Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Hallo, upoznajte se sa mojim postom sada ću objasniti projekat Socialx


Socialx je baza podataka blokova koja podržava razvoj zajednice i društvenu interakciju sa kriptokokalnim nagradama.

Načini rada

Kroz društvenu mrežu možete komunicirati, dijeliti fotografije i video zapise. Za kvalitetan sadržaj, video zapise i fotografije možete dobiti nagrade, a koji se zatim mogu pretvoriti u SOCX, ETH, BTC i druge kriptokvance. Ovo je sjajna prilika da dobijete pristojnu procenu i prihode od vaših vještina i vaše kreativnosti. Budući da je platforma SocialX izgrađena sa tehnologijom blokiranja, nećete brinuti o sigurnosti podataka i brzini preuzimanja fotografija i video zapisa.

SocialX uključuje koncepte društvenih medija sa lekovima iz izgradnje kripto i njihove zajednice. Sve vaše fotografije i video zapisi su na brzoj, sigurnoj i decentralizovanoj platformi. SocialX je decentralizovana aplikacija za fotografije i video koji će vaš JAM biti siguran u jednoj aplikaciji. Sa SocialX-om ne morate objavljivati svoje fotografije i video zapise na centralizovanoj platformi kao što je Facebook ili Instagram.

SocialX će voditi viziju decentralizovane budućnosti ispunjavanjem tri zadatka:

  • Dajte korisnicima socijalnih medija vraćanje vlasništva nad njihovim sadržajem.
  • Integracija slobodnog govora kao osnovnog principa u našoj platformi.
  • Izgradnja sistema Nagrada doprinosi doprinosu njihovom sadržaju. Naš krajnji cilj je otvaranje novog poglavlja u načinu na koji ljudi razmjenjuju fotografije svojih života i komuniciraju s svima njima.

Zaradite novac svojim fotografijama preko vanrednih zajednica

Delite veliki sadržaj i zajednicu vrijedne za vas. Verujemo da je odličan sadržaj potrebno poštovati i sa malim brojem sledbenika. Naš sistem upvotiranja prepoznaje vrijednost vaših fotografija i video snimaka i nagrađuje vas kriptocurrency.

Napredni sistem za upoređivanje naše zajednice

Sve veća baza korisnika je ključ uspeha društvenih mreža. Mislimo da će naš USP lako privući pažnju ljubitelja fotografija i video-a, ali uključićemo i plaćeni sistem upućivanja kako biste podstakli svoje prijatelje i porodicu da se pridruže Socislix-u.

Budite deo revolucionarne tehnologije

Kada učestvujete u SocialX ICO-u, nećete biti samo deo revolucionarne platforme koja stvarnim vrijednostima stvara kreatore, već će biti rani usvojitelj decentralizovanog ekonomskog pokreta. Saradnici će dobiti SocialX Token, koji se može trgovati na glavnoj berzi i može generirati profit za vlasnika.

Tokens Distribucija SocialX

  • 50% prodatih tokena
  • 30% ukupnog tokena za socijalni tim
  • 16% za nagradu za doprinos
  • 4% za program Bounty

Više informacija potražite na sledećoj liniji:

Bitcointalk ANN THREAD: https: // tema = 2062117.0

By culun86;u=1096996

Gladius Network Shared Economy for Content Delivery and DDoS Protection

The Gladius Mission leverages the strength of decentralization in optimizing network traffic for speed and robustness of DDoS attacks. The gladius platform is the next step in the evolution of website optimization and protection services.

Gladius's goal is to create a fully decentralized and peer-to-peer network to connect the world's unused bandwidth to websites looking for DDoS protection and accelerated content delivery. Anyone with a computer can download a Gladius peer client and run it in the background to lease unused bandwidth and get Gladius Tokens (GLA) in the process. Large pools with hundreds, if not thousands, nodes can then handle a continuous stream of requests to validate website connections and block malicious activity while increasing loading time via a decentralized CDN.

What is Gladius

Gladius is a decentralized solution to protect yourself from DDoS attacks by letting us connect to a pool of protection near us to provide better protection and speed up content. With an easy-to-use interface and great insight tools, Gladius allows people to protect and speed up their sites.

