Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

Bitcoin Atom - Atomic Swap powered. Driven by the community. Atom.

The heat of the cryptocurrency market has soared and investors are enjoying a high performance of premium cryptocurrencies. That leads people to put money in cryptocurrencies as a new method of global investment. As the market develops and attention is paid to the cryptocurrency, people come up with new ideas and ways to improve existing systems. Some create their own cryptocurrency to feed the new ecosystem, and some have ideas on how to improve existing ones. Today we will review the second, new fork of the most popular cryptography: Bitcoin. The team behind https://bitcoinatom.io/ is working to improve Bitcoin, with a fork called Bitcoin Atom.

With the invention of Bitcoin at the end of 2008. many things have changed. The Blockchain technology offers new and wonderful functions, such as a decentralized and transparent system. Sending money around the world without a third party, such as banks, with significantly lower rates was almost unimaginable. Although Bitcoin has already done a great job, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Bitcoin Atom is a Bitcoin fork enabled with SegWit that provides the first truly decentralized exchange form. Most exchange markets are centralized, which does not make sense, so this is a big step towards the highly desired centralized system. Compared with BTC, Bitcoin Atom is carrying out faster transactions through the use of atomic swaps, which are currently implemented through the HTLC of the chain, with the possibility of disconnecting the chain through the Lightning network. Safety is also improved, using a hybrid model of Work Test and Test Test. The maximum supply of tokens remains the same: 21,000,000 BCA tokens. Anyone who owns Bitcoin and has the private key can claim BCA, with a rate set at 1 BTC equal to 1 BCA.

Important specifications:

Ticker symbol: BCA

Maximum supply: 21 million

Distribution: mining, minting, claim

PoW Algorithm: SHA256

Block interval PoW: 10 minutes

PoS blocking interval: 10 minutes

Block size (actual): 1M (2-4M)

Adjustment of difficulty: 2 weeks

Average confirmation time: 5 minutes

Atomic changes: Yes

Segwit: Yes

Reproduction protection: yes

Single address format: yes

Now, when you know the basics of this perspective project, to get all the additional information, check the official blog channel at the following link: https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom

Rewards campaigns:

Another way to participate in the project is through reward campaigns, where you can help the creators of the project with marketing in different ways. For example, through social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, or even translating the project into a different language, etc.
For your participation, you will be rewarded with tokens.
Additional information about the rewards campaigns that can be consulted in the following link:

There is also an official thread in the bitcointalk forum for all fans of cryptocurrencies, in which they are more than welcome to join and participate in the discussion about the project. All that and more in:

Some of the links you might need:

Official website: https://bitcoinatom.io/
Blog: https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atombitcoin
Telegram: http://t.me/bitcoinatom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atombitcoin

With culun86

BTC Address: 1ForJwHweDRwAwG9zXE5XHMqUQRhgH9g9N

Jumat, 26 Januari 2018


Bitcoin Atom membahas isu-isu yang saat ini didominasi oleh blockchain paling terkenal di dunia. Tentu saja Bitcoin. Bitcoin telah merevolusi lapangan dengan menghapus moderator dari keseluruhan cerita, membuat kesepakatan langsung dan murah, dan fakta bahwa mereka tidak dapat melawan mata uang. Semua ini menginspirasi ekspansi yang bisa kita lihat sekarang.

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) menawarkan cara yang benar-benar terdesentralisasi untuk menukar aset digital. Bitcoin Atom mencoba untuk mengganggu cara pertukaran password darurat saat ini, yang memberikan kebebasan perantara dan entitas terpusat menggunakan kontrak kunci waktu hash (HTLC) built-in dan API HTLC-nya sendiri.

Kami percaya bahwa sebagian besar transaksi kriptokokus harus dilakukan dalam rantai secara terdistribusi, sesuai dengan pendekatan Bitcoin yang asli untuk penanganan di lingkungan yang sama sekali tidak dapat diandalkan.

Dilaksanakan melalui jaringan off-chain lightning (LN) melalui jaringan HTLC on-chain, Atomic Swaps (AS) menyediakan kemampuan untuk menukar aset secara langsung antara blockbars tanpa intervensi perantara. Fitur ini disebut atom penghubung silang dan pada intinya menyarankan dukungan Bitcoin Atom dengan mengimpor API AS dan satu set utilitas lintas transaksi ke perangkat lunak inti Bitcoin yang asli dan mentransfernya ke BCA.

Perdagangan valuta asing merupakan topik yang populer di kalangan anggota masyarakat kripto-kurra. Secara khusus, harga transaksi dan enkripsi Bitcoin meningkat. Namun, diskusi dapat dipusatkan di seputar masalah yang dihadapi pengguna bursa karena jumlah dan kompleksitas langkah-langkah yang terlibat dan kemungkinan masalah.

Proses transaksi umum untuk transaksi pihak ketiga mencakup langkah-langkah berikut:

  • Pendaftaran
  • Konfirmasi
  • Proses Verifikasi
  • Deposit ke rekening
  • Pemesanan
  • Penarikan
  • Prosedur Penarikan
  • Tanda terima uang logam

Semua prosedur ini mungkin memakan waktu 3-5 hari kerja, tergantung pada pertukaran.

Mari kita lihat lebih dekat proses pertukaran enkripsi melalui pertukaran atom.
  • Tempatkan pesanan di dalam simpul.
  • Terimalah enkripsi abort.
ATOM BITCOIN Node dapat dibuka dengan mudah dan perintah penjualan / pembelian dapat dilakukan segera tanpa gangguan atau intermediasi.

Manfaat Utama Pertukaran Atom atas Central Stocks
  • Perdagangan yang lebih baik
  • DELETE delay (karena kehilangan deposit / withdrawal, server downtime, dll)
  • Untuk melindungi terhadap kemungkinan kehilangan koin, simpan kunci pribadi (misalnya Gunung Gox).
  • Meminimalkan potensi pelanggaran keamanan.
  • Pertahankan identitas pribadi Anda (tanpa proses verifikasi).
  • Ini sangat peer-to-peer karena keseluruhan proses transaksi diselenggarakan pada bulan Desember.
  • Kurangi biaya transaksi seminimal mungkin.


garpu untuk pemegang di Bitcoin (Cekal nomor TBA) Semua pemegang Bitcoin dengan kunci privat saat menerima Bitcoin Atom untuk BTC = 1 BCA. Bitcoin Untuk memiliki dan menukar Atom, Anda harus mengontrol kunci pribadi Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Atom adalah garpu rantai blok Bitcoin dengan upgrade protokol utama pada pertengahan Desember (nomor blok TBA). Pada nomor blok yang ditentukan, blok BTC asli terhubung ke BCA, dan semua transaksi berikutnya benar-benar diisolasi dari jaringan Bitcoin dan Bitcoin Atom. Bitcoin Atom kemudian tinggal di mainnet dan menjadi password berfitur lengkap.

  • Simbol Ticker: BCA
  • Max BCA: 21 juta
  • Distribusi: Pertambangan, Mint, Biaya
  • Algoritma PoW: SHA256
  • Intervensi pemblokiran PoW: 10 menit
  • Blok PoS interval: 10 menit
  • Ukuran blok (aktual): 1M (2-4M)
  • Penyesuaian Kesulitan: 2 minggu
  • Waktu Konfirmasi Tx Rata-rata: 5 menit
  • Konversi Atom: Ya
  • Berikut: Ya
  • Re-perlindungan: Ya
  • Format alamat yang unik: Ya

Proyek Bitcoin Atom adalah hasil tim insinyur profesional. Ada banyak pengembang, desainer, arsitek, dan profesional pemasaran lainnya yang membantu proyek ini. Bersama-sama mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan semua tantangan. Banyak proyek kekurangan pengetahuan dan berbagai orang menyukai proyek ini.

