place. In fact, Bloomed is a universal payment instrument that includes transfers and payments in crypto and electronic funds, work with online and offline payment cards.

Positioning platforms as a more useful and functional tool than an ordinary electronic wallet. Bloomed can serve not only as a convenient payment tool, but also as a comprehensive assistant in everyday activities. By using this platform, wallet owners can fully manage personal finances: controlling the balance of all accounts, viewing history of operations, quickly and without unnecessary delay to pay for services / goods, make purchases without queuing up and profit from loyalty. partner organization system.
Provision of many additional non-financial services options. These are booking and booking tickets, insurance services, freight services from stores, etc. Users of bloom also have access to microlending for current needs.

The relevance of technology from the platform. The Bloomzed Wallet uses all the modern technology from the scope of mobile payments. These are NFC, USSD, QR, Bluetooth Smart, HCE. Keep on improving the security of ongoing transactions. The information security of the Bloomzed project is provided by the following factors: all financial transactions on the Bloomzed platform are protected with modern data encryption technology; Electronic money can be cashed from a partner agent (at

What is a Token Generation Event «Bloomed Crypto Club»?

This event is a major generation and distribution of membership tokens among Bloomzed project participants and members of Bloomzed Crypto Club. During the main generation of tokens, project organizers carry out the generation and distribution of tokens among participants, committees, partners, project employees and members of the Bloomzed Crypto Club.

This is the name of the event for the main sale of the BZT membership token, which is required to participate in Bloomzed Crypto Club. Consists of two rounds:

  • the first round will start on 19 December 2017 at 12:00 UTC + 3, and continue until December 26, 2017, or when it reaches the 5,000 BZT Hard Drive, whichever is earlier;
  • the second round will start on January 17, 2018 at 12:00 UTC + 3, and continue until 17 February 2018, or when it reaches the 45 million BZT Hard Drive, whichever is earlier.

What is a «BZT» Token?
BZT or Bloomzed Token - is a token that serves as a "ticket" to a private club called Bloomed Crypto Club. After buying or receiving it you can become a member of this club and enjoy all the relevant bonuses and benefits, which amount is determined by the number of BZT owned by the owner of a certain token. You should consider that BZT is not a monetary or other obligation of Bloomzed companies, partners and / or its structural divisions. Membership tokens can not be cashed for cryptourrency, electronic money or money. Bloomzed Company did not make BZT buyback.

In fact, a membership token is a tool that defines membership in a private club and allows for relevant opportunities and privileges according to participation rules in Bloomzed Crypto Club. Payment for BZT is a membership fee to join the club and is non-refundable. Participated in the TGE of Bloomed Crypto Club, users understand and fully accept that BZT purchases entitles to participate in this project as a member of the Bloomzed Crypto Club. The money donated to the BZT tokens is an entry fee, and therefore non-refundable BZT distribution is done through smart-contract ERC standards 20.

To find relevant details about the current bloomzed project please follow some sources for the following references:

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

HERO - Unsold Loan Banking Platform

Hi, how are you all ... almost everyone knows the bank is not it?
the bank that is the place to save money is almost used by everyone in this world. which I want to discuss for this time is one of the Banking Platforms that aims to make credit picking easier, HERO

Few mention that two billion people, about 40% of the global population, still do not own a bank or are still underbanked and have no access to affordable credit, even though they have decent paying jobs and are connected to the internet.

it affects the global economy. the industry's current financial services are full of problems that make it more inclusive than inclusive. The financial system is still running on old technology and is governed by regulations in the nineteenth century. It is full of uneven opposition and development, making it slow, sometimes unsafe, and mostly blurred for shareholders.

With the Blockchain Technology can release many financial services from the boundaries of the old institutions, foster competition and innovation for better maintenance, faster, and cheaper services for those who are out there or who are heavily burdened by their local and formal financial systems.

