Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Verif-y - credentials and identity using Blockchain

Verif-y pioneered the creation of a manageable, verifiable, and secure digital identity. Our platform enables a fast and secure digital verification process, for various credentials such as degrees, transcripts, licenses, and other work history.

Verif-y empowers you to create a highly secure, individual digital background hub - accessible directly on all your devices and wherever you are.

At Verif-y we believe that a strong and reliable digital identity is a fundamental building block of the blockchain universe as well as many other industries and societies. As such, we build our identity solutions on a powerful and commercially available credentialing platform, which currently provides unique services to organizations and users from around the world. Our identity solutions will enable users to use their smartphones and PCs to ensure the accuracy, management and dissemination of their digital identity as they see fit. The Verif-y service protects personally identifiable information ("PII") that keeps us in the eyes of many institutions.

Furthermore, we believe that academic records and employment, as well as licenses, certifications and other records, should be controlled and owned by those who earn it through hard work and at high cost.

Using Verif-y, individuals create digital profiles that contain their professional and educational history. This is followed by automatic verification of each record, processed by our multiple layers of technology and submitted for verification. Our main objective is to transfer ownership and exchange of credentials and documents from third parties to those who obtain them or to whom the information is related. Thus, Verif y creates efficiency for all parties in the value chain: educators, employers, individuals and others. The benefit of the user because he or she can prevent inaccurate or misdirected information to third parties without his knowledge and once verified, the records are easily shared by the user, with the third party of their choice. Beneficiaries of information because they can get all the verified pertinent information about users at a much lower cost than before. In addition, the recipient will be able to directly determine the validity of candidate credentials that reduce processing time and costs, and in many cases, eliminating the need for further verification.

Background - Current Issues with Identity, Credentials & Job Verification

Our personal and professional information has been stored and distributed out of our control during the data industry. In the 21st century, we live in a world of open social networks where PII continues to be collected, collected and sold to third party companies, without the knowledge or explicit consent of individuals.

  • Technology and process challenges
  • Forged Credentials
  • Current High Cost for Credential Verification
  • Financial Regulation
  • Identity Fraud

How Verif-y handles these issues

Verif-y currently provides secure and encrypted technological innovation that is badly needed by industry credential verification and employment (among others). The Verif-y solution is cheaper, faster, and more accurate than similar services offered by corporate background checks, credit reporting agencies and other digital identity providers. There is currently no credential wallet technology similar to Verif-y which acts as a verified warehouse for all the work, education, licenses and other membership that can be stored and owned easily and safely by the user.

The Verif-y platform provides a secure, reliable, and real-time method for communicating trust by individuals to the target employer, financial institution, real estate broker or other consumer of the information. Fraud and fake credentials are identified and are not allowed into platforms that reduce or eliminate the need for costly credential checks and background checks.

Verif y creates efficiency for all parties in the value chain: educators, employers, individuals and others. Verif-y connects users, jobseekers, employees, with entities (entrepreneurs, educators, licensing councils, certificate providers, etc.) In a unique way before, resulting in better processing time, lower cost and uncertainty savings .

Employers, banks, educators, and even governments can now enjoy faster decision-making, increased trust, while deploying fewer resources. It saves time and money at the point of decision, and allows these organizations to become more efficient and if possible, grow faster each time a decision is made.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchains are derived from cryptocurrency platforms, especially Bitcoin, where they represent a verifiable historical record of monetary ownership. Cryptographic evidence supersedes the needs of a trusted third party to authenticate transfers and mediate transaction disputes. Bitcoin is designed to solve the problem of multiple expenditures, which builds consensus on the decentralized network of who owns and what has been spent. Bitcoin is the first decentralized crypto (Figure 1) in the world, and currently, produces nearly half (~ $ 60 billion) of the kriptocurrency market ~ $ 150 billion. Bitcoin provides a protocol that for the first time illustrates that there is the possibility of two unbelieving parties, transacting without the use of central authority as an intermediary. The key is that both parties participating in the transaction only need to trust the basic architecture (blockchain or distributed ledger) that ensures system security. In the current banking system, "a certain percentage of cheats is accepted as unavoidable", which increases the need for confidence in the system and thus the emergence and popularity of various blockchain solutions.

Verif-y Eco System and Products

The Verif-y platform provides many powerful credential and identity verification functions (for educational, job, licenses or certificates credentials), and provides a tool for users to store and manage their data securely. By leveraging this process, Verif-y provides a platform for businesses, schools and other organizations to reduce the impractical and time-consuming process of verifying work and education performance for current and past employees and students. In addition, this platform reduces the need to store past records for years, and provides a back office interface to manage and record employee licenses and other records that may vary over time.

Verif-y is the only user-centered platform where employers, educators, certificate providers, and individuals directly exchange verified professional credentials automatically. Importantly, this is a user-based platform - meaning the user owns and controls the data, and the data is only accessible by third parties if the user allows it. An employer may request that users share (or permit) access to their data, but users are always in control and have the ability to restrict or bypass access at any time.


The crowd will start on 5 October 2017 17:00 UTC.
Pre-sales will begin on September 14, 2017, 17:00 UTC.
Crowdsale will start on 5th October 2017, 17:00 UTC.

Token and Bonus

Early Bird Bonus: 20% - 30% depending on size
Token total total supply; 3,000,000,000 VFY
Max tokens are sold via pre-sale and crowdsale; 1,000,000,000,000 VFY

Token Distribution

Our team

Ed Zabar - Founder and CEO
Bill Crean - Product Director
Colleen Connors - Director of Operating Systems
Director of John Chaisson - Business Development
Chad Peiper. PhD - Sr. Architect Solutions
Tammy Fudem - General Counsel

Our advisor

Paul Booth
Dang Jin-yi
Lewis Larson
Shoshana Loeb
Kirk Philips
Adam Schwartz
David Schwartz
Neal Trieber
Gil Tsabar
Lior Zysman

For more information you can see the link below that I have prepared below.

More info :

Website: https://www.verif-y.com
Official project website: https://verif-y.io
Whitepaper: http://www.verif-y.io/vfy-white-paper-1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/VFY_TOKEN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VerifyInc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YVerif

By culun86

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