Proyek ini sangat menarik dan kami telah menyediakan informasi dasar disini. Kami telah mencoba menghadirkan proyek yang menjanjikan ini kepada Anda, namun untuk mendapatkan detail terakhir dari semua informasi, lihat blog resmi yang sangat rinci dan mudah dimengerti. Anda adalah pakar atau pemula teknologi rantai blok. Anda dapat menemukannya di sini: https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom

Kampanye Bounty

Anda juga bisa bergabung dengan program bounty yang disebut. Dengan kata lain, Anda dapat mendukung proyek Anda melalui jejaring sosial, membantu pengusaha untuk menerjemahkan, membuat blog, dan berpartisipasi dalam menandatangani kampanye. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2567797.0

Bitcointalk adalah tempat untuk menemukan informasi dan opini terbaik tentang proyek ini, namun Anda dapat mengajukan pertanyaan. Kemudian orang-orang yang mengerjakan proyek akan bersedia menjawab atau membantu Anda sesuai kebutuhan. Project presentation thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2515675.0

Tidak ada yang ingin kami lakukan untuk orang-orang yang kami dukung proyek ini dan juga bagi mereka yang mendukungnya. Bitcoin Atom memiliki preferensi nyata untuk pasar mata uang terenkripsi, dan kami yakin bahwa ini akan menjadi kesuksesan yang sempurna. Anda harus pergi ke https://bitcoinatom.io/ dan temukan semuanya yang penting.

Informasi Detail:

Dengan culun86

BTC Alamat: 1ForJwHweDRwAwG9zXE5XHMqUQRhgH9g9N

Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

BETTERBETTING - Provides Global Liquidity Liquid Pool

Hallo all, I will introduce about BetterBetting Project and for that here is the Explanation:

The Better Betting Foundation relies on effective technical implementation to achieve its goal of providing Global Betting Liquidity Pool. Along with the development of business needs, technical inquiry has been conducted with the aim to find the optimal technical solution. Basically, the intention is to provide a pool of global betting liquidity for use by targeted market creators and bettors. In principle, anyone can make a Bet Offer based on a real sporting event, this is more traditionally known as a bet. Each Bet Bet will be grouped by market and event and listed in a searchable directory. Bettors who want to place bets can then search in the directories and find the bets they want. The betting acceptance process then involves blocking Ethereal to keep an agreed bet contract that also holds shares and liabilities in escrow - the system will use self-issued token bets (BETR). When the event is over, the bets associated with the event can be completed. To settle the bet, the result of the selection must be determined. The smart bet contract will contain information on the parties that will supply the results of the selection. In the case of bets offered by this sports book generally it is Bet Offer Creator (bet bet). Another solution is to point third parties to the results (this can be a data feed) or designate a special 3rd party node that is a knot node - it will complete according to a set of rules based on all other similar settlements.

One Application and Two Linked Systems.

The Ethereum Network will be used for the management of bet contracts and BETR tokens and interfaces to other systems above it to provide UX to Bet Offerers and Bettors by running betting directory services as distributed databases.

This system we call 'Better Betting Node' (BBN).

BBN is a downloadable app that is installed on a user's device and includes an ethereum wallet. This is similar to blockchain applications as far as operating without central servers and nodes communicating with each other to maintain the state of the database. BBN does not need to store data indefinitely, and that is one aspect that distinguishes it from standard blockchain networks where each node (or miner) stores a full copy of the transaction ledger.

How it Works for Everyone

There are two parties who bet. In our terms, we call the party that created (or put) a Bet 11 Offer a BET CREATOR. Traditionally this would be a sports book but in our case, anyone could be a Creator Bet. On the other hand, the party who took the offer offer (or part of it) is called BETTOR.

From the point of view of Bettors, they basically want to see a list of sporting events and betting options with the available obstacles and limitations. By selecting a bet option and applying the bet amount, a bet can be made. For CREATOR BET, they want to be able to create a Bet Offer series with betting options, opportunities and limits (maximum risk exposure) and place them into the betting directory so Bettors can select them as above. It is predicted that a standard BBN API will be created that allows Creator Bet to integrate directly with their own systems thereby offering automatic offer of creations.

Above all this system needs to know when the sporting event is scheduled and when the results. To do this, the same APIs available for sports books can be used to link samples of BBN and data feed providers. This will facilitate the creation of automatic events, markets and selection and can also facilitate the results. One of the main features of the directory is to provide Event ID, Market and Selection so that event data can be paired with the betting creator system. The Event ID will include the Primary Feed Provider ID and may also include the Creator ID.

Structure of Three Layers of BBN

To provide a technical solution to these requirements, a three-layer application is considered that can be described as follows:


The system will be funded through the issuance of token bets (BETR). BETR will be limited based on the number of tokens available and will be issued according to the following schedule:

ICO and token sale
At least $ 2 million, a maximum of $ 30 million will be raised through token publishing.
These funds will be used for the development and release of better bet protocols Development and open source software dapps and nodes Marketing to key stakeholders and consumers Legal and administrative costs.

For more information:

WEBSITE: https://betterbetting.org/
WHITEPAPER: https://betterbetting.org/BETTER_BETTING_Foundation_White_Paper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2582662
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2633589.0

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Rabu, 17 Januari 2018

NETWORKUNIT - Multiplayer Game Design And An Easy Way To Integrate Multiplayer Functions

Hallo all, in this Post I will describe the NetworkUnit project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

Unit Network Unit
network is a way to Design multiplayer games and gives developers an easy way to integrate multiplayer functionality. We will use the Ethereal blockchain and its smart contracting functionality to create a platform that lets hardware owners (service providers) share unused Bandwidth and CPU resources with developers who traditionally ask their own servers to drive their multiplayer functionality and get tokens to do so. can get tokens from the platform by connecting their wallets to their game accounts to become active clients. Therefore Network Units have unique mining processes in two very different but interesting ways to get tokens.

Why Multiplayer Gaming?
Game with multiplayer aspect makes gamers longer. Realtime First Person Shooters generally have single player and multiplayer modes and the addition of multiplayer mode can increase the average game clock played to 7 factors.


Waste Computing Resources
Most personal computers and the computational power and bandwidth of hired servers are not fully utilized. Improper server plans, requiring you to subscribe to plans higher than necessary, or the average owner of a computer that is mastered who use them for web browsing, writing documents and games occasionally candy candy are certain examples of this.

Multiplayer functions can be painful and expensive to integrate
Writing your own network code can be complicated and time-consuming. Managing your own server can be both complicated and costly. As a game developer we understand that the more time you have to work on the creative aspects of the game the better.

Imagine gamers can be complicated Without the right incentivization gamer can quickly get bored with a potentially great game. Multiplayer integration will help but other incentivization rates especially regarding earnings earnings can take longer. Unfortunately this can be a very expensive feature because the developers have to fund it.

This is not a fair fight
Gamers expect a fair game and a good challenge. Unfortunately, most of them do not get it. Cheating or broken bearded mechanics ruin the entire gaming community. Gamers become demotivated, stopping content spending and full economic potential from missed games.

Big games require Infrastructure infrastructure
Limited's massive launch of the game could turn the game into a failure. Network latency or down-time kills gaming experience and optimizes resource efficiency makes game development more expensive. Loss of turnover and subsequent damage damage is significant. The 2014 DDOS Xmas attack on Sony is a well-known example of this.

Our Solution
All problems mentioned above can be solved or repaired by the Network Unit platform.

Turning waste into treasure
There are a lot of unused processing power and bandwidth out there, Network Units intend to exploit them into blocked, blocked deployed infrastructure used for cost-effective and reliable multiplayer games.

Multiplayer functions can be easier and cheaper to integrate
Easily integrating Unity Asset developers can be freed from having to write complex network code and the infrastructure that drives it. It will be available on the Unity Asset Store which is a very popular third-party market for Unity Engine.

Gamers can collect tokens by playing
Unique networking units in the sense that the verification process rewards gamers who connect their wallets to their game accounts with tokens as they help verify the service provider. This not only helps increase the number of active users but can encourage new players to your game who are looking for new ways to get tokens and have a lot of fun in the process.

System reputation
The Network Unit framework will have an integrated cross-platform reputation system. This way when you become a collaborative player in one game, chances are you will match the collaborative players in all the games you play on the NU infrastructure.

Network Units are decentralized
Because NU platforms are decentralized, we can offer more resilient solutions supported by automatic failover in case of malpractice or deliberate malpractice. This ensures players move seamlessly to new providers so their game can continue uninterrupted.

Technical Features
Masternodes / Service Providers
Masternodes will be required to provide shares and run hosted applications. This host application will serve requests based on our multiplayer framework. Masternodes can act as relays for other host masternodes and take over as new hosts in the event of a failure. Masternodes will also be responsible for verifying peers. Clients (Gamers with connected wallets) will also verify that they are actually providing their resources.