Increased access to capital capital for financials other than banks and the like, can provide a positive impact from the history of propro- sion. Without access to capital, Colombus's expedition to America may never be achieved, and may also be explored further into the "New World". Without the proper financial mechanisms, industrial revolution and tech bombs on silicon valleys will spread rapidly. National and local economies will be affected by the ease or difficulty of accessing capital.

What is a Hero?

Hero is the future of banks that provide loans with guarantees to uneducated and unbounded consumers throughout Southeast Asia. With the launch of a crypto unit called Hero Token, HERO intends to expand into a blockchain-based, no-load loan. Supported by venture capitalists such as Softbank, Alibaba and 500 Startups, the organization began operations in the Philippines in 2015 and has since helped thousands of Filipinos gain access to affordable credit.

We are introducing HERO, the future of banking in which He will provide secured loans to unbanked and underbanked customers in Southeast Asia. With this token sale, Hero intends to develop into a blockchain / blockchain-based uncollateralized loan-based unsecured loan. Supported by venture capital companies such as Softbank and Alibaba which they share the same vision with us. Our organization, PawnHero has started operations in the Philippines since 2015 and by then, we have helped thousands of Filipinos gain access to more affordable credit.

What is Hero Token?

HERO was built as an ERC20 token on the Ethereal blockchain and identified through the ticker symbol Hero.

Token sales is an event in which the crypto currency project sells some of its tokens to early adopters and fans in return for funds.

Token Hero allows the public to participate in PawnHero's success stories, rather than restricting them to the small amount of venture capital funds selected. By issuing Hero tokens, tokenholders will benefit from PawnHero's future success. Token sales are fast, transparent and efficient for this purpose appropriately.

Vision of the Hero Mission

Hero has a mission to revolutionize the banking industry that aims to make credit picking easier and more affordable for people who do not have bank accounts / unbanked or non-bankers / underbanked in Southeast Asia.

Sales of Token Hero

On the date (to be announced at www.herotoken.io) at 20:00 Singapore time, we will offer 80% of the total Hero Token for sale to the public in Hero Token Sale under symbol ticker Hero. The remaining 20% ​​will be distributed to Bounties, early believers, advisers, and founders to ensure interest alignment and long-term commitment to their tokens and values ​​in the future.

Each Hero Token will be sold at a ratio of 1/200 ETH, which means 1 ETH worth 200 Hero Tokens. For each token and cryptocurrency, you will receive a Hero Token in return, just as if you bought it with Ether or Bitcoin. The exchange rate to be used for this calculation will be based on the currency or token rate you wish to use vis-a-vis Ethereum.

The number of tokens made for the Hero chain are all

  • 80% of the number of tokens available will be sold open to the public.
  • 3% of the number of tokens available to early believers and advisers.
  • 2% of the number of tokens available for bounties.
  • 15% of the number of tokens available to be allocated to the founders for long-term interest alignment.

How to participate in the sale of Hero Token,

You can send the following currency from the wallet you control directly (do not ship from exchange) to the wallet of the Hero.
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • ETH Classic
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ripple
  • LiteCoin
  • Waves
The wallet address will be available on our website www.herotoken.io before the token sale begins. Hero Token will be sent to the buyer after the token sale expires. Transferability will start from the first day of trading, which is planned to begin after the token sale ends in September.

After the sale of this token, no additional Hero Token will be created.


One (1) ETH is equivalent to 200 Hero Token. That means one Hero Token is worth 1/200 ETH. Extra tokens will be given to those who bought earlier. Please see the table below to see the token bonus schedule.
  • First day (first 3 hours) + 30% Bonus tokens;
  • First day (at 3: 01-24) + 20% token bonus;
  • Day 2 and day 3 + 10% bonus tokens;
  • Day 4 to day 7 + 5% token bonus;
  • Day 8 to day 14 + 2.5% token bonus;
  • After day 14 0% token bonus.

Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

VESTARIN - Unifying Hundreds And Thousands Of Service Providers And Sellers

Greetings Community.