Sites that seek protection can only create accounts on Gladius sites, get Gladius Tokens, then request appropriate services with just a few clicks. Once a website is part of the Gladius network, live graphics will be available to monitor connection, protection, location and other insights.

The client node can be built on any Linux, Windows, or MacOS machine and will automatically run in the background when we select it. A node can then select their bandwidth capabilities and sign up to join the pool. Once received, any requests for the user's computer to process them will give them a Gladius Token. In turn, users can sell this token back to the website to create an economic cycle that encourages the growth of Gladius Network. DDoS Protection for Everyone. DDoS attacks can be expensive and undermine any business. While some believe that only large companies are at risk, 50% of all websites will be victims of denial of service attacks.

DDoS attacks cost millions for household names like Twitter, BBC, and Netflix.

The ability to reduce DDoS attacks while creating an effective and secure CDN puts the team in a unique position. Fully utilizing blockchain technology allows us to place power in the hands of the people. Has an independent node platform that is able to transfer nonstop money consisting of a core network.

Network nodes and ponds lead to highly competitive markets where pools can manage prices, special network settings, and compete for businesses. As a consequence, users will get the best service with the most competitive price. This is a gladius mission to make the internet safer and faster for business users and end users.

With Gladius, it's all about empowering everyone to contribute to making the internet a better and safer place through faster website access and DDoS attack mitigation.

For more information:

Bitcointalk ANN Thread:

penulis : culun86;u=1096996

"Earth Token" Maintains Nature with Blockchain Tech Business Investment

Climate change is a major risk to the global economy, affecting the wealth and prosperity of all citizens and nations around the world. It will have a significant impact on resource availability, energy prices, infrastructure vulnerabilities and corporate valuation.

The company's environmental sustainability efforts are no longer considered purely voluntary. Customers and shareholders alike expect significant energy and emissions reductions, while legislators at each level create new regulations requiring proof of compliance
adaptation to climate change.

Currently present an ICO project called Earth Token, trying to overcome this problem with blockchain technology that is applied in the system. Aims to provide a unique opportunity for all parties to truly transform the Natural Capital Asset market, by creating a Natural Asset Marketplace that enables all stakeholders in the climate value chain to participate.

Natural Asset Exchange working with blockchain technology will provide Natural Capital certificates to asset project developers listing products (eg carbon credits, REC's, output meter, etc.) with smart contracts designed specifically for the Natural Asset trade market platform, at no cost because Natural Assets will are in place to meet the needs of the seller. Later the seller will be charged related to the 3rd party registrar who will record the sale and retirement of the asset. In addition, the innovative aspects of blockchain technology will automatically prevent spending twice as much as natively loaded assets, resulting in a fraudulent solution.

The combination between Natural Asset Exchange and Earth Token will be young to boost demand for natural assets through the provision of unique environmental sustainability solutions. Not only that, the combined keduannya will also provide some functions, among others:

  • Enable clients to address climate change adaptation, and create different values that help them build brand equity & increase market share.
  • Allows clients to identify and share environmental impacts and mitigation measures against specific activities related to delivering products or providing services.
  • Allow clients to engage their customers in their businesses, distribute the burden and opportunity to take responsibility for the environment with all who wish to participate, expand their reach and increase the impact of those efforts across their value chain areas.
Earth tokens come in the form of a digital currency named ETN. The ETN Token will go on sale starting on October 23, 2017. There will be a total of 1,000,000,000 Millions of ETN tokens to be made, with a token price of 4000 - 5200 ETN equivalent to 1 ETH, the price will change according to certain times. Purchases may be made with foreign digital currencies such as Ethereum, with a minimum purchase of 1 ETH. ETN price corresponds to the time of sale. Pre ICO 5200 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH (30% bonus), pre ICO itself is also divided into three periods, stage 1 (4800 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH (20% bonus)), stage 2 (4400 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH ((10% bonus)), stage 3 (4000 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH).