Gamer / Active Client
Active clients are gamers who connect their wallets to their games that take advantage of the NU multiplayer framework. This allows them to participate in our verification process running in the background. This not only helps make infrastructure stronger and more reliable but Active clients can obtain tokens to participate in this process.

Proof of Service

Online Masternode / Online Verification Service Provider is requested from a node with a random number of verification nodes that will try small network functions by the service providers installed on the node. Mismatch or timeout results in the verification node or node complained using our smart contract. This will be triggered by the Service Provider application.

Not only the affected reputation but also the Node shares (NU tokens) can also be affected. In the case of verification where the result is negative (where the result is not equal to the majority) the node will be subject to a fine from the stock and its reputation. If the result is positive (the majority of nodes verify with the same result) the node will be given a reputation and in some cases, the NU token.

To summarize
Verification is done randomly between nodes or on request
Some nodes are involved in the verification process
Reputation may be affected by the verifier and the verification applicant
Reputation is positively affected with duration without (positive) and negative complaints with (negative) complaints
Rest periods, dishonesty and poor abnormalities depend on a negative reputation.
Active Client Verification
Active Clients are gamers who connect their wallets to their game accounts. This is done through our dashboard and not the game itself to avoid potential problems with the gaming market. This game will provide a unique code that users can cast into our smart contract to get rewards for playing. In the background, the client will add another verification layer that works very similar to Peer Verification described above.

  • With infrastructure
  • Strict Verification Policy
  • Enhanced reliability
  • Host application
  • Game Developers
  • Users
  • Integration
  • Details of Token Sales
  • Presale Begins: December 23, 2017
  • Presale Expires: January 21, 2018
  • NAME: NetworkUnits
  • TOKEN PRICE: 1 ETH = 500 NU
  • TOTAL SUPPLY on sale: 15,817,083 NU
  • Hard Cap: 16.666 ETH
  • Minimum Cap: 3333 ETH

more info:

Website: https: //networkunits.io/
Whitepaper: https: //networkunits.io/dl/network-units-whitepaper-latest-3.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/networkunits
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/network_units
Telegram: http: //t.me/networkunits

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Nous platform [Bounty]

Nousplatform - as a unique platform (NST - site https://nousplatform.com) for interaction of investment funds and investors. This platform will provide its users with tools for managing all investment processes, for generating reports, a multi-currency purse, another list of funds and their purpose.

What problems are solved by Nousplatform

  • Transparency of the Fund's Reporting
  • Trust in a bank or broker
  • High entry threshold, high commission
  • Binding to a specific currency
  • Lack of comparative statistics
  • Language barriers, complex reporting
  • Complexities in the acquisition of ETF indices
  • Weak opportunities for portfolio diversification

Nousplatform is a new generation of investment funds
The protocol creates a smart contract for a tokenized fund based on the Efirium blockbuster, which defines the basic rules for investor interaction with the fund.

The protocol distributes the access rights for the smart contract's nous which is the principal and can execute various methods of the stock smart contract, such as snapshots of the fund's purse balances, verification of the fund's owner, allocation of the fund's flats and others. The protocol can connect third-party services to expand the functionality of the stock contract.

Benefits for investors

  • Investing in top-end funds created on the NST platform
  • Diversification of risks in the selection of top-end funds with various portfolio assets
  • Use snapshots recorded in the block to analyze the profitability of the fund
  • Trade in ETF indices on the decentralized NST exchange

 Details of the ICO project Nousplatform

The Nousplatform project token

  • The name is NOUS-Token (NST)
  • Total number - 777,000,000 tokens
  • Available tokens for acquisition - 70%
  • Block - Ethereum (ERC-20)

PRE-ICO project Nousplatform

  • Terms of PRE-ICO - 30 November 2017-25 December 2017
  • The price for PRE-ICO is 1 ETH = 8000 NST

ICO project Nousplatform

  • Terms of ICO - 1 March 2018-17 April 2018.
  • The price for ICO is 1 ETH = from 7000 NST (1 week ICO) to 6400 NST (4 week ICO)
  • Participation in ICO is only ETH.

The purpose of the ICO project Nousplatform

  • soft cap: 2 200 000 $ = 5 500 ETH
  • hard cap: $ 34,000,000 = 85,000 ETH
  • Useful links for the Nousplatform project
  • Project website: https://nousplatform.com
  • Thread on BitcoinTalk: Go
  • Whete Paper: In Russian | In English

more info:

Web: https://nousplatform.com/
whitePaper: https: //nousplatform.com/docs/nousplatform_whitepaper_en.pdf
Forum Forum Discussion: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 2236285
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nousplatform
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/nousplatform
Telegram Chat: https: //t.me/NousplatformEng

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

BITRACE - Blockchain Based Racing City Development Project

Hallo all, on my Post this time I will introduce about BitRace Project and here is the Explanation:

Bitrace Investment is a London based company. They are currently in the process of developing an F1 city project that includes the construction of Formula 1 lines, world class hotels, and other recreational activities. This project is for three hundred hectares in Hammamet, Tunisia. There are also plans to include tennis courts, golf courses, restaurants, casinos, shopping centers and gardens. Projected sales in 2025 is estimated to be close to three hundred million.

Tunisia is the perfect location for the new F1 arena. It's about three hours on average from the capital of a large European city. In addition, compared to buildings in other locations, Tunisia has much lower labor and material costs. Building tracks and organizing F1 events can bring many economic benefits to the surrounding community. Short-term impacts include job creation, while long-term benefits are driven by increased tourism and consumer spending.

Foto Bitrace Investments.

Bitrace will have a token sale to generate funds. The token symbol is BRF, and this is the ERC20 token based on the Ethereal blockchain. The token price is ten US cents with a minimum purchase of one hundred tokens. All token holders will be twenty percent of net income and payments projected to begin in 2022. Tokens can also be used to purchase services and products in racing city development. This is a very interesting project that I hope to be part of. There's a very good management team, and it looks like it's going to be a really good development.


  1. Buy products and services in Tunisia Racing F1 City using Bitrace.
  2. Buy Timeshare for our holidays using Bitrace.
  3. Purchase a flight ticket from our tour operator for a specific purpose using Bitrace.
  4. Rent a car in certain Mediterranean countries using Bitrace.
  5. Purchase Vacation Packages using Bitrace.
  6. Purchase services worldwide at LaBelle & LeBeau Beauty Salons using Bitrace.
  7. Trading on CFD Platform BDSwiss using Bitrace.
  8. Receives return on investment from holding activity, because 20% of net profit will be distributed among Bitrace holders.

Sales Token

  1. Token Symbol: BRF
  2. Hard cap: 57,626,400 US $
  3. Soft: 3,000,000 US $
  4. Total token supply: 1,000,000,000 BRF
  5. Token for Pre-Sales: 220,000,000 BRF
  6. ICO Token: 356,264,000 BRF
  7. Price token: 0.10 US $
Bitrace Team

Advisory Team

more info:

Website: https://www.bitrace-token.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.bitrace-token.com/whitepaper
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2678267
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bitrace.token
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitraceToken
Telegram: http://t.me/bitrace

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Selasa, 16 Januari 2018

Dragoncoin Sorted Currencies for Casinos & Players

Hello every friend!
Back again with me epengcupeng12 here I will discuss a very good project about the project "Dragon coin" Let's start ?

What is Dragon

Dragon is lucky & blessed to have a close relationship with junket operators, who with their long history in this industry have built close relationships with high rolled VIP players which are the main drivers of the Asian gaming industry.

Dragon Coin will act as an unlimited, low cost and transparent alternative financial mechanism inside the casinos, to improve the ancient game industry. With its expertise in blockchain technology, Dragon's goal is to revolutionize the old gaming industry while leveraging its roots in the industry, as well as all members of the community who journey on to achieve the Dragon Coin goal.


Buy DRG from Exchange
Players purchase our DRC ERC20 Token from Exchange Cryptocurrency.

Exchange DRG for DGC
The DRG ERC20 tokens are then exchanged for DGC (Dragon Global Chips) in our partner Casinos & Junkets, for use in Casinos.

The victory paid to the Player can be converted back to DRG, other crypto or Player has the option of receiving payment at FIAT.

Fuel Supply
Some profits are used to buy back DRG tokens, and burn them to reduce inventory amounts.

