Kamis, 21 Maret 2019



ATAYEN,  Inc is an American company specializing in developing applications for  dedicated for business pages on Facebook and other social networks.  Facebook application developers since 2008, Gauthier Bros and Stephanie  Clement founded ATAYEN, Inc. in 2014 to further develop the marketing  application technology they invented to improve business pages on  Facebook. ATAYEN, Inc.’s Iframe suite of apps allows customers to  establish an effective communication hub using simple tools.

Iframe Suite Of Apps By ATAYEN, INC

  • Contact Form: Adds a customizable contact form to a Facebook page and automates responses.
  • Automatic Newsletter: Generates newsletters automatically from Facebook page news feeds and sends them to its contact list.
  • Iframe Apps: Inserts any internet content (html, webs ite …) into a Facebook page.
  • Store App: Creates or imports custom stores into a Facebook page for online sales.
  • Newsletters: Provides a registration form for Facebook pages to faciliate customer contact and communication (emails, phone…).
  • Coupons App: Create custom coupons to reward Facebook or other social network communities.
  • Add a Link: Ads custom links that redirect users to specific pages.
  • Sharing Tools: Allows customization of the appearance of shares on social networks while providing performance statistics (clicks).

Online Advertising

Advertisers  have many tools to publish, quantify and analyze their advertising  campaigns. They can spread their messages through:

Brand and co-brand websites
Presence on community networks
Rich Media Campaigns
Content sponsorship, brand content, marketing influencers
A Smart Contract to Govern Advertising Transactions
Thanks  to the SaTT Smart Contract, an advertiser can easily create advertising  campaigns whose conditions for participation and results will be stored  in distributed decentralized records (blockchain). These ads will be  searchable via dedicated APIs. This means tampering with results will be  much more difficult.
  • A SaTT Smart Contract transaction may only be validated if:
  • The affiliate meets the criteria, age, sex, city, audience.
  • The publisher has relayed the advertising campaign and the defined oracle has returned the result statistics.
  • The “oracles” have returned the information, the transaction is executed and the SaTT amount transferred to the publisher.
Operation Of The SaTT Smart Contract
The  SaTT Smart Contract works in a decentralized and distributed manner.  The blockchain will include all current offers that allow any API or  platform to perform operations, whether creating as part of an  adbuilder, posting to make an ad directory, or as an oracle, for example  by providing the necessary statistics to validate and quantify the  transaction. The advantage of such a Smart Contract is to gather market  offers in a decentralized database, to set the rules that apply to  advertising contracts and to automatically trigger payments once the  transaction is performed.

The  advertiser wants to maximize the penetration of their message. We  provide a simple, fast and powerful tool to identify the best  communication medium, and the best performing potential partners. The  SaTT Smart Contract faciliates the broadcast of advertisements according  performance objectives (e.g. to increase its visibility, to generate  traffic, to generate sales opportunities or to directly make sales). It  can follow the evolution of campaign onthe industry standards, such as  Google Analytics, Instagram or Facebook Analytics through oracle module  connections. Finally, publishers and communities can access exclusive  products and events in exchanges for SaTT. SaTT which it can turn around and reuse for new campaigns!

The  publisher wants to find the most relevant and profitable campaigns and  content for its audience. Thanks to the blockchain, partners can now  guarantee that the campaign is funded and will be paid as soon as the  contract conditions between the partner and the advertiser are met, such  as at the end of a campaign or performance threshold. Once the  objectives are achieved, the Smart Contract automatically triggers the  transaction and the specified funds are transferred directly to its  portfolio net of the commission paid to the oracle modules.

What Is An Oracle Module?
An  oracle is an application between the Smart Contract and a data source  to relay information on the performance of a campaign or process (number  of clicks, number of views, ability to participate, validation of  campaign integrity). When an application connects to Google Analytics  and returns the volume of a publisher’s traffic on the advertiser’s  website at the end of the month to an oracle module, it uses that data  to determine if the conditions of the Smart Contract are fulfilled.  Several oracles may be involved in the process before a Smart Contract  based transaction is approved.

