Minggu, 29 April 2018

SPINDEL itself does not mean denying decentralization and simply raises concerns about the propagation of utopian socialist and unrealistic ecosystems and the lack of criticism of decentralization, potentially limiting the distribution of cryptoterms. Writing out these problems at the beginning, SPINDLE hopes to take measures against decentralization in a pencilistic manner.
The problem with SPINDLE is that the growth of ICO and the crypto currency in 2017 will lead to an increase in government persecution that will create a new controlled society and negatively affect the development of a free economy.

Spinel's conviction is that conscientious, autonomous people serve as the spiritual pillar of SPINDEL and that many of his investment objects will be people from the finance sector who will monitor strict regulatory oversight of the financial world. However, in its current state, only hedge funds are accepted for the virtual currency only (ICO tokens, of course, excluded) from the following areas.

  1. United Kingdom
  2. EU countries in NATO
  3. Canada
  4. Operators with US citizenship who properly declare their taxes
  5. Japan
  6. Singapore
  7. Support zones in Europe (excluding Cyprus)

However, many countries are ill prepared for tax markers from the numerous hedge funds of virtual currencies, so many taxation systems are established in Switzerland, Singapore and coastal areas. Therefore, depending on the host country of the representative of the fund, the rules may be subject to change.

Prohibited areas
  1. Off coastal areas in the Caribbean Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
  2. Areas to be considered
  3. China
  4. Russia
  5. Hong Kong
  6. Malaysia
Overview of the SPINDLE marker
Currency symbol SPD
Blockchain ERC-20
Currency type
The planned amount of the issue of the marker is 10,000,000,000 SAPs
Token Selling price Published price at time of issue

Technological Infrastructure SPINDLE

A backend system with basic business logic that works with events;
Administrative system;
View data and indicators;
Mobile apps (iOS + Android);
Web application (in development).

For more information about the spindle, please visit the link below:

Penulis: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Rabu, 18 April 2018

TIK DIGITAL - Pertukaran Crypto Dirancang Dengan Baik Oleh Pedagang Untuk Pedagang


Komunitas Sapaan,

Digital Ticks - Komoditas Pertama Yang Pernah Ada - Crypto Exchange dirancang dengan baik oleh para pedagang untuk para pedagang. Ticks Digital Exchange tidak hanya crypto lain untuk pertukaran crypto tetapi juga merupakan penyedia plakat semi-algoritma sendiri. Ticks Digital Exchange berencana untuk mengkategorikan semua jenis aset crypto serta komoditas ke aset crypto. Bursa Ticks Digital akan menjadi kekuatan yang dikemas oleh banyak fitur canggih termasuk semua fitur dasar dari pertukaran yang diperlukan oleh trader pemula untuk trader profesional dan juga untuk pedagang frekuensi tinggi. Bursa Ticks Digital tidak akan memungut biaya transakun untuk beberapa bulan pertama dari lonceng sehingga memberi para pedagang untuk berdagang dengan biaya transakon nol.


Pedagang - Bagian yang paling penting dan integral dari pertukaran crypto. Digital Ticks telah melangkah lebih jauh untuk mengembangkan paket yang lebih ramah-pengguna, fitur, pertukaran kripto latensi ultra rendah dengan teknologi canggih untuk memudahkan perdagangan.


Pertukaran yang dirancang dengan baik oleh pedagang untuk pedagang. Pertukaran Ticks Digital akan menjadi kekuatan yang dikemas oleh banyak fitur canggih termasuk semua fitur pertukaran dasar yang diperlukan oleh trader pemula untuk trader profesional dan juga untuk pedagang berfrekuensi tinggi.

  • Semi Algo / HFT
  • Trade Multiple Crypto's
  • Tampilan Portofolio Tunggal
  • Perintah OCO
  • Beberapa Kompatibilitas Perangkat

  • Untuk memanfaatkan diskon 50% di Komisi Exchange
  • Untuk memanfaatkan diskon berdasarkan Volume
  • Untuk membayar biaya penarikan
  • Untuk membayar biaya pencatatan
  • Untuk membayar fungsionalitas analitis se
  • perti laporan penelitian, perhitungan statistik
  • Investasi strategis oleh anggota penerima pertukaran.
  • Nama Token: DTX
  • Jenis Token: Ethereum ERC - 20
  • Metode Pembelian: BTC / ETH / Wire Transfer
  • Token Type: Utility
  • Masa Penjualan Pra-Token: 25.03.2018 - 14.04.2018
  • Harga Jual Pra-Token: 1 DTX = 0,30 USD
  • Periode Penjualan Publik: 15.04.2018 - 15.05.2018
  • Harga Token Penjualan Publik: 1 DTX = 0,375 USD - 0,700 USD
  • Soft Cap: USD 5,7 Juta
  • Hard Cap: USD 30 Juta
  • Token tidak dijual: IT akan dibakar setelah penjualan Token berakhir.