The decentralized Vestarin platform on the Ethereal blockchain (ERCE20 standard) is a must-have for anyone who has made at least one step into the world of crypto technology and blockchain technology.

Our mobile app will unite hundreds and thousands of service providers and sellers, who receive payments with crypto. We will also attract professionals to build a strong team. We will gather a lot of relevant information for the development of crypto enthusiasts. We will implement the best ICO project for investors. And all this in 15 languages.

Our features.

  • Shop owners, services, exchange points integrate their business to the Vestarin platform, while users make purchases and pay for services with their VST token.
  • ICO representatives integrate their projects into platforms, while users will forecast and discuss them publicly to create a reputation, which allows investors to rely on it.
  • Vestarin will offer its users a range of latest technologies and warm news about cryptocurrency from dozens of sources to viewers around the world.
  • Experts and professional blockchains will be incorporated in the Vestarin platform, where they can easily find each other to work together on different projects.

Vestarin platform opportunities
  • Buy goods, services and entertainment for crypto currency.
  • Find a team to implement and launch your project.
  • Communicate with other crypto fans via built-in chat and even transfer coins to it.
  • One currency exchange with another exchange rate with the highest score, which you can also evaluate.
  • Have access to information about the emergence and development of new platforms and blockchain opportunities around the world.
  • Invest in ICO with minimal risk, based on user rating. Each startup will have the reputation and feedback of the same crypto fan user you, which will help increase or decrease the credibility of a particular project.
  • Be part of the team, if you are interested in a particular structure.
  • Integrate your store, restaurant, service or entertainment, take advantage of platforms in crypto currency.
  • Integrate your ICO if it is moderated by a Vestarin platform specialist, whose goal is to identify fake and fake projects. After your ICO integration, you will be able to attract the attention of the whole community, which will provide an opportunity to give life to your project.
  • Integrate your exchanger and get directions from the platform. You will have the opportunity of blockchain technology and industry as a whole!

From January 30 to February, 28

Maximum presale amount: 15 000 000 VST
Price: 1 ETH = 3000 VST
From 5 March to 4 April.

The maximum quantity of ICO: 150 000 000 VST

Further information:

AdMine - jaringan merek sosial pertama di dunia!


Di dunia maju, web memiliki tempat utama dalam kehidupan manusia dan otak. Pintu yang terbuka lebar yang disampaikan dunia online kepada setiap pembuat, pergi antara atau organisasi barang / spesialis untuk berbicara dengan organisasinya, menyajikan aplikasi dan tata cara baru untuk mempromosikan usaha Internet yang berbeda. Ukuran konten media yang tidak masuk akal, di samping kualitas dan pengaturan iklan, tidak memiliki kelompok kepentingan yang dimaksudkan sebagai peraturan. Klien menonton promosi yang tidak mereka butuhkan atau sama, yang menambah pemborosan publikasi iklan. Kami menyesuaikan diri dengan mengubah pendekatan sekarang dengan membuat tahap kreatif berdasarkan standar komunikasi orang ke orang. Tahap ini akan memungkinkan para promotor mengumpulkan spekulan,

Bisnis publikasi saat ini merupakan salah satu divisi terbesar ekonomi dunia. Per peneliti, mempromosikan telah berubah menjadi salah satu pendorong perbaikan web. Pemublikasian web pada awalnya muncul pada tahun 1994, dan sejak saat itu, pasar internet yang mempromosikan volume pasar telah meningkat secara eksponensial: dari 37 juta dolar sampai 5 miliar dolar pada tahun 2000, dan sampai 158 miliar dari tahun 2016. Per publikasi yang dipublikasikan di pasar menghasilkan lebih banyak Dari 50 negara, promosi berbasis web akan mencapai sekitar 556 miliar dolar pada tahun 2017.