The Idea Of Satt Was Born (Smart Advertising Transaction Token).
The  SaTT is a «token utility» based on blockchain technology that allows  exchange of advertising and audience payment. SaTT is regulated by a  Smart Contract which lists advertising offers with all data held  securely in the Ethereum blockchain. The Smart Contract sets the  conditions for participation in campaigns, quantifies the success, and  guarantees the final renumeration. The Ethereum blockchain is fast,  inexpensive, safe and versatile allowing distribution of rewards on the  internet traffic market more equitable by removing all the constraints  induced by centralized intermediaries. SaTT ICO tokens are issued by an Ethereum Smart Contract to facilitate advertising transactions.If you want to get more about current ICOs then check the ICO list.

More information about the SaTT project can be found in the official sources: 

by: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Selasa, 12 Maret 2019

PRIMEXCOIN - Cryptocurrency Based on Blockchain Designed to Provide Fast, Secure, and Almost Zero Payments to Anyone in the World

Hello friends, welcome to the one-stop source for extraordinary articles about special information & upgrading of crypto currencies, blockchain, bitcoin and so on. I am always happy to bring and share the latest news with you, a guide to the most interesting and early thoughts of the crypto currency world. These articles are intended to accelerate our lives with you and change the world in the near future:

Prime X for the future!

Prime X is a digital payment tool that will be used in the future, We think realistically, build technology to keep up with the times, and Share information about the blockchain. It can solve your financial needs.

We Provide Our Products


We will operate the biggest bitcoin exchange and exchange of altcoin cryptto.

Cellular Wallet

We provide a safe crypto wallet.

Investment Services

We offer a number of investment services that focus on helping you meet predetermined financial goals.

This is all about PrimexCoin

What is Primexcoin?

PrimexCoin is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency designed to provide fast, secure and almost zero payment costs to anyone in the world. This was designed to overcome the famous inefficiencies in government central banks and other crypto currencies. We believe everyone must be able to make transactions that are entirely safe, private and anonymous.

For this reason PrimexCoin contains proven innovations that other coins cannot be developed and combined. Exchangers, Financial Systems, Lightning Networks and Cloud Mining are here for you. Join PrimexCoin now!

Why Primexcoin?

PrimexCoin opens up new opportunity horizons that were not previously provided by any financial system. PrimexCoin technology innovation provides increased scalability, manufacturability, and transparency and your privacy and security.

How does it work ?

Can't wait to implement our concept

After going through a disciplined business process, it's time for the system to work for you.

  • Fast protocol
  • Low transaction costs
  • Problem solved

ICO Prices


Q4 2018

Prime Coin and Exchanges Development
Making Whitepaper and Litepaper based on the company
Websites and Cellular Applications are in progress

Q1 2019 '

Prime Coin development is complete
Initial sale of coins offering Prime Coin
The airdrop and bounty program starts

Q2 2019

List of other exchanges
Marketing campaign
IOS and Android Wallet
New partner on Prime Exchange

Q3 2019

Blockchain & Trade Training
Partnership with other projects
Local exchangers in Asia, Europe

Q4 2019

Trade competition on PEX
Target Price of $ 10
Production in Exchange



Readers interested in this project can learn more about the project through:

Website: https://primexcoin.co/

Whitepaper: https://primexcoin.co/doc/whitepaper

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5106240

Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5110766.0

Medium: https://medium.com/@primexcoin

Telegram: http://t.me/primexchat

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/primexofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/primex_coin

Github: https://github.com/primexcoin

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prime-exchange

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/primexcoin/

Slack: https://primexcoin.slack.com/

by: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Senin, 11 Maret 2019

Обзор XPetroleum

XPetroleum - это сверхсовременная нефтяная стадия, которая опирается на блокчейн Ethereum с резкими контрактами. XPetroleum производит одну из самых крупных трастовых нефтяных экономик в блокчейне. XPetroleum заменит нефтяную биржу и даст понять. Нефтяной бизнес выделяется среди самых важных рынков на планете, размер нефтяной экспозиции составляет 1,7 триллиона долларов.