"We're really building a business to improve & improve the way people engage with Casinos.Transparency & Integrity play a big role in achieving this, & Blockchain facilitates that solution perfectly."

Chris Ahmad, Co-Founder & CEO of Dragon INC

DRAGONS The executive team

  • Chris Ahmad = Founder & CEO
  • Paul Moynan = founder
  • Panchat Chayutthana = Director of Business Development and Finance
  • Yobie Benjamin = CTO

DRAGONS Advisory Board

  • Nick Spanos = Banking in Bitcoin
  • Dean Cannell = CoinFabric
  • Las Ho Choi = Experienced Junket Operator
  • Vlatko Gigov = Blockchain Token Economics
  • Christopher Cannucciari = Bitcoin Banking
  • Dean Anastos = BlockchainDevelopers.org
  • Abdul Qaiyoom = Risk Expert & Block Expert
  • Samuel McCulloch = SmartICOInvestor.com
  • Max Garza = Research & Development Blockchain

For Official Information:

Website: https://www.drgtoken.io/

Whitepaper: https://s3.amazonaws.com/drg-token/Whitepaper-Dragon.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2524680.new#new

Dragon Coin Token Sale: https://tokensale.drgtoken.io/

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

FORTY SEVEN - The Easy To Use Encryption And Payment Router Application

Aims to provide quality, safe and user friendly banking services for individual and institutional consumers, which will be fully recognized by the financial authorities and in accordance with the regulatory framework.

Banks will specialize in digital financial services by fully supporting cryptococcus and traditional fiat currencies. Basic key crypto procedures include sales and purchase features, investment options and exchange and storage of crypto and gyro. The Multi-Asset Account will be one of the flagship innovative products shifted by Forty Seven Bank - this will allow customers to have access to all their accounts in impudent crypto banks and purses and their investment and savings in equality and cryptococcal equations through one app. It will be possible to operate with each asset type in accordance with having only one Multi-Asset Account in Forty Seven Bank.

The uniqueness of the Forty Seven Bank will be a full-tech and legal equipment for cryptococcal treatment and treatment.

Mission, Vision

Forty Seven Bank's mission and management team is to provide safe, innovative and user friendly financial services and products to our customers - individuals, businesses, developers, merchants, financial institutions and governments. Our product range will unite the traditional world of cryptography and finance and provide a new unique opportunity to both.


Financial stability
Effectiveness and firendly procedure of user
Security and privacy (data protection)
Customer satisfaction
The growth of market share and worldwide expansion
Benefits for all stakeholders.

Products and Services

Products for Personal Person
Account management
Deposits and Loans
Investments and Brokers
Other Services

Products and services

In the past, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has changed its approach to business and customer service. We believe that smart contracts related to legal and financial banking services will result in a new technological revolution.

  • Products for Business
  • Forty Seven App Platform and API Management
  • Payment and Invoicing Process
  • Financing and Factoring
  • POS biometric terminal
  • White Label Processing
  • ICO service

Bonus FSBT Token

FSBT is a Ethereal based etiquette that follows the ERC-208 standard. The ERC-20 standard (EIP: 20 from 11 September 2017), the open code sourced from Github9 ensures that the Ethereal-based token will operate in the future crypto-ecosystem at.

predictable ways Such token holders actually control their digital assets in the Block Ethics without the need to use any other special software.

  • Pre-ICO: 30% bonus;
  • ICO days 1 - 3: 15% bonus;
  • ICO days 4 - 7: 10% bonus;
  • ICO days 8 - 14: 5% bonus;

ICO days 15 - 28: 0% bonus, but bonus for quantity:

  • 501 - 2 500 tokens: 2% bonus;
  • 501 - 5 000 tokens: 5% bonus;
  • 5 001 - 25 000 tokens: 10% bonus.
  • 25 000 tokens: 15% bonus.

Products for Business

The synergy of contracts and smart blockchain will open up new opportunities that can not be trusted. Our team aims to break through tradition

banking and enter into new banking perspectives by using
current innovative exclusive services for future benefits. We created not only technology banks, we created the banks of the future.

Technology Blockchain

Blockchain technology will transform the entire financial industry and banking. Forty Seven Bank is proud to be part of this transformation and wants to play a key role by developing and delivering cutting edge financial products and solutions to our clients. Blockchain should not only serve cryptocurrency fans, everyone and businesses should benefit from this innovative technology.

Gateway cryptocurrency

Forty Seven Bank will operate as a cryptocurrency gateway - it will convert the fiat into crypto currency and return to fiat. The Bank will be integrated with key key crypto exchange and use its own reserves in fiat and cryptocurrency to make exchange requests from our clients. For our clients, exchange operations between fiat and crypto-curent accounts will be as simple as transferring money from one fiat account to another.

Cryptocurrency payment system

For merchants who sell their goods over the internet, we will provide a secure crypto payment system. Buyers will be able to pay for products in crypto and fiat currency via our payment system. This system will be easy to use for buyers and easy to combine for merchants. Payment APIs and payment buttons for integration into merchant stores will be developed and made available to our customers. When a buyer buys the product, he can choose how they want to pay - either by using fiat or crypto currency.

When a purchase is received, funds from a buyer's account or a cryptocurrency buyer are safely transported to a fiat or cryptographic sales account. If the seller wants, funds can be converted automatically to the desired fiat or crypto currency. Forty-seven banks can perform chargebacks for cryptocurrency

transactions in the case of duplicate billing, fraud or technical issues on the merchant's side. Our payment system will be safe and secure for both buyers and merchants.

Cryptocurrency Emissions Stability Prices

Forty-seven Banks will emit a cost-efficient crypto - currency backed by the same reserve in fiat currencies, such as USD or EUR. The stable currency exchange rate has not changed and is nominated in the appropriate fiat currency.
Customers at any time can easily buy and sell crypto that is stable against fiat currency. Price - stable crypto will allow our clients to buy and sell goods in fiat currency, but with ease and with crypto speed -
 cies. Also our customers can use stable cryptocurrencies from prices set by Forty Seven Bank to protect against market volatility of cryptocurrency.

Whitelist and blacklist

Forty-seven Banks will continue to monitor customary activities to detect and prevent money laundering activities. As a result of this procedure we always know people and companies that we can trust and who we can not trust. Our bank will issue a whitelist and account blacklist. Both lists will be available to the public at large regarding public obstacles. Other banks, businesses and people may consider this list to evaluate whether or not to secure any crypto-cost financial transactions with these accounts.

Person and Corporate Authentication Service

In the world of crypto, it is very difficult to ascertain the identity of counterparty for financial transactions. The owner of the cryptourrency address is usually anonymous. In a real business you need to have assurance that you are operating with the right person or company. Forty Seven Banks provide a solution to this problem, because we know the identity of our clients. We will strictly follow all KYC procedures to operate as a bank, therefore we can guarantee counterparty identity for our customers. Also our bank can provide people authentication services through the OAuth 2.05 protocol. Many online services and our customers who use them can benefit from authentication through this public standard. This default describes all technical details of how user authentication should work. The adoption of OAuth 2.0 is very easy and easy for developers who want to integrate their products or services into our bank. Many online services and customers using this service will benefit from authentication via
this public standard.


more info:

Website: https://www.fortyseven.io/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com
Telegram: https://t.me/thefortyseven
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FortySevenBank/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/47foundation
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2225492

With culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

AMLT - Providing Access To A Safe And Transparent Block Chain Economy

On the "Epic / Awesome / Cool" spectrum of crypto companies entering the market, entertainment sub-sectors such as gambling and important rankings are quite high. However, on the other hand, you will find compliance with Anti Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism (AML / KKP) regulations. While that may be true, you would be hard pressed to make the argument that AML / CTF as a service is not a critical component in crypto.

To get a better understanding of what is AML / CTF, I suggest we look at why anyone is looking for a servicer. The latest news that Humaniq and Coinfirm have partnered is a perfect example of where their two missions are aligned. Humaniq will benefit from increased security, protect transactions with original HMQ signatures from uncontrolled use, and Coinfirm will fulfill their mission to make the global financial system safer, transparent, effective and accessible for new economies and individuals. In other words, the AML / KKP Coinfirm solution gives legitimacy to their digital currency and equals other asset classes.