AdMine adalah organisasi informal merek mengingat inovasi BlockChain. Kita perlu menarik perhatian klien mengenai iklan dan meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup mereka dengan membuat kondisi yang baik, di mana semua keuntungan dari partisipasi. Untuk melihat promosi, klien akan dikreditkan dengan crypocurrencies, yang dapat digunakan untuk membeli barang di web, dapat ditarik kembali ke saldo keuangan atau kartu atau diperdagangkan dengan kripto lainnya. https://www.admine.io/

Keunikan dari kerangka AdMine adalah. Diubah untuk keamanan. Semua prosedur di dalam panggung, mulai dari membuat iklan kerja hingga korespondensi klien, memanfaatkan kontrak brilian sebagai hakim bebas untuk memenuhi semua pertemuan. Kontrak yang brilian berpikiran adil dan tidak tunduk pada konten, pengaturannya ada dalam sistem pemblokiran yang tepat dan terdesentralisasi.


Memungkinkan promotor mengenalkan iklan tanpa komisi, dan memungkinkan klien menemukan kontrol saat melihat iklan. Klien dapat memilih promosi mana yang perlu mereka tonton.

Kami menawarkan pengorganisasian bendera berdasarkan standar komunikasi interpersonal jarak jauh, di mana sponsor akan efektif mengingat fakta bahwa spesialis keuangan dan klien akan memilih iklan yang mereka butuhkan untuk dilihat, mereka dapat membeli merek mereka dan mendapatkan bayaran untuk lihat promosi yang dipilih. Pada tahap kami dengan sistem yang tidak umum untuk menarik promotor yang disesuaikan akan menghemat uang Anda dan akan memilih pelanggan yang paling sesuai.

Kami sampai pada akhir dari sistem publikasi di Internet saat ini

Waktu adalah pasar yang sangat besar. Semua hal sama, dulu asetnya benar-benar dimanfaatkan

untuk keuntungan.

Hal ini tercermin dalam sorotan bahwa ada banyak situs berbahaya dan, luar biasa

Seringkali, kita bisa menemukan bot, akun dengan cheat rating atau bergerak menuju korban

Kami pikir kami telah membuat sketsa salah satu gagasan bagus yang memberdayakan pendapatan besar

Ukuran uang tunai melalui panji-panji

Bagaimana kalau kita melihat video yang menyertainya

Tujuan mendasar kami adalah memutuskan keinginan klien. Masalahnya saat ini hanya 3

standar 10 menunjukkan iklan yang signifikan bagi klien

Untuk situasi ini, hanya ada satu pengaturan saja. Setiap klien harus memberikan yang sah

data dalam polling tentang auto dan intriknya

Promosi yang bersangkutan

Agar sesuai, kita membuat komunitas informal dimana semua anggota

direkam di bawah bisa ada sementara


  • Pasar periklanan, distributor
  • Pengguna

Bukaan dan tempat menarik dari panggung AdMin:

MediaCoin Mining

Untuk setiap promosi pertunjukan, pengaturan informasi dan kerja sama individu dalam upaya publikasi, klien mendapatkan uang masuk, yang dapat dengan mudah dipertukarkan dengan buku besar atau diperdagangkan dengan kripto lain.

Kartu klien

Dalam profilnya sendiri, klien dapat membeli lagu-lagu utama, menyajikan catatan sosial untuk dipindai secara interet secara alami, melihat penawaran baru dan mendapatkan potongan harga.

Pencarian Klien

Perilisan brilian menemukan klien mengingat minat, area, orientasi seksual dan informasi lainnya, sekaligus menjaga kepribadian klien yang tidak jelas. Humas dapat membuat saluran khusus mereka sendiri mengingat informasi klien.

Statistik Terbuka

Permukiman bersama dalam kerangka kerja didasarkan pada inovasi BlockChain, yang mempengaruhi mereka untuk cepat dan aman. Promotor melihat siapa yang butuh dan untuk apa, dengan menoleransi wawasan kerja kapanpun.