Блокчейн предлагает множество функций, чтобы сделать работу бэк-офиса всегда способной:
прямолинейность, бюджетные сделки, исполнение соглашений, зависящих от исполнения, Track-Petroleum на подлинность, безопасность, затраты и время. XPetroleum, вероятно, достигнет Xpetroleum Oil Organization, поскольку XPetroleum станет чувствительным лидером. В то время XPetroleum начнет лидировать необычайно

практика нефти Нефть - это общий термин для нефти и парообразного газа. Нефть - самое основное топливо в мире, и она всегда остается нашей главной целью. В настоящее время это дает утешение и шансы на продвижение и имеет решающее значение для транспортных рамок. Нефть является нефтяной дочерней компанией. Масло последовательно называют шероховатым маслом или маслом. Он известен как неустойчивый источник энергии, так как он запланирован из остальных частей маленьких морских растений и животных, которые пинали контейнер много лет назад.

В тот момент, когда растения и животные пошли дальше, она опустилась на дно морей. Здесь они были защищены бесчисленным количеством песка и останков, которые превратились в осадочный толчок. Когда слои вышли, они с энтузиазмом сокрушались в испорченных домиках у основания. Нагрузка и некоторое тепло изменили остальные части, и масло неизбежно образовалось. Нефть замедляется, обеспечиваются проницаемыми встряхиваниями, как будто вода собирается в сырой ткани. Прямо сейчас сырая нефть покидает землю, по всей вероятности, она может быть тонкой, как вода, или густой, как смола. Нефть известна как неустойчивый источник обязательности, так как она занимает огромное количество лет. XPetroleum не может жалеть нового масла.

  • Token Ticker => XPL
  • Платформа => ERC20
  • Общий объем поставок => 80 000 000 XPL
  • Стоимость токена => 0.15 $
  • Мягкая шапка => 500 000 долларов
  • Минимальная покупка: 0.1ETH

Найдите больше информации, используя ссылки ниже;

Автор: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Looking for Jobs easily using MYCRO

Hello everyone, on this occasion I will explain a little about a project in the blockchain world that offers a project that is very helpful for everyday life.

as we all know most people will be very difficult to manage between money or time, often someone will have a lot of time but do not have money, and vice versa sometimes there are people who have a lot of money but do not have time because they are too busy. but with the presence of the Mycro project something like that won't be a problem anymore, because Mycro's slogan is "Simply Getting the Job Done".

A little explanation about Mycro. Mycro is a company in the blockchain field that is developing an application that allows everyone to find and offer a job very easily, just by finding a suitable job, register yourself for the job. and finish the job. It's quite simple, but the benefits offered by Mycro can be said to be able to overcome problems, especially when looking for a job.

Mycro will create a global and decentralized peer-to-peer network platform for simple jobs. People all over the world must choose for themselves what they do, when and for whom they work and how much time they have. As for Mycro's mission, which is to give everyone access to this opportunity no matter where they come from.

Mycro also issued a token called MYO which will be a payment method for every job that has been done, for example. When applying for jobs, job seekers can use Mycro tokens (MYO) to get a better position on the job provider dashboard. Similar to an offer on an eBay auction, the artisan does not pay until he has been given a job and the work has indeed been done.

Whereas the Mycro (MYO) token itself has a total supply of 100,000,000 tokens built on Ethereum Blockchain (ERC20) which has the type of Utility Token. with total supply and with a large demand will be able to boost prices more and more. and not forgetting the Mycro Token (MYO) also has the following functions:

Job Shopping
Job seekers can use MYO tokens to get a better position on the list of job applicants.
It is planned that users can pay with Mycro (MYO) tokens. (depends on official permission)
reward users with Mycro tokens (MYO) for good rankings after the work is successfully completed.
give rewards to users with Mycro tokens (MYO) for advertising activities for the application.

Whereas for ICO from Mycro tokens (MYO) will be held in Q4 2018, which has a hardcap of € 14,000,000 but if you are interested in having tokens from Mycro you can buy now by joining a Private Sale with a limited bonus.
And if you are a Bounty Hunter, register yourself immediately to get more tokens

For further information please contact the link below:

Website: https://www.mycrojobs.io/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/mycrojobs
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5008139.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycrojobs/
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5027348.0

Author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Jumat, 08 Maret 2019

LivenPay (LVN)

Applications that allow you to use cryptocurrency in your daily life to pay for goods and services with the ability to use a loyalty program will attract many listeners. LivenPay will be beneficial for business owners and ordinary users. First, this application will generate huge profits by increasing the customer audience and, second, the ability to use digital resources without having to know all the workings of Blockchain technology and the world of digital resources.