Earth Token is the fruit of teamwork in collaboration with professional managers, developers, consultants, marketing professionals who are experienced and experienced in their respective fields. who strive to give their best abilities in this project.


detail information:


By culun86;u=1096996

Senin, 30 Oktober 2017


Datum je visoko decentralizovana i distribuirana NOSQL baza podataka podržana od strane blockchain knjige. Ova tehnologija omogućava sigurnim, privatnim i anonimnim sigurnosnim podacima, kao što su podaci o socijalnoj mreži, podaci sa upotrebljivih uređaja, pametnih kuća i drugih IOT uređaja. Datum pruža tržište na kojem korisnici mogu dijeliti ili prodavati podatke po sopstvenim uslovima.

* Decentralizovano skladište podataka
Sigurno, privatno i anonimno skladištenje podataka.

* Čvor za čuvanje podataka.
Rudari koji pokreću čvorove čuvanja plaćaju se za skladištenje i omogućavaju pristup malim latencijama podacima.

* Tržište
Korisnici mogu odabrati da deluju svoje podatke selektivno ili čak prodaju svoje podatke verodostojnim entitetima.

Datum Aplikacija

Krajnji korisnici ne moraju da komuniciraju s detaljnim novčanikima, ali Datum obezbeđuje jednostavnu za mobilnu aplikaciju.


Svi podaci su šifrirani u aplikaciji pre nego što se šalju na mrežu.
Podaci se brišu od ličnih identifikacionih informacija i obrasca.
Brza rezervna kopija i prikupljanje podataka preko lokalnih čvorova za čuvanje podataka.
Jednostavan apstraktni interfejs Datum kompleksnosti mreže za svakodnevne korisnike.
Sposobnost razmjene podataka sa neprofitnim entitetima, kao što su istraživači, nevladine organizacije i drugi
Korisnici mogu odabrati selektivno prodaju anonimnih podataka entitetima povjerljivim u zamjenu za DECT token.

Njegov ekosistem

Mreža Datum se oslanja na DAT-ove inteligentne ugovore o tokenu kako bi osigurala sigurne podatke o trgovanju uz poštovanje uslova koje je odredio vlasnik podataka.

* Vlasnici podataka plaćaju mali broj DAT tokena za čuvanje podataka.
* Čvorovi čuvari minerala dobijaju DAT tokene za čuvanje i prenošenje.
* Podaci o podacima se mogu kupiti kupovinom DAT tokena, prema vlasniku.


Datum mreža će se sastojati od token milijardi 3 milijarde, sa DAT token crowdsale 1,53 milijarde dostupan je u javnim tokena.

Mreža Datum ima za cilj da entiteti kao što su istraživači, kompanija ili pojedinaca najefikasnije pristup podacima i prevucite beskrajno poštujući uslove podaci i uvjeti vlasnika Postavši podaci tržište je dominantan, datum ima za cilj da revoluciju podacima tržištu koje je u kojoj je tvorac podataka rijetko platiti za podatke i monetizaciju vrši srednji čovek koji ne dodaje nikakvu vrijednost.

Mreža Datum će podržati inicijative koje imaju za cilj poboljšanje kontrole podataka tim izvorima (npr. Pojedinci). Cilj nam je da će raditi na budućnost u kojoj je prvi podaci i najvažnije je u vlasništvu njegovog tvorca (npr pojedinca koji prikazanu sliku) i gdje kreatori mogu izabrati da dijele, monetizacije ili uništiti Ovi podaci su bazirani na obim svoje.

Ovo je veoma razlikuje od trenutnog silosa podataka koje prikupljaju velike količine humanističkih podataka od strane stroge zahtjeve za licenciranje, npr. osoba koja daje najveći deo prava na svoj imidž prilikom objavljivanja na Instagramu. Smatramo da zakonodavstvo u mnogim oblastima se trenutno napravljen da daje više kontrole nad korisničkim podacima korisnicima sebe i smatraju da Datum mreža je važno pomagača i tehnička rješenja za budućnost kao što je to.