Proposisi perang salib utama dalam menarik pertimbangan berdasarkan ICO:
Kuantitas token dibatasi sampai 100.000.000 - tanpa kemungkinan pembuangan yang dihasilkan. Menjelang akhir ISO semua token akan berada di antara spesialis keuangan, token yang tidak terjual akan dihapus. Ini akan menjamin tidak ada pembengkakan dalam kerangka kerja, yang tidak akan menambah kemunduran token, membuat kondisi untuk kesepakatan dan uang tunai yang menguntungkan.

AdMine diuraikan dengan tujuan bahwa ketika pembelian tunai dalam (MediaCoin) dipresentasikan oleh klien, tahap ini menghasilkan kerangka permintaan pada perdagangan saham untuk pembelian MediaCoin dari pakar keuangan pada skala konversi sekarang. Bagi klien prosedur ini tidak akan jelas, klien akan menyesuaikan dompet mereka - sesuai dengan jumlah pertukaran. Selanjutnya, kerangka konsekuensinya.

Gaji spesialis keuangan dikembangkan sejauh perluasan jumlah anggota dalam kerangka kerja. Kerangka globalisasi akan membawa spesialis keuangan upah yang serupa dengan semua kripto yang berkembang pesat, misalnya, bitcoin, ether.

Spekulan dapat mengajukan token ke klien baru. Untuk melakukan ini, intinya membuat permintaan secara alami mengembalikan token.

Distribusi Token

  • 5% Penjualan Pra Jual ICO
  • 60% biasa dijual ICO
  • 10% pengguna
  • 15% dikirim ke tim AdMine dan akan diblokir selama 12 bulan
  • 6% dikirim ke penggugat AdMine dan akan dihitung selama 12 bulan
  •  2% akan dikirim untuk launching, evaluasi, promosi sosial WINGS DAO
  •  2% akan dialokasikan ke program bonus
Pra Jual ICO

  • 1 hari 50% bonus token

Bonus bonus 2-3 hari token

  • Bonus bonus hari ke-4 25%

Tim AdMine

informasi lebih lanjut:

Website: https://www.admine.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://admine.io/material/AdMine_White_Paper_eng.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/admine.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/admine_io
TELEGRAPH CHANNEL: https://t.me/ad_mine_en
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ad_mine_io GROUP
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ad_mine.io/
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuA9PjkzB6wmgmc7-evL0bA
ANN BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2479748.0
The BOUNTY BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2529642.0

Dengan culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Jumat, 09 Februari 2018


Halo semua ladies and gentlemen !!
Kembali lagi dengan saya Boyambon07 Dalam saya akan memperkenalkan sebuah proyek yang sangat bagus dan menarik yaitu tentang proyek {Peer Mountain [ICO]} mari kita mulai?

Hasil gambar untuk koin koin rekan gunung


Real World Trust dan Privasi untuk Transaksi Digital

Peer Mountain lebih jauh memberi pengguna kepemilikan dan kontrol atas identitas mereka yang aman secara kriptografi. Ini adalah ekosistem aplikasi end-to-end yang memfasilitasi perdagangan dan pertukaran aman layanan digital dan fisik

Kami juga telah mengajukan merek dagang untuk merek Peer Mountain dan Peerchain ™ dengan nomor merek EUIPO 017282931 dan 017350182. Ini adalah niat kami untuk merilis SDK Klien Peer Mountain untuk Android dan iOS sebagai open source, dan untuk membuka sumber Peer Mountain Attestation Engine SDK. Kami juga bermaksud mengirimkan Protokol Peerchain ™ ke RFC untuk mengembangkan standar terbuka yang dapat digunakan seluas mungkin dalam konteks ekonomi manapun.

Protokol Peerchain ™

Setiap operasi di Peer Mountain didefinisikan oleh jenis pesan. Pesan-pesan ini dibungkus dalam amplop yang memberikan informasi umum dasar tentang semua operasi. Pesan itu sendiri berisi rincian tentang setiap operasi. Pesan yang mengubah keadaan sistem digabungkan dan timestamped di lapisan blokir yang tidak dapat diubah.