LivenPay (LVN) will solve several other major cryptocurrency weaknesses, with unique internal conversion rates that help reduce volatility and provide intrinsic value on the Liven platform. By catapulting this new motto behind a well established business with the virtual currency system in place, Liven intends to use the funds raised via ICO to extend the Liven network to cities such as New York, San Francisco and London.

Liven also seeks to overcome the financial and technological constraints that keep small business owners from adopting cryptocurrency, making payment gateways as convenient as possible. For example, traders will be able to choose whether they want the funds they receive to be paid in LVN or traditional currency, regardless of the payment methods used by their clients. Liven currently offers a gift system, giving consumers the percentage of their bills in the form of LivenCash, which can be added to the next bill or donated to a charity. The introduction of encrypted payment gateways powered by blockchain means that customers can continue to benefit from gift programs, with increased control over how they spend their gifts. Subsequent companies will benefit from a closed-loop system, which means that all NVGs will at some point be redeemed on the network.

To launch our new product, we will create our own digital currency: LivenCoin or LVN. For users of the Liven Cash system, the credit will be transferred into the Fiat value for the launch of the new game, and all features that interest Liven Cash will still be present, as well as new features and facilities activated by the change to the real currency digital.

LivenPay (LVN) will operate as an intrinsic store of value across our network and will have its own internal exchange rate, supported by the volume of transactions in real-life businesses, such as brick and mortar. This means that each token guarantees purchasing power in over a thousand real businesses on launch day - no matter how arbitrary the community might give them. Users will be able to exchange fiat (AUD, USD) or LVN currencies at all merchant partners and will receive LVN to make transactions as part of the smart rewards network we have built over the last 4 years. Business partners will be paid in hard currency or, if they wish, may choose to receive full payment in LVN. To add to these functions, we will recreate our platform to give,

Liven explains: Why do we need a blockchain?

In addition to the possibility of a surprising blockchain technology in the future, many companies around the world are pushing it into places that may not be necessary. Does anyone really ask for cryptocurrency for the dental industry? Or a blockchain solution for sexual approval?
This, uh, a dubious case has led many passengers to wonder why the blockchain should be added to any project that advertises the use of distributed ledger technology. The Fortune 500 leaders also jumped on the other side, questioning the goals and benefits of cryptography over other traditional financial systems.

And even if it is often a reasonable skepticism, for Liven, the integration of cryptocurrency and blockchain makes sense for the next evolution of our payment platform. Our more than 200,000 users have received awards in our own network currency - LivenCash - for four years now. The move to our LVN digital currency will be not only simple, but also very useful.

Here are four reasons why Liven chose to use blockchain technology.
First, to help globalize and enable a direct expansion of our current network money economy. The fact that our currency is an unlimited digital currency allows Liven to accelerate its expansion in places such as London, New York and San Francisco.

Second, expand our capacity for peer-to-peer financing, social spending, gifts, and then currency use between different people to create a smoother and more dynamic payment system.

Third, to decentralize our existing giving functions, openness is unprecedented in the world of charitable giving.

The fourth reason is more related to the use of the blockchain for Liven. We want to create a product for users who combine blockchain technology with traditional currency infrastructure to enable users to use great products while facilitating their daily adoption.

Liven - a payment gateway with integrated gift and smart contract tokens

  • consumers
  • selling power
  • restaurants and cafes
  • e-commerce store
  • charitable foundation
  • exchange of external tokens

brief description

More information about the project
LivenPay ICO: https://livenpay.io White Paper
: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/livenpay.io/LIVEN-WhitePaper (DE) .pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/ livenpay
Average: https://medium.com/livenpay
Live blog: https://blog.liven.com.au
LivenPay Blog: https://blog.livenpay.io
Github: https://github.com/livenpay
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/LivenPay
Facebook: https://facebook.com/LivenPay
Instagram: https://instagram.com/livenpay

Author: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Jumat, 01 Maret 2019

Video PETCHAIN Community, video pendek dari Hewan Peliharaan Pertama di Dunia

Setiap manusia memiliki hewan peliharaan, masalahnya adalah banyak hewan peliharaan yang tidak dirawat dengan baik, sulit menemukan makanan yang tepat, sulit mendapatkan informasi tentang cara merawat hewan peliharaan, walaupun kita tahu bahwa ribuan dan ribuan hewan peliharaan berada di global.