Datum mreža ima za cilj da poremeti trenutnim podacima brokerske model dajući korisnicima pristup vrijednost direktniji i bolje za korisnika. Ovo zauzvrat omogućava korisnicima da povrate kontrolu nad kako se njihovi podaci koriste i dijele. Korisnik po cijeni Datum koristiti mrežu za pohranu podataka ne samo privatnost ali i poticaje monetizacije. Sve više i više korisnika koristi Datum mreža jača zamah, krajnji korisnici mogu insistirati da se podaci za skladištenje i rukovanje kroz mrežu Datum.

Datum se može smatrati decentralizovanom verzijom Apple HealthKit-a, ali da postoji
vrsta podataka nije samo zdravstveni podatak. HealthKit je izazvao ogromno otvaranje
podatke putem aplikacija za učestvovanje, ali se čuvaju sa centralizovanim entitetima, Appleom i tamo
dostupna samo u Appleovom ekosistemu. Nadamo se da ćemo isto brzo usvojiti
efekti sa mrežom Datum nakon dobijanja kritičnog momenta.


Živimo u ekonomiji znanja, u kojoj su podaci strateška imovina koja kompanijama omogućava sticanje i održavanje konkurentnosti. Vrijednost sirovih podataka varira od sto centi do više od sto dolara po pojedincu. Što je više obogaćeno, analizirano i iskorišćeno za specifičnu upotrebu, to se više povećava.
Uprkos velikoj monetizaciji ličnih podataka, jedini igrač u lancu koji trenutno nije paradoksalno plaćen je sam pojedinac - koji je slučajan izvor podataka koji se prikuplja.

Vaši lični podaci vrede mnogo novca. Facebook, Google i co. svi su sretni da sakupljaju ove podatke u zamjenu za bilo šta. Evo šanse da vratite kontrolu nad vašim ličnim podacima i utvrdite da li i kada želite da ga prodate. Postoje dva definitivna citata koja definišu svet u kojem danas živimo:
"Ako ne plaćate proizvod, vi ste proizvod." - Andrew Lewis, 2010.

Model mreža Datum može pružiti osnovni dohodak za sve, omogućavajući im da monetizuju svoje anonimne podatke.
Kao Facebook korisnik, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yahoo i slični servisi - svake godine ostvarujete višak od USD 2000, stvoren direktno iz vaših ličnih podataka. Ovo je samo vrednost koju pokazuju podaci u svakom od ovih "silosnih podataka", pošto povežete ove podatke, što je bogatija informacija, to je dragoceniji novac. Šta ako sami možete monetizovati ove podatke, utvrdite koliko ste spremni da podelite u zamjenu za nagrade.

Već je globalno tržište podataka omogućeno od strane raznih brokerskih podataka prikupljenih
sve vrste ličnih podataka iz različitih baza podataka, Datum je siguran i
decentralizovane alternative.

1 Datum je Open Source i slobodan da učestvuje. Plaćene naknade za čuvanje podataka, pristup podacima i spremljene nagrade se plaćaju za slanje podataka.

Datum Presale

Trenutni bonus
Trenutna stopa
1 ETH = 15.000 DATG *
(uključujući 50% bonus)
Trenutni bonus se završava
00: 00: 00: 00
Sledeći Bonus
0.1 ETH
ETH Raised
5000.00 ETH

* Do 50% DATG bonusa se odmah distribuira, preostali bonus bonus će se distribuirati kao DAT token nakon završetka prelaska 11. septembra 2017, 14:00 UTC.

DATG se može otkupiti pomoću DAT-a na bazi 1: 1 nakon prodaje token-a.

Zahtjevi prodaje žetona

* Presale
11. avgust 2017. 14:00 UTC
11. septembar 2017. 14:00 UTC

* Token Sale
29. oktobar 2017. 13:00 UTC
29. novembar 2017. 13:00 UTC

* Korišćenje sredstava
Razvoj od 60%
15% Marketing
15% Operacija
5% Zakon
5% sigurnosti

* Distribucija žetona
51% generalni saradnik
29% rezervni fond

Tim i savetodavni 20%

Uloga TokenUdobno trgovanje podataka između vlasnika podataka i kupca SymbolDAT:

Snabdevanje3'000'000'000 DAT
Za prodaju1'530'000'000 DAT
Biće kreiran novi nivo emisije
Cijena 10'000 DAT = 1 ET
Primljeno CurrencyETH
Period prodaje29 / 10/2017 13:00 UTC do 29/11/2017 13:00 UTC
Distribucija žetona 4. decembra do 11. decembra 2017
Cilj minimum 5'000 ET
Maksimalni cilj je 153'000 ETH

Mapa ulice

U Datumu imamo jedan fokus - Stvorimo tržište održivih podataka kako bismo pokrenuli povratnu vrijednost nosiocu tokena u najkraćem mogućem roku.