Penyedia layanan, atau entitas eksternal lainnya (misalnya regulator), dapat menjalankan blok node tanpa harus menjalankan node Message / Object storage.

Hanya pengenal pesan dan hash yang terkait dengan konten pesan yang tersimpan di lapisan blok. Semua informasi lainnya disimpan dalam database berkinerja tinggi.

Kompatibilitas Cross-Chain

Blockchains yang berbeda tidak kompatibel di seluruh rantai, dan tidak mampu menangani transaksi lintas-rantai di banyak contoh rangkaian.

Peer Mountain mengatasi tantangan ini. Rantai dan penyimpanan membentuk lapisan operasi masing-masing contoh. Protokol PeerchainTM yang dipatenkan yang dipatenkan kemudian memungkinkan pengguna Peer Mountain berkomunikasi dengan berbagai hal, sehingga mereka dapat mentransmisikan aset digital ke seluruh rantai. Selain itu, tanda tangan digital yang tercatat dalam satu contoh tetap mengikat secara hukum di seluruh Peerchain ™

Transaksi Transparan yang Efisien

Latency dalam komunikasi antara node node blockchain karena membangun konsensus di rantai membatasi kapasitas transaksinya. Ini berarti bahwa blockchains sepertinya tidak dapat memproses transaksi dengan kecepatan yang dibutuhkan untuk sistem pemrosesan transaksi berskala besar.

Kami telah mengambil pendekatan inovatif untuk mengatasi keterbatasan ini. Kami percaya bahwa blockchain tidak perlu beroperasi secara global di setiap simpul yang mungkin. Sebaliknya, Peerchains ™ dapat hidup berdampingan dan bekerja secara harmonis, masing-masing berfokus pada bagian kepercayaan ekologi yang lebih besar.

Setiap Peer Mountain mengoperasikan Peerchain ™ yang dapat kami gunakan untuk masing-masing penyedia layanan, regulator, auditor, dan kelompok menonton industri atau kelompok perlindungan konsumen. Siapa pun yang ingin meninjau integritas rantai dapat mengakses penjelajah rantai yang tersedia untuk umum.

Teknologi Peerchain ™

Klien melihat contoh Peer Mountain secara transparan.
Atestasi sangat mudah dilakukan.
Instansi dikerahkan oleh penyedia layanan yang beroperasi di industri yang diatur.


Blockchains tidak dimaksudkan untuk menyimpan sejumlah besar data, yang masuk akal: semakin kecil struktur data, semakin efisien blockchainnya.

Peer Mountain menyimpan hash yang mengacu pada, dan mengambil, informasi terenkripsi disimpan dalam penyimpanan off-chain. Sampel Peer Mountain dapat menyimpan objek terenkripsi di Storj, IPFS, HDFS, TahoeFS, Amazon S3, atau solusi penyimpanan lain yang tersedia yang memberikan kinerja baca / tulis yang konsisten.

Skalabilitas Tinggi

Karena mekanisme konsensus mereka, blockchains membutuhkan throughput data yang lebih tinggi. Namun, blockchains tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk menangani transaksi besar secara bersamaan.

Peer Mountain memungkinkan segmentasi layanan yang aman dan transparan di seluruh penyebaran blockchain. Ini berarti sebuah organisasi dapat menerapkan layanan yang memerlukan volume transaksi real-time yang tinggi pada blok Peer Mountain yang disengaja, sambil menerapkan sisa layanan mereka ke blok Peer Mountain yang umum.

Misalnya, bank dapat menjalankan contoh terpisah untuk giro, jenis kartu kredit tertentu, dan pinjaman mobil. Penyiapan ini membagi volume transaksi lintas kasus, yang memungkinkan bank mencapai data lintas throughput cross-services yang lebih tinggi, serta kompatibilitas data cross-sample. Artinya bank bisa menggunakan informasi dari dokumen kartu kredit nasabah berupa kredit mobil dan rekening giro.