Sekarang kita akan berbicara tentang platform khusus tentang hewan peliharaan, platform ini secara khusus dalam bentuk blockchain, semua orang akan mendapatkan statistik di sekitar hewan peliharaan dalam bentuk aplikasi terdesentralisasi (Dapp). Untuk alasan ini, dimungkinkan untuk mengenali platform ini, yaitu Petchain.

Petchain Dapp menggunakan model penambangan sosial, yang memberikan pengguna hak untuk menerima hadiah pada token untuk kegiatan seperti memberikan acungan jempol untuk posting yang menguntungkan dan komentar pada posting. Biaya iklan dibayar oleh merek makanan hewan dan mainan untuk platform, 90% darinya akan didistribusikan sebagai insentif insentif bagi peserta sistem melalui tindakan yang menguntungkan di jejaring sosial.

Petchains didedikasikan untuk sistem manajemen informasi dan platform perdagangan pasar hewan global. Ini didasarkan pada gagasan membangun ekosistem yang harus merevolusi dan mengubah kehidupan hewan dan akan menawarkan semua layanan untuk hewan peliharaan. Jadi, Petchains mengacu pada digitalisasi ekonomi hewan peliharaan. Motif utama solusi Petchains adalah untuk menyediakan layanan yang lebih efisien dan mendalam dengan kekuatan teknis bagi pecinta hewan peliharaan untuk meningkatkan kehidupan hewan peliharaan kesayangan mereka.

Proyek Petchains adalah gagasan dari upaya gabungan tim profesional dan berdedikasi yang terdiri dari pakar ilmu komputer, dokter hewan, spesialis blockchain, ilmuwan bisnis, dan konsultan yang bekerja untuk meningkatkan kehidupan hewan.
Petchains dirancang berdasarkan teknologi modern dan global seperti data besar dan blockchain, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan data unik dan menyimpan data sebagai hewan yang tinggal di rumah atau di tempat penampungan. Proyek ini sepenuhnya dikhususkan untuk pengembangan komunitas baru hewan peliharaan pada platform digital, yang mencakup teknologi modern dan relevan yang memungkinkan koneksi untuk memperluas cakupan layanan Petchains di pasar global.

Tujuan utama dari proyek ini adalah untuk membawa komunitas para ahli, profesional, institusi, akademisi, pemilik, penyedia layanan, sukarelawan dealer dan peserta lain dari komunitas hewan, mereka dapat berinteraksi secara global dan berkontribusi untuk menyediakan kehidupan yang efisien untuk hewan peliharaan.

Tentang STO / ICO
"Jejaring sosial sedang menambang" menggunakan petchains berlian dan acungan jempol. 90% dari biaya iklan yang disediakan melalui merek makanan hewani dan merek mainan dapat dikembalikan ke pengguna yang memiliki berlian, Coin Petchain (PTCS) akan memuat laman web perubahan pengiring di tahun 2019 "

Ptcs.io Coin - adalah platform blockchain yang unik; itu adalah platform yang aman, cerdas dan mudah digunakan, dan sepenuhnya mengganggu cara bisnis meningkatkan modal dan cara investor membeli dan menjual.

Nama token: Petchain
Token Simbol: PTCS
Total Emisi Koin: 1.800.000 PTCS
Harga Token: nol, 00018
Soft-Cap (ICO Publik): 5.000 ETH
Putaran pra-penjualan
Babak 1 (Bonus 70%) 5 Januari 2019 - 25 Januari 20192 Babak 2 (Bonus 25%) 26 Januari 2019 - 25 Februari 2019
Babak 3 (Bonus 35%) 26 Februari 2019 - 25 Maret 2019
Babak 4 (Bonus 40%) 26 Maret 2019 - 25 April 2019
Babak Kelima (Bonus 25%) 26 April 2019 - 25 Mei 2019
Hard-cap: 89.285 ETH

Token Terdistribusi: 30 hari setelah penjualan token berakhir.