Think about it. The AML / CTF Coinfirm solution is perfect for any entity that has the need to deliver and deliver a high level of trust. Whatever the crypto market sector of an entity, they do not want to expose themselves, their clients, and their partners to take risks. In other words, any entity that touches cryptocurrencies or operates with them needs to apply the AML / CTF compliance rules to protect themselves and enable its commercial growth. The cryptocurrency market can be applied to most economies and the entities operating within it will require AML / CTF compliance for legal, commercial, and moral reasons.

The AMLT Coinfirm compliance mark is a solution that can bring transparency and democratization to the system by actively engaging market participants in risk determination. Furthermore, the AMLT token will also trigger transactions on the Coinfirm platform, enabling risk management and creating a network for safe and transparent exchange of values.

All markets are at risk when forbidden activity is left uncontrolled. Coinfirm noted in their whitepapers that traditional AML enforcement failed 99.9% of the time and less than 1% of global illicit financial flows were confiscated and canceled. Prevention and control mechanisms are essential for companies that want to make sure that they are not consciously or unconsciously exposed, partying, or facilitating such high-risk transfers or counterparties.

However, blockchain technology enables democratic participation and provides an opportunity for everyone to provide input and participation. Thus, it is possible to be more accurate, effective, and less arbitrary than traditional systems. Therefore, not only allows more transparency and efficiency but also opens the financial markets to more participants and promotes real financial inclusion.

Coinfirm's mission is to provide an efficient and effective global standard for AML / CTF compliance in a decentralized and democratic manner in which participants can rank AML / KKP / Fraud / business / risk (see example Risk Report below):

In addition, Coinfirm expects that their AML / CTF platform serves as a bridge to accommodate new business models and adopt the blockchain and virtual currency.

The AML / CTF Coinfirm platform currently serves three major obstacles as well as the ERC20 and ERC233 tokens:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Dash (DASH)
  • Ethics (ETH)

The platform can support the majority of public and private blockchains and can be integrated within three days.

The table below describes technical metrics

METRICSDATAQuery Queries100 reports per secondSize Data Size3TB SQL table, 500GB graph data, 250GB raw blockchainNumber of Scenarios Rating186Average Time to Generate Reports10s

ICO Terms & Conditions

  • CIRCULATION: 210,000,000 in ICO
  • TOTAL CIRCULATION: 400,000,000
  • ICO DURATION: 28 November - 31 December, 2017

MILESTONEMAKNAPra-1.0 AMLTThe Coinfirm AML / CTF Platform provides secure solution for virtual currency ecosystem 1.1.0 AMLTAMLT redeemable with AML Risk Reports with AMLT AMLT big discount2.0 integrated with Platform. Users who through the identification and verification process can exchange information to participate in AMLT Daily Distribution.

If you read this sentence then let me give you a virtual boxing lump because you must be very curious about how blockchain can change and develop compliance rules and markets. Few topics can kill dinner parties faster than trying to convince a guest that public opinion is all wrong and the topic of regulation / compliance is actually, sexy and exciting. That's when you look for the opportunity to politely excuse yourself into the restroom.

I understand the need for it, but this is not a field that keeps my blood flowing. However, what keeps my blood flowing is reading about how blockchain can be applied to places that I think are unlikely to happen. Rule / compliance is one place, so my curiosity on Coinfirm's plan gives me enough motivation to gain strength through their 50+ whitepaper pages, blogs, articles and websites. I still do not think this is a good topic for a dinner party, but I think it all depends on who you sit next to and how you are conveying the information.

Coinfirm market itself as a RegTech / compliance company, but I see them as more of a security firm where they promote and protect the interests of the cryptocurrency market by identifying, analyzing and neutralizing illicit activities (AML / CTF).

To help illustrate how and where Coinfirm matches the market, consider this fun analogy:

After the central banking policy caused the second major depression, Satoshi, Vitalek, and some of their friends decided "enough is enough." So they went to look for an island they could claim as their own independent state and set it based on the principles of decentralization. Soon after, Cryptotown was born.

Cryptotown started out small, but news of this fairy tale spread like wildfire, and business from other countries descended into Cryptotown faster than wigs in a storm.

Nothing is perfect, and Cryptotown residents identify two (2) major challenges:

Cryptotown individuals and business entities are locked out of the financial system because it is difficult to convince other businesses that they are legitimate and risk-free and the prevailing compliance system and associated tools and processes are not very effective.
Crime is expensive and hinders Cryptotown growth.
What to do? Cryptotown is decentralized and not regulated by a central entity. There is no way to fund the sheriff's department. As a result, crime is rampant.

On that day, an enterprising person named Coinfirm put forward a solution. Coinfirm asked "why do not we take advantage of a blockchain platform where all Cryptotown hosts participate in city security by sending their blockchain data for ongoing monitoring and analysis? The platform will also be used to assess the risk of any blockchain on the Coinfirm platform. As a result, the platform will become a global standard for compliance and external business from other countries will be able to quickly assess the legitimacy of existing or current businesses that seek liquidity. "

Initially, citizens were skeptical and said that the last thing they needed was another costly compliance regime. Some even say having this kind of regime will be a barrier to innovation. Coinfirm agreed that the wrong approach would be dangerous, but worth the shot and at least the Cryptotown citizens needed a way to prove themselves from the evil actor. Thus, Cryptotown residents agreed to adopt the idea of ​​the Coinfirm platform.

In essence, Coinfirm became a Cryptotown sheriff and Coinfirm participants' network of the participants became sheriff's deputies. Everyone is a stakeholder in the security and financial health of Cryptotown.

Coinfirm went to work and oversee the development of clustering analysis and advanced platform pattern analysis to detect crypto block addresses owned by the same person.

Using an exclusive platform and large data analytics algorithm, the majority of Cryptotown's external and internal bad actors are identified, captured, and locked down. Dark activity degenerates and mainland business now has a way of accessing

For more information :

WEBSITE: https://amlt.coinfirm.io/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Coinfirm.io/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AMLT_Token
WHITEPAPER: https://amlt.coinfirm.io/pdf/white-paper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/AMLT_Coinfirm


ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

LaLa World International Money Transfer satu Stop Global Wallet


Apa arti LALA?

LALA berarti bahagia, dan inilah yang sebenarnya ingin kita capai - keuangan, kebebasan, kebahagiaan finansial, dan lebih dari 2 miliar akses yang belum diterima dan tidak memadai untuk aksesibilitas finansial.

Ini tentang lala, imigran, dan anggota non-keluarga. LALA adalah ECOSYSTEM yang diaktifkan sebagai PLATFORM, yang merupakan platform sesi tunggal yang dikembalikan oleh Wallet ke masalah dan masalah. Masalah ketenagakerjaan, identitas digital, komunitas, kemitraan pemerintah dan LSM, masalah kesehatan dan, tentu saja, ekosistem keuangan baru untuk populasi di bawah anggaran besar, memindahkan revolusi Blockchain untuk menutupi kesenjangan antara dunia kas, digital dan kriptografi.


LALA World ("LALA") adalah ekosistem yang sehat untuk underbanked, dimulai dengan migran dan keluarga mereka. Ekosistem tidak hanya mencakup inklusi keuangan, namun juga menyatukan masyarakat di tingkat akar rumput, memecahkan masalah kehidupan nyata yang dihadapi populasi ini dan menggunakan teknologi paling maju untuk menggabungkan mereka.

Kunci kesuksesan LALA adalah tim yang berpengalaman dan jaringan global dan kemitraannya. Pada akhir ini kami percaya bahwa ini adalah tentang eksekusi. Kami percaya bahwa bersama dengan proyek yang relevan, kemitraan monumental, tim teknologi besar di belakang, dan pengalaman yang relevan yang memberi dukungan di tingkat dasar, kita semua bersama adalah berkat untuk bergabung bersama untuk LALA.


Kami percaya bahwa ekonomi bekerja paling baik bila bekerja untuk semua orang, platform baru ini adalah motor penyertaan.