TOKEN SALE Peer Mountain Smartcap ™ Parameter

  • Round Expansion Factor 75%
  • Harga Discovery Factor 5%
  • Putaran SmartcapTM 1 Diskon 25%
  • Token Parity Level 1.500 PMT = 1 ETH
  • Penjualan Kumulatif Putaran 4 Cap 223.437.500 PMT
  • Mereka akan memasukkan 4 Kumulatif ET 124.181 ETH
  • Round 4 Price Discovery Point 1.728 PMT = 1 ET

Distribusi Token Peer Mountain


40% masalah PMT
Peer Mountain Reserve
40% masalah PMT
Kompensasi Tim
10% masalah PMT
Cadangan Hukum
8% masalah PMT
Backup Penasihat
2% masalah PMT
Token Type
Token Standar ERC-20
ICO terakhir
Di Smartcap ™

Kami akan mengalokasikan hasil dalam empat bidang utama yang diminati:

  • 40% Teknologi: yang mencakup pengembangan dan audit kontrak cerdas Peer Mountain, blok node, arsitektur aplikasi, dan klien mobile dan enterprise.
  • 25% Pengembangan Perusahaan: yang mencakup biaya perusahaan biasa seperti ruang kantor dan peralatan, gaji administratif dan manajerial, biaya, dan pajak
  • 10% Regulatory & legal: termasuk melobi dan mengembangkan saran peraturan
  • 25% Pemasaran: yang meliputi prakarsa PR, pemasaran, dan kemitraan

Timeline Proyek

06 - 2014: KYC3 Didirikan, memulai perjalanan menuju kepatuhan dan kepercayaan peraturan
10 - 2015: KYC3 Dalam lantik menjadi Fusion Fintech
04 - 2016: KYC3 Diangkat sebagai L'Atelier oleh BNP Paribas
10 - 2016: KYC3 Melengkapi Fusion Fintech
12 - 2016: KYC3 Mengamankan peningkatan modal untuk bulan Maret 2017
03 - 2017: Peer Mountain Proyer lahir, KYC3 Leads dan akan menjadi penyedia layanan untuk Flatfrom
04 - 2017: Lambang keuangan utama Swiss mengungkapkan niat untuk membayar Peer Mountain kepada 3 juta pengguna
05 - 2017: KYC3 Mencapai tingkat pendapatan 2016
06 - 2017: Pembangunan Peer Mountain dimulai
07 - 2017: Perusahaan Jerman mengungkapkan niatnya untuk menyebarkan gunung Peer kepada 9 juta pengguna
08 - 2017: Prototipe Peer Mountain
10 - 2017: kontrak corpotration Jerman teknologi Peer Mountain untuk menyebar lebih awal
10 - 2017: Peer Mountain keluar dari mode diam-diam
12 - 2017: Peer Mountain deployment v1
05 - 2018: Peer Mountain produksi oleh mitra Swiss jasa keuangan
09 - 2018: Peer Mountain penyebaran ke 3 juta pengguna akhir di Swiss
12 - 2018: Peer Mountain deployment oleh perusahaan Jerman menjadi 9 juta pengguna akhir


Tim kami memiliki pengetahuan untuk menghadirkan platform berkinerja terbaik dan pengalaman pengguna yang superior. Kami berada di jalur untuk menyebarkan Peer Mountain secara global dalam waktu singkat sehingga ekosistem kami memberikan nilai nyata bagi investor, dan pengguna, dengan cepat. Untuk memastikan keberhasilan ICO, kami juga bekerja sama dengan beberapa penasihat terpercaya yang ahli dalam penawaran token.

Tim penasehat

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek Peer Mountain [ICO] Anda dapat bergabung dengan alamat website kami di bawah ini dan terima kasih:

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FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/peermountaindotcom/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/27008860/
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeerMountain/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/peermountain

Dengan culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263