Sistem Petchain akan mencoba membantu semua pengguna. Bagaimana perusahaan dapat menawarkan bantuannya? Nah, jawabannya sangat sederhana: jika seseorang memiliki pernyataan khusus dari perusahaan, maka dia akan dapat memperoleh nasihat medis khusus dan informasi penting yang diverifikasi oleh para ahli di dokter hewan hewan pengerat. Tidak ada perawatan yang lebih baik daripada yang bisa Anda berikan kepada hewan peliharaan Anda dengan semua pengetahuan di tangan perusahaan.

Visi Petchain
Sasaran Petchain dari tantangan ini adalah untuk menyediakan jaringan spesialis, pakar, lembaga, dosen, pemilik, penyedia transportasi, penjual sukarelawan dan individu yang berbeda dari komunitas hewan, mereka dapat terlibat secara global dan berkontribusi untuk menawarkan kehidupan yang efisien bagi hewan peliharaan mereka.

Fitur Petchain
Biaya Pengawasan:
Perusahaan hewan peliharaan tumbuh setiap hari, dan itu adalah jarak yang kuat karena hilangnya komunike. Jadi, pemeliharaan dan pengawasan nilai yang berlebihan mengarah.

Kurangnya Informasi Terverifikasi tentang Hewan Peliharaan:
Terkadang pelindung tidak dapat menampilkan statistik tentang hewan peliharaan karena sangat sulit bagi pelanggan untuk mendapatkan statistik yang akurat dan akurat tentang hewan peliharaan. Dalam metode konvensional, catatan dapat dimodifikasi.

Kurangnya data yang jelas tentang hewan peliharaan:
Ada kehilangan informasi tentang hewan peliharaan. Beberapa pemilik anak anjing memiliki data terperinci tetapi di desa sering hewan peliharaan tidak memiliki data. Dalam hal ini, perlu ada data yang benar dan harus berlaku.

Kurangnya kebutuhan dasar yang layak Informasi tentang hewan peliharaan:
Pemilik hewan peliharaan tidak memiliki statistik yang benar tentang keinginan sederhana hewan peliharaan mereka dan bahwa mereka tidak mengetahui makanan apa yang disediakan untuk hewan peliharaan mereka dan apa yang tidak. Mereka tidak memiliki panduan yang tepat tentang apa yang harus diberikan kepada hewan peliharaan yang mereka sukai.

Peta jalan

Tim eksekutif


Bergabunglah dengan Petchain, platform ini akan sangat berkembang di masa depan. karena Petchains adalah satu-satunya blockchain yang didedikasikan untuk pengembangan pemeliharaan hewan peliharaan. untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat melihat di:

Situs web: https://www.petchains.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.petchains.io/whitepaper/Petchains.pdf
Bounty BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5089058.0
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5088687
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Petchins1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/petcpetchains/
Telegram: https://t.me/petchains_e
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCId3fhWu4u7FzEtm3LVSp1w
Github: https://github.com/Petchain

Penulis: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

ALCEDO - makes crypto currencies accessible for everyone!

It is not a problem. The ALCEDO-Biological community will deal with the crypto machines, wallets, and coins. This is a very new way to achieve this. we tend to relentlessly enhance the framework of our undertaking.

We supply our crypto-candy machines (2-way) from well-considered creators (GeneralBytes, Lamassu). In coordination with ALCEDO Stage, we can also incorporate option crypto machines. ALCEDO-Focuses. It has been established that it has been approved. we want to give you a lot of money and give you a lot of money.

I am not able to pay attention to our administration group. We invite you to our experts. Helping to use ATMs and answer all of them with reference to cryptocurrencies.

The ALCEDO-Wallet is definitely rearranges on the cell phone. frightfully simply will get you completely coins. It will be your choice. ALCEDO-Stage.

ALCEDO-Cards can be used in the NFC. cryptographic forms of money. furthermore, it advances the scattering and acknowledgment of the ALCEDO-Coins and elective digital forms of money.

Image may contain: night and text

ALCEDO-Task Resetting Obviously, ALCEDO-Coins might be utilized inside the ALCEDO-framework. we will dispatch the ALCEDO-Coin in this fall 2019.
  • Token: ALCEDO-Token
  • Total ALCEDO: Token100 000 000 ALCE
  • Hard-Cap: 40,000,000 ALCE
  • Project-Protocol: first ERC20-Token
  • Crowd-Sale: Dec 01, 2018
  • Means of Payment: BTC, ETH, PayPal

For more information, below are the relevant links;

by culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263