Dompet LALA


ID LALA - ID Global di Blockchain dan di bawah kendali Anda

"Identitas Digital sangat penting bagi jutaan populasi pekerja migran yang mengunjungi platform kami setiap tahun dan kami sangat antusias untuk mengikuti langkah pertama dengan LALA untuk pengalaman global yang sesungguhnya"

Dato Ratha Vellai, Bestinet Sdn Bhd Malaysia -
Populasi yang tidak berdokumen ini sebagian besar dikecualikan karena tidak memiliki dokumen identitas hak tentang hak-hak dasar seperti kepemilikan properti, rekening bank dan perlindungan sosial lainnya. Dokumen identitas adalah tempat segala sesuatu dimulai. semua identitas fisik dan digital kita dapat dikonsolidasikan menjadi satu identitas yang aman dan eksklusif dan menunjuk ke kumpulan data yang aman tentang individu,

Akhirnya, hubungan dengan identitas dan mitra LALA menjadi satu titik akses dalam berbagai aplikasi dan lokasi fisik. Prototipe dan MVP sudah ada dan sedang diuji coba di berbagai tempat.



Tim manajemen dan mitra LALA adalah salah satu tim paling berpengalaman di lebih dari 15 tahun, dengan kartu kredit, money exchange, money transfer dan credit lebih dari 10 tahun. Kami juga telah melakukan penawaran kripto yang hebat - "LALA Transfer" - untuk pengalaman yang hebat dan jaringan yang sangat baik, layanan transfer uang global yang efektif, lebih murah dan lebih cepat.

LALA Wallet menyediakan kenyamanan onboard, verifikasi mudah LALA ID, AML / KYC dan LALA Token memberikan satu mekanisme bagi pengguna, mitra, agen transfer uang / operator untuk melakukan transfer lebih cepat dan lebih murah di masyarakat dan komunitas lintas batas. .Partners menerima panel mereka sendiri termasuk analisis transaksi, informasi riwayat pelanggan, data dan fungsionalitas KYC untuk memfasilitasi pengembangan Franchise LALA.


Telah terjadi peningkatan pesat dalam jumlah rata-rata dan kredit mikro selama lima tahun terakhir. LALA World mendukung individu dan usaha kecil dan menengah dengan menawarkannya.

Dengan menurunkan biaya transfer dan pekerjaan tunai, rantai penyumbatan dapat memecahkan beberapa masalah utama dengan keuangan mikro, yang menyebabkan industri penahanan keuangan baru berkembang dan mulai menghancurkan orang di seluruh dunia dari kemiskinan.

Untuk mencegah orang menyingkirkan risiko ini, perusahaan fintech telah mengembangkan sebuah konsep yang dapat Anda enkripsi untuk mengirim aset Anda ke peraturan yang ekstrim dan kepada pengguna lain dengan cara yang aman tanpa dikenai proses hukum apapun. Cryptocurrency adalah sistem mata uang digital yang menggunakan platform pertukaran peer-to-peer (P2P), yang biasanya memfasilitasi kemampuan untuk menangani transaksi terdesentralisasi dan digital. Pemegang uang memegang dompet virtual yang bisa menangani transaksi semacam itu.

LALA World membawa Ekosistem ke populasi underbanked dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan rantai blok Ethereal & Hyperledger dan menutup celah antara dunia nyata dan dunia kripto. Dengan bantuan penanda berdasarkan teknologi Ethereum, ini adalah layanan berbasis dompet generasi berikutnya yang memungkinkan kontribusi keuangan bagi populasi terdampar di dunia dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari bangkitnya teknologi rantai blok investor. Dengan menciptakan infrastruktur P2P yang sama sekali baru, LALA bertujuan untuk merevolusi bagaimana individu, pengusaha kecil dan pengusaha melakukan pembayaran, pinjaman, kreditur dan layanan keuangan dasar lainnya.

Ekosistem LALA World adalah ekosistem keuangan lengkap yang mencakup 5 produk utama;


LALA Transfer 2.LALA BillPay 3.LALA Lends 4.LALA ID 5.LALA Card
Dengan menggabungkan semua identitas fisik dan digital dengan satu identitas aman dan pribadi, ID LALA dapat melengkapi identitas yang ada dengan memungkinkan interaksi individual yang mudah dalam beberapa aplikasi vertikal di dunia fisik dan digital, yang menunjukkan kumpulan data yang andal mengenai individu.

Info lebih lanjut :

Whitepaper: http://www.lalaworld.io/whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyLaLaWorld

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLaLaWorld/

Dengan culun86


ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Selasa, 09 Januari 2018


Boosteroid is a secure cloud service platform that provides easy access to computing resources, storage, software products and other functions. Our service will make it possible to leave expensive personal computers that support powerful "cloud" computing with a user-friendly interface and simple management. Computers are able to perform various tasks in the "cloud" - start working with text to analyze DNA. Thanks to the lowest cost of rental in the computing power market, Boosteroid will be available to every World Wide Website user.

The Cloud System is an easy-to-use network access model for configurable computing resources that can be easily provided and released with minimum operating costs or contacting the service provider. There are two main types of clouds - public and private. Public clouds are used for free access from a wide audience while private is used by an organization that includes multiple consumers.

Did we know that the current total cost of using IT industry data transition is very high. Just imagine if the "in the cloud" work reached $ 209.2 billion by 2016, whereas in 2015 it would amount to $ 175 billion, according to US consulting firm Gartner. Thus, user fees increased by $ 35 billion in a year. Given the analyst forecast for cloud costs reached about $ 246.8 billion in 2017 and will exceed $ 380 billion by 2020. High demand for these services is due to the transition of IT industry data into the cloud. Individuals, information technology increasingly require high-performance resources to complete various tasks ranging from artificial intelligence development to games, VR or analysis (large data analysis).

Boostreroid is a secure cloud service platform that provides easy access to computing resources, storage, software products and other functions The Boosteroid Service will allow us to leave expensive personal computers that support powerful "cloud" computing with user-friendly interface capabilities and simple management. Computers are able to perform various tasks in the "cloud" - start working with text to analyze DNA.

The project gained experience and found that architecture, constant capacity utilization, cloud computing costs continued to decrease significantly. Therefore, the presence of this project will be able to provide Cloud data access services at a price much lower than that offered by leading market participants. Budget-friendly rentals will make Boosteroid available to all World Wide Web users.

Our team consists of information technology and artificial intelligence professionals. Initially, we were involved in the assembly of computer nodes based on NVIDIA 6/8 graphics cards and Intel Xeon processors, which we used to do complex calculations in the field of artificial intelligence. To ensure that high-performance equipment does not stop, we rent it out and engage in crypto-currency mining. We gained our experience and found that due to our own constant capacity and capacity utilization architecture, the cost of cloud computing is significantly reduced.

Therefore, we will be able to provide services at prices much lower than those offered by leading market participants. Budget-friendly rentals will make Boosteroid available to all World Wide Web users. Boosteroid is a secure cloud service platform that provides easy access to computing resources, storage, software products and other functions Our service will allow to leave expensive personal computers that support powerful "cloud" computing with an easy-to-use interface and simple management . .

Computers are able to perform various tasks in the "cloud" - start working with text to analyze DNA. Why do we lowest rental prices of computing resources. Thanks to our own unique architecture and minimal electricity costs, our clients can use the lowest-cost computing resources. Opportunity to select the required computing power.

A client will be able to select the required computing power and change it with just a few clicks. Unlimited rental time For our customers, we provide cloud computing money anytime - from one hour to several years. Security. Users can ensure that all their data is guaranteed and flawless operation of all systems is ensured.

Information will always be secured and no one can steal or withdraw it. We intend to contribute to the future, so we will provide 10% of our capacity for artificial intelligence projects that handle aging. Implementation of this task requires a large computing capacity and the creation and lease is currently very expensive. The selection criteria for startups to be provided with our strength will be determined after the first ICO phase.

Token BTR is built on the Ethereal blocking platform with the default token ERC20. 1 BTR token corresponds to a one-hour computing power charge based on eight NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards; two Intel Xeon processors E5 2680v4; 256Gb RAM; SSD 960Gb. It is possible to use tokens to pay Boosteroid computing costs or trade them for a higher price on the key crypto exchange.

Boostreroid will be present in the form of a digital currency named BTR token tokens. The BTR token itself plans to be sold in three stages. The first will start on October 23, 2017 until November 6, 2017 (Stage 1: $ 0.48 - $ 0.58). The second phase will go on sale from November 27, 2017 to December 11, 2017 (Stage 2: $ 1.08 - $ 1.38), and the third phase will go on sale from January 15 to February 15, 2018 (Stage 3: $ 1.80 - $ 2.78). Total available tokens are 800,000,000 BTR, which can be purchased with digital currency in the form of Ethereum.