Septembar 2016. - Razvoj koncepta
Osnivači su započeli istraživanje velikog skladištenja podataka za IOT uređaje u medicinskom i inteligentnom kućnom sektoru i dizajnirali prve prototipe za kompilaciju nestrukturiranih podataka.

Juni 2017 - Validacija bele knjige i koncepta
Sa objavljivanjem povratnih informacija od bijelog papira i zajednice, prilagodili smo koncept i sastavili mapu puta za Datum Network.

11. avgust 2017. - Pre-Sales & Alfa verzija
Počinje preuzimanje za DAT Token, DAT omogućava korisnicima da učestvuju u novoj ekonomiji podataka. Datum će takođe objaviti demo aplikacija Datum pre kraja avgusta.

29. oktobra 2017. do 29. novembra 2017. - Datum Token Sale
Datum Token Sale će trajati od 29. oktobra do 29. novembra ili dok se ne postigne težak poklopac. Iako se nastavlja razvoj mreže Test za testiranje.

Decembar 2017 - Mreža za pokretanje testa
Lansiranje mreže testiranja podataka označava beta verziju i omogućiće istraživačima i zajednicama da istraže osnovne funkcije.

Mart 2018 - Oslobađanje kandidata
Potpuni kandidat za puštanje u rad će biti poslat u testnu mrežu i podvrgnuti intenzivnim testiranjem i ispravkama grešaka u naredna tri mjeseca.

Juni 2018 - Pokretanje datuma
Lansiranje Glavne mreže datuma označava početak nove ekonomije podataka. U ovom trenutku Data Network će se sastojati od decentralizovanog Storage Layer, Application Application, Open API za slanje i potrošnju podataka i punopravnog sistema trgovanja.


Naš tim ima više od 100 godina iskustva u izgradnji velikih obrada podataka i sistema upravljanja.

Više informacija u nastavku:

Facebook: https: // _rdc = 1 & _rdr
Whiepaper: https: //

By culun86;u=1096996

Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Word Expert platform for freelancers and copywriters.

We present to you the world’s first financial blockchain-powered product – WORD.EXPERT (WE) – a multi-functional platform, enabling users to transact in WORDCOIN, a cryptocurrency supported by the services being provided. Here, users can obtain the interrelated and completed services, reasonably unified in the frames of the platform, tasks :

WE will become the world’s largest, blockchain-powered copywriting platform. Using this system, the Customer will be able to order high-quality material, while benefiting from assurances of smart contracts. The Customer will be able to order a wide range of services, including reviews, articles, press releases, booklets, etc. After he has selected the copywriter with the desired ratings and aligned with the same the price and terms for the order, the Customer will receive the fully completed job in a timely manner, approve the same, and transfer to the Contractor the WORDCOIN-denominated remuneration amount, stipulated by the contract. After that, both parties of the deal will be able to assign the ratings to each other’s accounts.

WE will become the world’s largest blockchain-powered translation platform. The Customer will be able to obtain inexpensive and expedient translation services for their website, including subsequent proofreading by a native speaker. For instance, they will need only 15 minutes to order the translation of the website into 50 languages. This is a completely new approach to the market in these services which is driven by decentralization and will help break down the borders between countries.

At WE, the Customer will be able to order the services for SEO optimization and website promotion, as well as any other webpages that are controlled by the same and contain the information about his company or the product, propelling them into the top positions of search engine results. Using the platform, the Customer will be able to manage the behavioral factors, place backlinks from the webpages of a popular site, leverage social media accounts and receive sustainable and high-quality traffic. Using the intuitive interface, the Customer will be able to look through the report on progress from the Contractor and approve the deliverables.

