Rabu, 29 November 2017

Cashaa. Banking platform The last generation. ICO LIVE.

Cashaa is a platform created on the basis of blockchain technologies. It provides the best in the history of trading and services associated with the transition of fiat to crypto-currencies and vice versa. Being digital, it is transparent and can be used by banking and other organizations. The offered services are able to solve the problems that financial managers face every day, and also are useful for non-banking population. Currency exchange becomes much faster, easier and more profitable thanks to better exchange rates. Everyone can send money around the world, paying a very small fee of 7% of the current cost. Here you can make investments in foreign securities gaining access to the global economy. Money managed on the platform is very secure.

The platform was founded in 2016. This service works by linking participants of traditional money transfers with two traders, each of which is able to perform trading bitkoy in each local currency. Because of the price of arbitrage opportunities available on global cryptoremoney, traders using Cashaa can make a profit when filling out Cashaa's orders.
This system works because bitcoin prices tend to be higher in markets with money transfer receivers and because of the exchange of digital currencies in different markets.

The Cashaa team is building a next-generation model for financial services, which is based on blocking technology and artificial intelligence, which will allow devices with biometric identification systems to solve the problems of the existing financial system for both non-banking and banking populations.

To trade, provide and use all the services offered by the platform, the user must purchase the CAS tokens necessary to implement the idea and further develop the project. Those who have tokens get access to Cashaa premium special offers and can trade cryptocurruncies around the world, benefiting from lower payments paid for transactions, higher fx rates without restrictions and free customer support are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Kasha came up with a brilliant system for solving both problems. Founder Kumar Gaurav seeks to create a toll-free, free partner for the exchange of cash. He and his team built a beta version equipped with a block chain, and it was tested by 12,770 beta users who performed about $ 10 million. Their idea is to change the currency fiat to bitcoach or any other cryptoconversion in 1 country, and then change bitcoin or another cryptic back to fiat in another country. Using this two-way trade to transfer a single money transfer, the original currency holder fiat will be able to send money to another country; bypassing all traditional systems that would charge a relatively large fee.

What is the total volume of CAS deliveries?
The sign issued by Cashaa is known as CAS. Will be produced 1 billion CAS, of which 510 million CAS will be issued for pre-sale and main sale. Any remaining 510 million CAS will be burned. This creates a limited supply of tokens, which is a plus.

The remaining CAS is allocated to the reserve, the team and the adviser of the Company, as well as community and business development initiatives. The positive thing here is that there is a schedule of a delay of 12 to 36 months, which will mitigate concerns about dumping.

I give Cashaa 4 out of 5 here.

Does Cashaa have an MVP, as well as a viable business plan / roadmap?
Back in 2016, Cashaa has already developed an MVP and beta version for Cashaa, which proved the concept and viability of the business for Cashaa. And yes, there is a road map on Kashi paper. And, having looked at this, one of the key stages is a partnership with Asian and African banks to deal with remittances, which must be achieved in the first quarter of 2018. I believe that this is crucial for success for Cashaa, because it gets partnerships with banks, rather than trying to build a separate translation route - this is the fastest way to succeed.

However, this is also due to the fact that the risks are related to the fact that banks may want to get a larger share of the shares, and Cashaa will be forced to increase their commission. This can be mitigated by Cashaa's ability to extract revenue from the difference in the prices of crypto currency between sending countries and recipients. We will need to closely monitor this part. I also note that one of the advisers of Cashaa Colum Rafferty has extensive experience in this area and is likely to be able to pave the way for Cashaa.

I also give 4/5.

Listing on stock exchanges
Based on its document, Cashaa will list its tokens on the exchanges in the fourth quarter of 2017. This will cause many investors to ICO or I should call them flippers. They will strive to easily switch to CAS tokens. But I advise that the true value of CAS arose only after they established their relations with banks and began to work as a money transfer service. Do not sell too early, because of this will be a lot of profit. Look at the rise in prices for Omisego, the first unicorn of cryptoactive assets, and this is certainly an opportunity for Cashaa to follow suit. The Cashaa website mentions that the CAS will be included in the Bittrex, LiveCoin, Bitlish, Space BTC list after the token creation event, but also states that "we can not influence the exchange decision." It's a bit vague.

I give them 3/5 here, since the listing plan on the exchanges does not yet seem obvious.

Team and advisers
It is here that Cashaa shines, the team has extensive experience in the block industry with the participation of the founder and co-founder, who started the successful blockhouse companies before Cashaa. Other team members have impressive summaries in the banking sector.

Equally impressive is the board of directors. We see Bernard Lietaer, who is known as the architect of the euro and John Henry Clippinger, who is from MIT. Their payment adviser Colum Rafferty also has an impressive portfolio and will be key to helping the team ensure its banking relationship.

more info :

Web: https://cashaa.com
Whitepaper: https://cashaa.com/pdf/Cashaa_WP.pdf

By culun86

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