Boostreroid is the fruit of teamwork led by Ivan Scvaichenko, who works with managers, developers, consultants, marketing professionals who are skilled and experienced in their respective fields. Who strives to provide their best capabilities in this project.

If you would like to try and join this project please visit the official website to get more accurate information below:

WEBSITE https://boosteroid.com/
WHITEPAPPER https://boosteroid.com/white-paper
BITCOINTALK https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2217479.0
CAMPAIGN BOUNTY https://boosteroid.com/bounty-campaing
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/boosteroid.info
TWITTER https://twitter.com/infoboosteroid
TELEGRAM https://t.me/boosteroid

author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Minggu, 07 Januari 2018

New crypto token BTCx

Understanding BTCx?

BTCx to improve functionality and sort out the volatility and uncertainty caused by infigting in the Bitcoin community.

BTCx will be with ICO, so you can take BTCx and redeem it in Exchange.

BTCx's most advanced version of Bitcoin with faster, smarter and more secure transactions and lower transfer fees.

Privacy Issues! BTCx has a private transaction so you can trade securely, or see BTCx link https://btcxproject.com/#tokeninfo

Which Makes BTCx Better.

BTCx is written in a more functional Turing Full Language from the stack-based language used in Bitcoin.

BBTCx has a faster transaction speed than Bitcoin with the help of more advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 10 minutes which is forty times slower than the 14 second BTCx block interval.

Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm that generates numbers in hexadecimal format. Compared to that, BTCx uses the Ethash algorithm for security that is far superior in terms of security measures.

At BTCx, users can make contracts faster than Bitcoin at cheaper rates.

BTCx with Others.

How it Works Hashing Ethereum.

The Ethash algorithm depends on the pseudorandom dataset, which is initialized by the current blockchain length. These are called DAGs, and are regenerated every 30,000 blocks (or every -5 days). In March 2017, DAG - 2GB, and DAG will continue to grow in size as the blockchain grows.

The flow of hashing algorithms can be summarized as follows:

  • Preprocessed header (now of the newest keyword), currently Nonce (current guess), combined using SHA3 algorithm to create our initial 128 byte mix, called Mix 0 here.
  • Mix is ​​used to calculate 128-byte pages of DAG for retrieval, represented by Get DAG page block.
  • Combine mix with DAG pages taken. This is done by using a special ethereum mixing function to produce the next mixture, called Mix 1 here.
  • Steps 2 & 3 are repeated 64 times, eventually resulting in Mix 64.
  • Mix 64 is post process, make Mix Digest 32 byte shorter.
  • Mix Digest compared to a predefined Target Threshold 32 bytes. If the Mix Digest is less than or equal to the Threshold target, the Current Nonceashed is successful, and will be broadcast to the ethereum network. Otherwise, the current Nonce is invalid, and the algorithm is re-run with a different nonce (either by adding the current nonce, or selecting a new one at random).

Token Info.
  • Token Name: BTCx
  • Decimal: 8
  • Symbol: BTCx
  • Supply: 21,000,000
  • Contract Address: 0x5A82De3515fC4A4Db9BA9E869F269A1e85300092

The team has been working at BTCX since April'17 in this project:
  • Quarter I-2017 - Bitcoin has some issues such as unsuitable for smart contracts, having an average transaction time of 30 minutes and a very high transaction price. This issue reveals the need to create a newly upgraded Token Bitcoin.
  • Quarter II-2017 - After months of hard work, the project team is organized and research begins.
  • Quarter III-2017 - New partners join. At the same time, the project team finished working on making smart contract technology updates and security measures. Then the project website was launched simultaneously with the activation of social media channels.
  • Quarter IV-2017 - Distribution of BTCx via ICO. BTCx trading will start in the stock market such as HitBTC and EtherDelta. After that, the trade will take place in the bigger exchanges as well.
  • Quarter I-2018 - Blockchain optimization will be released and BTCx will be an option available on some online shopping sites.
  • Quarter II-2018 - Contracts with new partners will be announced and updates will be released. The private transaction feature will be implemented. Token switch to new and unique blockchain for new upgrade.

  • Quarter III-2018 - Full integration of selected products
  • Quarter IV-2018 - 100 Partners working with BTCx
  • 2019 - BTCx will be the most commonly used payment method.
  • 2020 - Contracts with banks and large partnership announcements.
Further information :

Whitepaper: https://btcxproject.com/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf
Website: https://btcxproject.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/BTCxToken
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/BTCxToken
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2460832

Author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Sabtu, 06 Januari 2018

BAZISTA - Transactions Relating To The Purchase And Sale Of Goods And Services

Hello everyone, this post I will introduce about Bazista project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

Bazista is an alternative platform for B2C and C2C that leverages the science of new deployments for account settlement between users. Our service allows one to have no trouble trading the goods and offers necessary for cryptocurrency with the help to interact with other platform users. Bazista will combine all the power of market giants like Ebay, Amazon and Alibaba (assessment procedures, deposit fees, shipping monitoring, and transaction arbitrage) and bring this business part to a new level of science as it uses an updated exchange device.

Bazista is a competitor for the individual decentralized platform for buying and selling, C2C OpenBazaar. The change consists of the development of a gentle platform that offers a fun interface for consumers aimed at simplifying, as far as possible, alternative procedure items and offers through the use of product merchandising technology through other platform customers.

How it Works
BZS helps and progress in the BZS platform was originally created at the stage of the campaign. Then it will consist of operations that are really specific at the interval of effort. Builders, founders, and participants in Bounty applications can get prices from BZS tokens that create a partnership relationship with an external builder thereby enabling the use of BZS tokens in return for their offerings. Get tokens in exchange for participating in program referrals.

Get access to additional platform sections, opt into a specific promotional campaign, and earn premiums in exchange for an appropriate token exchange tokens for automation, and the right account adjustment for dealer discounts on all platform offerings when using tokens. post tokens and in addition to their public gift method prepared by using a wise contract within the Ethereal block. At the group point finished 440 million BZS tokens issued. This quantity is very important and no additional emission rounds are given.

Tokens are issued in the framework of inexpensive contracts showing the ERC223 specifications in circulation when the ERC20 was developed earlier. It must be well-known that in case of wrong team movements from tokens to cheap contract contracts do not give the same deal they will return with the help of forfeiting the Fallback tokens operating that can facilitate avoidance of the lack of tokens.

E-commerce is one of all the fastest growing technology markets in the world. Such rapid progress is primarily due to the rapid use of broadband broadband and remains online online. Currently we are competent to see the annual growth of e-commerce share worldwide. Along with eMarketer, by 2017, all variations spent on online viewing can grow to $ 2,290 billion, and by using 2021, this product will last at 16 pf of the entire world retail trade.

Along with the consultants, China is predicted to maintain its leading position as a driver of the world e-commerce market (26% every year), mainly because of exports on the mercantile merchant line. The only developing countries, such as Asian countries (24%), South Korea and the states (more than 20%), field units are anticipated to show excessive cost of progress. Human ecology and rapid, intensive use of field cell units led to progress in this area. Consistent with analysis, TOP10 country's next disciplinary unit for total web (constant and mobile) usage:

  • China - 710 million users,
  • India - 350 million subscribers,
  • United States - 277 million subscribers,
  • Japan - one hundred and ten million customers,
  • Brazil - one hundred and ten million customers,
  • Russia - eighty four million customers,
  • Germany - seventy two million users,
  • Indonesia - seventy one million users,
  • Nigeria - seventy 1 million customers,
  • México - fifty-nine million subscribers.

The advantages of this project
profit for the customer
  • Cost in few clicks Platform people can buy items they like when not registering themselves (see "goods payment").
  • There is no hidden commission for utilizing cryptocurrencies as an exchange instrument, platform users can avoid the additional costs associated with fiat fiat conversions on the classic C2C system (eG For pass border trading), which will allow a 1.5-three% savings on the price which is paid in nature.
  • Tax free on the grounds that crypto reputation is unclear in most jurisdictions, it is important to note that replacing goods and offers for crypto in cryptococcus can not be assessed, contributing to lower customer billing.
  • At the time of redemption, our platform will allow all holders of kriptocurrency assets to use it as an instrument to purchase different goods by lowering the cost of time when a transaction is made.
  • Using an interior token BZS token holders may even be in a position to purchase promotional items interchangeably to obtain tokens with a reduction of up to 70% of their starting price. This would be feasible as it establishes a certain reserve fund within the platform (for more unique expertise see the "trading model").
The advantage of creating a promotional campaign
As stated earlier, this platform provides pricing procedures for individuals who will promote different user goods and services. This option is done as a result of the right amount on the member subject and the UTM mark.