UNIQUE SERVICE, PROVIDED AT THE PLATFORM – “ORM REPUTATION MANAGEMENT”. The first three above-specified lines of work – copywriting, translations and SEO optimization – generate a multiplicative effect and improve efficiencies in PR, when augmented by one other component – a suite of well-promoted websites, at which the customer can rent pages and publish information.

In this case, the Customer :

selects from the published list those twenty websites that feature the highest relevancy (for instance, six news resources, four forums, two popular science websites, two entertainment websites and six review websites) and subsequently rents the webpages on these sites, enabling a third-party commenting function and access for moderation.

assigns the copywriters to create the theme-based texts (reviews, interviews, press releases, articles) that include correctly saturated and diluted keywords and specify the frequency for their publication.
assigns tasks for purchasing of backlinks from highly-rated websites, social media accounts, orders clicks, likes and other SEO-related assets.

All of these actions take no more than 30 minutes to be completed, since the Customer carries them out at the same one-stop platform, equipped with the intuitive interface and supporting the single WORDCOIN cryptocurrency. In just a couple of months, when the Customer enters the name of this company, he will see the following search results :

Thus, WE opens up unlimited opportunities for virtually any search engine (Google, BING, Badoo, Yahoo, Yandex and others) for relevant keywords. The companies become fully equipped to manage their online reputations.

This means, when the user enters the name of a company in Google, he will see the webpages the customer controls, enabling the Customer to communicate to the potential clients of the information finds of value. This means that the PR agency, which will quote much higher rates.


The financial system of the platform will be entirely built on the decentralized blockchain system, starting from ICO smart contracts and ending with all financial operations on the WE platform.

Big Data

The analysis of large amounts of users’ data, rating systems and constant monitoring of posted information.

Artificial Neural Networks

With the help of neural network, text analysis can eliminate low-quality works by machine methods.


WE is built on the principles of transparency and integration simplicity with other services and applications.

SSL encryption

All WE traffic will be encrypted using the SSL protocol.


Adaptive security architecture provides multi-level security.

ICO Steps

PRE ICO from 27/09/2017 till 04/10/2017

ICO from 10/10/2017 till 07/11/2017

Post ICO

Road Map


further information :

Bitcointalk ANN:

By culun86;u=1096996

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Verif-y - credentials and identity using Blockchain

Verif-y pioneered the creation of a manageable, verifiable, and secure digital identity. Our platform enables a fast and secure digital verification process, for various credentials such as degrees, transcripts, licenses, and other work history.

Verif-y empowers you to create a highly secure, individual digital background hub - accessible directly on all your devices and wherever you are.

At Verif-y we believe that a strong and reliable digital identity is a fundamental building block of the blockchain universe as well as many other industries and societies. As such, we build our identity solutions on a powerful and commercially available credentialing platform, which currently provides unique services to organizations and users from around the world. Our identity solutions will enable users to use their smartphones and PCs to ensure the accuracy, management and dissemination of their digital identity as they see fit. The Verif-y service protects personally identifiable information ("PII") that keeps us in the eyes of many institutions.

Furthermore, we believe that academic records and employment, as well as licenses, certifications and other records, should be controlled and owned by those who earn it through hard work and at high cost.

Using Verif-y, individuals create digital profiles that contain their professional and educational history. This is followed by automatic verification of each record, processed by our multiple layers of technology and submitted for verification. Our main objective is to transfer ownership and exchange of credentials and documents from third parties to those who obtain them or to whom the information is related. Thus, Verif y creates efficiency for all parties in the value chain: educators, employers, individuals and others. The benefit of the user because he or she can prevent inaccurate or misdirected information to third parties without his knowledge and once verified, the records are easily shared by the user, with the third party of their choice. Beneficiaries of information because they can get all the verified pertinent information about users at a much lower cost than before. In addition, the recipient will be able to directly determine the validity of candidate credentials that reduce processing time and costs, and in many cases, eliminating the need for further verification.

Background - Current Issues with Identity, Credentials & Job Verification

Our personal and professional information has been stored and distributed out of our control during the data industry. In the 21st century, we live in a world of open social networks where PII continues to be collected, collected and sold to third party companies, without the knowledge or explicit consent of individuals.