15 Des 2017: Idea Generation (Proyek Mulai)
02 Jan 2018: Pengembangan prototipe Antarmuka Pengguna untuk Investor
20 Jan 2018: Perencanaan Peluncuran Penjualan Token DTX
15 Feb 2018: Whitepaper diedarkan kepada Angel Investor
7 Maret 2018: Situs web Kutu Digital menggunakan Live dan Whitepaper menjadi Publik
25 Mar 2018: Penjualan Pra-Token DTX dimulai
15 Apr 2018: Penjualan Token Publik DTX Dimulai
15 Mei 2018: Penjualan Token DTX berakhir
20 Juni 2018: Peluncuran Token DTX di Bursa Terkemuka
01 Agustus 2018: Peluncuran Ticks Digital Exchange (DTX) v 1.0
15 Agustus 2018: Aplikasi Seluler dirilis
15 Sep 2018: Pencatatan Alt Koin tambahan
25 Maret 2019: Upacara Tahunan
15 Mei 2019: 1000+ cryptocurrency terdaftar, volume pertukaran harian diharapkan 200000+ BTC.
15 Juli 2019: Salah satu dari 10 Platform Cryptocurrency Top 10 dunia
Kuartal 4 2019: Pencatatan Bursa Ticks Digital Exchange di Bursa Efek yang diakui.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

QQOMPASS - Proyek Potensial


Qompass adalah platform investasi crypto generasi baru yang canggih

mendukung perdagangan, Pembiayaan dan Peer-To-Peer (P2P) pertukaran dalam crypto
ekonomi. Dibangun di Qompass Blockchain sendiri, ia dirancang dari basis
untuk menawarkan kecepatan fenomenal lebih dari 30.000 TPS (Transaksi per detik)

Kenapa Qompass yang mahir?

Qompass adalah platform investasi crypto generasi baru yang canggih
mendukung perdagangan, Pembiayaan dan Peer-To-Peer (P2P) pertukaran dalam crypto
ekonomi. Dibangun di Qompass Blockchain sendiri, ia dirancang dari basis
untuk menawarkan kecepatan fenomenal lebih dari 30.000 TPS (Transaksi per detik)
Kenapa Qompass yang mahir?

Tujuan Qompass adalah untuk memfasilitasi transaksi keuangan dalam lintas Blockchain
arsitektur yang memperluas dukungan dengan menggunakan Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan
Penerapan Kontrak Pintar. Tunjukkan melalui kerja dari.

teknologi cryptocurrency Blockchain terbaru menawarkan layanan yang komprehensif
yang memungkinkan perdagangan, peminjaman dan pertukaran cryptocurrency ke dalam fiat, di
cara yang paling dapat diandalkan dan mudah.

Qompass dibangun untuk mendukung transformasi pasar keuangan yang mudah
aplikasi dan Layanan dari cara tradisional ke teknologi blockchain.

Pada intinya Qompass akan menyediakan ekosistem protokol API yang kaya dan
aplikasi untuk mendorong pasar keuangan dan modal dalam skala global.


Aplikasi Ponsel Qompass

Kartu Qompass

Trader Qompass

Qompass Block Chain

Akun Crypto yang Dikelola oleh MCA

Penghasilan kripto pada platform Qompass dapat diuangkan dengan terlalu tinggi
batas. Kami bangga dengan negosiasi kami yang sukses dengan 25 lembaga keuangan yang berbeda
terletak di seluruh dunia, 5 sejauh ini setuju untuk dihubungkan dengan platform dan pembelian kami
sejumlah besar mata uang kripto utama Sebagai pelanggan Qompass, Anda akan
dapat meminta pembayaran, dan bank dapat mencairkan aset Anda dan mengirim fiat
langsung ke bank pilihan Anda di seluruh dunia. Pelanggan memiliki
kesempatan untuk melihat ke urutan aliran lembaga-lembaga besar untuk menentukan harga terbaik


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi:

Situs web: https://qompass.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://qompass.io/assets/docs/QompasswhitePaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Qompass
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/QompassMarkets
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Qompass.io
MENENGAH: https://medium.com/@qompass.io
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/qompass/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCghrHj3jsmTy-CAptwzy6w
THREAD Pengumuman: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3206704.20

Penulis: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Senin, 16 April 2018

UCHIT - Pusat Komunikasi dan Kolaborasi berdasarkan Teknologi Blockchain


Komunitas Sapaan,

Apa itu Uchit?
Pusat Komunikasi dan Kolaborasi berdasarkan Teknologi Blockchain.