If a buyer directs a hyperlink to a platform web page that shows a detailed ad, with hyperlinks generated as part of this app, and makes a purchase, the consumer who installs the link will get the price according to the terms of the advertising campaign (for extra extra information see "business model" ).

Advantage of the dealer
  • Low cost or free transaction fee
  • Commissions collected using platforms for transactions are only 4% of the final rate of goods. Entering items on the Bazista platform will allow for reduced commissions due to low commissions or commission-free transactions with the help of depositing BZS tokens to account balances (see section 8.3 "Saving Tokens").
  • Early repayment
  • with the help of the use of cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange for the goods and offers offered, you will also save time expenses associated with control and payment checks through the nearest and global regulators.
  • In addition, an extra marketing tool, you will have no constraints to developing your own CPA community within a platform where you'll be able to keep costs for users a good way to promote your stuff.
  • 321 - 200 000 BZS (73%) - Crowdsale
  • 66 - 000 000 BZS (15%) - Founder and staff
  • 17 - 600 000 BZS (4%) - marketing campaign within Bazista
  • 13 - 200 000 BZS (three%) - Pre-ICO
  • 13 - 200 000 BZS (3%) - Supervisor
  • 8 - 800 000 BZS (2%) - Bounty pool
more info:

Website: http: //bazista.io/
Whitepape: https: //drive.google.com/file/d/0B7fO3APTPxVdV0wzcFV4UHNNS3M/view
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/Bazista_io
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/bazistaplatform
Telegram: https: //t.me/bazista

Author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

ESR - Selecting, Checking, And Controlling Your Investment Better

Hallo all, in this new post I will review about the ESR project. and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:


The Dmpet ESR project is already a working platform, offering people around the world to create electronic wallets in USD and EUR and remove virtual VISA / Mastercard cards. This service is actively in demand by residents for several reasons:

  • Unlike a repayment account, the service charge depends on the country and the bank averages $ 20 per month, the electronic wallet is served free of charge.
  • There is an option to open virtual cards, which are much cheaper than their plastic cards that use bank cards exclusively for online purchases.
  • The electronic wallet is opened for everyone, regardless of its credit history.

In addition, for our users we introduce a microloans service, which sets us apart from other electronic wallets.

Since the launch of the project in June 2017, more than 3000 plastic cards have been registered, indicating the relevance of our services. Wallet ESR company registered in UAE - one of the few countries with clear regulator position about ICO and cryptocurrency.

A personal multicurrency Wallet Card will be released for free and sent to residential address for every investor who buys more than 20 tokens within 60 days of ICO.

The ESR Wallet Team has more than 300 ATMs located in the US. This network will be expanded to other countries. Cash withdrawal through. The ATM network itself is free for the Cardholder's ESR Wallet


Given the increasing number of blockchain projects, more and more people will ultimately have to save some of their savings in different crypto in order to make network-specific transactions. Developing the idea, we came to the conclusion that we can create a unique service by adding some options to the existing ESR Wallet and beta tested:

  • Ability to store in your wallet, in addition to popular USD and EUR crypto GPS: BTC, BCH, ETH, ZEC, DASH, LTC.
  • The ability to instantly convert currency via online bank or mobile app at a favorable rate.
  • Making partner network for introduction of Cash back system.
  • Ability to open savings on existing crypto.
  • Ability to apply for loans in existing crypto.
  • The possibility to transfer cryptocurrency into trust management from a particular trader with transparent transaction history or our system for portfolio investment.

This product, in addition to the listed options, will allow you to instantly transfer money to network participants worldwide


The ESR Wallet Exchanger will be allocated to a separate project with its own legal entity. Its reliability will be reinforced by the possibility of each ESR token holder to join the company founder, paying only legal service fees to introduce themselves into the register.
The product's open API will allow you to integrate with other start-ups, adding more and more useful new options to our users. The functionality of the ESR Wallet makes it not only useful for cryptocurrency holders, but also for all other users who prefer exclusive fiat currency use.

  • Ability to use your crpto money using the ESR Wallet physical card wherever the card is accepted for payment, both online and offline;
  • The ability to send money via the ESR Wallet app in 8 currencies to 120 countries around the world without a commission;
  • The ability to instantly send money between users of the ESR Wallet.

Other widespread cryptocurrencies will be added to the platform from time to time, once they become widespread in the world and users need them.


To start the ESR Wallet, strategic partners are ready to provide their own client base as a start up. Among these Partners, in particular, are the largest microfinance organizations in the world interested in developing the direction of lending in crypto. We look forward to reaching more than 700,000 active users and allowing access without serious advertising costs since the launch of the project. This will give us serious support on the start and will give impetus for faster market coverage.


The ESR payment wallet collects funds for re-engineering techniques from Walllight Payments and Credits ESR. Services and marketing campaigns to promote it. For this purpose, funds are issued token ESR Tokens (ESR), which is a smart contract based on Ethereal.

Given the great interest in this project from investors, our team decided to pre-sell 2,000,000 tokens at a 50% discount. The date of sale for this token is set for September 25, 2017 and will last for 7 days. Countdown to start of sale is set at https://esrwallet.io/.

The ESR sign is a smart contract with ESR Wallet. The token holder is entitled to share in the profits of the ESR Wallet Payment Service. Section 30% of the profits are distributed to all issued tokens. Token is released simultaneously with eToken contract and written in Solidity programming language.

The Wallet ESR Foundation is a company regulated by UAE subject to legislation and audits. This ensures transparency of actions and safe deposit of funds.

  • Electronic money license issuer, governed by Gibraltar Financial Services
  • Commission. License No: FSC0056NK.
  • An official member of Mastercard / Visa.

It has PCI DSS LEVEL 1 certification and is under SSAE16 SOC TYPE I audit.


The ESR token is released under the e-Token contract. The number of tokens is limited to 10,000,000. After ICO, all unsold tokens will be destroyed, no next generation will happen. eToken is an intelligent Ethereum contract written using the Solidity programming language. This lets you do it publish tokens on the Ethereum network and provides various features:
  • Implementation of ICAP4 for multilevel routing.
  • Account recovery in the event of a lost key.
  • Permit and tolerance system.
  • Ethereal commission commission replacement automatically.
  • Built-in exchange for Ether currency.
  • Able to establish commissions for transactions. eToken also supports EIP205, also known as standard contract API. Compatibility with EIP20 ensures integration with exchange and other services will not be more difficult than for other tokens based on Etereum

Ethereum provides the infrastructure for interaction between companies and their users. Interaction between parties occurs by sending transactions to ESR contracts. This transaction is validated by the contract business logic and recorded in blockchain. The contract's API is public, and anyone can be the ESR token holder. The Wallet ESR project consists of 3 levels of software, responsible for different aspects:

The eToken protocol supports 2 basic account security models:

1. User side button

In this case, the private key that provides access to the account is only known to the user.

2. The host wallet

In this case, the financial institution is responsible for the security lock. Only buttons 1- 2 are used per one institution, and transactions are redirected to specific user accounts using the ICAP6 protocol.


According to the Charter, at the end of each quarter, 30 per cent of Payments and ESR Credit Wallet Service benefits are transferred to a dedicated wallet, after which BTC, BCH, ETH, ZEC, DASH, LTC will be distributed among ESR token holders in accordance with the terms of the smart contract. The profits earned in USD and EUR currency will be converted to the currency exchange rate of ESR Wallet on the day of dividend dividend in ETH and transferred to the appropriate wallet.


Token value is set at a rate of USD 10.



Remuneration for «gift» - the company is created after the completion of the main placement,

The following results are all sold tokens taken for 90% of their amount.

For more details and join the current ESR project, please visit the following link:

Website: https: //esrwallet.io/en/
Whitepaper: https: //esrwallet.io/en/wp.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/ESRwallet
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/ESR_WALLET
Telegram: https: //t.me/esrwallet

Author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263