  • Technology and process challenges
  • Forged Credentials
  • Current High Cost for Credential Verification
  • Financial Regulation
  • Identity Fraud

How Verif-y handles these issues

Verif-y currently provides secure and encrypted technological innovation that is badly needed by industry credential verification and employment (among others). The Verif-y solution is cheaper, faster, and more accurate than similar services offered by corporate background checks, credit reporting agencies and other digital identity providers. There is currently no credential wallet technology similar to Verif-y which acts as a verified warehouse for all the work, education, licenses and other membership that can be stored and owned easily and safely by the user.

The Verif-y platform provides a secure, reliable, and real-time method for communicating trust by individuals to the target employer, financial institution, real estate broker or other consumer of the information. Fraud and fake credentials are identified and are not allowed into platforms that reduce or eliminate the need for costly credential checks and background checks.

Verif y creates efficiency for all parties in the value chain: educators, employers, individuals and others. Verif-y connects users, jobseekers, employees, with entities (entrepreneurs, educators, licensing councils, certificate providers, etc.) In a unique way before, resulting in better processing time, lower cost and uncertainty savings .

Employers, banks, educators, and even governments can now enjoy faster decision-making, increased trust, while deploying fewer resources. It saves time and money at the point of decision, and allows these organizations to become more efficient and if possible, grow faster each time a decision is made.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchains are derived from cryptocurrency platforms, especially Bitcoin, where they represent a verifiable historical record of monetary ownership. Cryptographic evidence supersedes the needs of a trusted third party to authenticate transfers and mediate transaction disputes. Bitcoin is designed to solve the problem of multiple expenditures, which builds consensus on the decentralized network of who owns and what has been spent. Bitcoin is the first decentralized crypto (Figure 1) in the world, and currently, produces nearly half (~ $ 60 billion) of the kriptocurrency market ~ $ 150 billion. Bitcoin provides a protocol that for the first time illustrates that there is the possibility of two unbelieving parties, transacting without the use of central authority as an intermediary. The key is that both parties participating in the transaction only need to trust the basic architecture (blockchain or distributed ledger) that ensures system security. In the current banking system, "a certain percentage of cheats is accepted as unavoidable", which increases the need for confidence in the system and thus the emergence and popularity of various blockchain solutions.

Verif-y Eco System and Products

The Verif-y platform provides many powerful credential and identity verification functions (for educational, job, licenses or certificates credentials), and provides a tool for users to store and manage their data securely. By leveraging this process, Verif-y provides a platform for businesses, schools and other organizations to reduce the impractical and time-consuming process of verifying work and education performance for current and past employees and students. In addition, this platform reduces the need to store past records for years, and provides a back office interface to manage and record employee licenses and other records that may vary over time.

Verif-y is the only user-centered platform where employers, educators, certificate providers, and individuals directly exchange verified professional credentials automatically. Importantly, this is a user-based platform - meaning the user owns and controls the data, and the data is only accessible by third parties if the user allows it. An employer may request that users share (or permit) access to their data, but users are always in control and have the ability to restrict or bypass access at any time.


The crowd will start on 5 October 2017 17:00 UTC.
Pre-sales will begin on September 14, 2017, 17:00 UTC.
Crowdsale will start on 5th October 2017, 17:00 UTC.

Token and Bonus

Early Bird Bonus: 20% - 30% depending on size
Token total total supply; 3,000,000,000 VFY
Max tokens are sold via pre-sale and crowdsale; 1,000,000,000,000 VFY

Token Distribution

Our team

Ed Zabar - Founder and CEO
Bill Crean - Product Director
Colleen Connors - Director of Operating Systems
Director of John Chaisson - Business Development
Chad Peiper. PhD - Sr. Architect Solutions
Tammy Fudem - General Counsel

Our advisor

Paul Booth
Dang Jin-yi
Lewis Larson
Shoshana Loeb
Kirk Philips
Adam Schwartz
David Schwartz
Neal Trieber
Gil Tsabar
Lior Zysman

For more information you can see the link below that I have prepared below.

More info :

Official project website:

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