Uchit memperkenalkan pusat komunikasi dan alat kolaboratif untuk Individu, Profesional, dan Badan Usaha yang tidak tersedia dengan alat yang ada.
Pengembangan Uchit adalah solusi ujung-ke-ujung untuk -
Penggunaan pribadi seperti berkomunikasi dengan teman dan keluarga.
Penggunaan profesional seperti kolaborasi untuk programmer, musisi, artis, dll.
Penggunaan profesional seperti komunikasi antara Investor, Proyek, Freelancer, dll.
Penggunaan korporat untuk korporat.
Situs web yang ingin memiliki fitur komunitas di webiste mereka sendiri. (Kami akan menyediakan API)
dan banyak lagi.
Pada akhirnya, kami bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan semua profesional bisnis, perusahaan, karyawan, dan kolaborasi bisnis ke dalam ekosistem blockchain terintegrasi, yang akan membuat proyek dan bisnis benar-benar efisien, transparan, dan andal.



Anda perlu obrolan teks / suara / video dan berbagi file, alat kolaborasi pemrograman, alat berbasis tim, webinar, dll.
Buat koneksi yang ditargetkan, temukan orang, buat tim.

Di sini, di Uchit kami mendapatkan semua alat untuk Anda.
Anda ingin membangun proyek dan membutuhkan orang untuk membantu Anda atau ingin menyewa tenaga profesional untuk proyek Anda
Sekarang Anda ingin berkolaborasi dengan tim Anda.
Anda ingin mengadakan Rapat Webinar / Bisnis
Anda hanya ingin mengobrol dan berbagi file dengan teman dan keluarga Anda.
Anda ingin menambahkan fitur komunitas di situs Anda sendiri. (Kami akan menyediakan API)



Token Uchit akan dirilis berdasarkan platform Ethereal. Kompatibilitas token ini dengan dompet layanan pihak ketiga, pertukaran dll, dan menyediakan integrasi yang mudah digunakan.

Jumlah maksimum persediaan token: 712 350 000
Tukar: 1 UCHT = 0,19 USD
Pernyataan Kepentingan (Penjualan Pribadi): Tanggal - 1 April 2018 hingga 30 April 2018
Bonus - 50% (Expression of Interest only): Investasi Minimum - 10 ETH
Pra Ico: Tanggal - 1 Mei 2018 hingga 13 Mei 2018
Bonus - 20% (Hanya untuk Pra Penjualan): Investasi Minimum - 0,01 ETH
Penjualan Token: Tanggal - 15 Mei 2018 hingga 31 Mei 2018
Bonus - 5% (hanya untuk Penjualan Token): Investasi Minimum - 0,01 ETH
Soft Cap: $ 5 000 000
Hard Cap: $ 50.000.000

Distribusi Token


Gunakan hasil



Desember 2016: Gagasan untuk Pengembangan Platform.
April 2017: Analisis platform dan pasar lain
Oktober 2017: Analisis Selesai, kita tahu solusinya
April 2018: Mulai Crowdfunding
November 2018: Versi Peluncuran Alpha
Februari 2019: Luncurkan Versi Pra-Beta
Juli 2019: Luncurkan Versi Beta
Desember 2019: Pembangunan Lengkap
Januari 2020: Pengujian
April 2020: Pemasaran Platform
Mei 2020: Rilis Final

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bergabung dengan media sosial Uchit hari ini, silakan ikuti beberapa tautan berikut:

Sitio Web: https://uchit.info/
Whitepaper: https://uchit.info/Uchit-Whitepaper.pdf
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3167782.new#new
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uchit_coin
Crass Club: https://crassclub.com/Uchit
Telegram: https://t.me/uchit_coin

Oleh: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

What is ZPER?

ZPER is a decentralized credit and investment platform based on blockchain technology. It aims to create an innovative P2P finance ecosystem by combining the industrial values ​​and asset values ​​of P2P finance all over the world. The ZPER platform will set up a P2P (eXtensible) finance ecosystem that transcends the country and currency and thus brings innovation in global funding. In the ZPER ecosystem, the participants needed to provide a reasonable financial environment for both borrowers and investors, Each country's ZPER Councils, data providers, P2P finance companies recognized by Robo Advisors and NPL buyers can come together freely, share their values ​​based on trust and receive fair rewards. Borrowers can get a loan with a lower interest rate while investors have higher yield ratios.

Also, until the end of 2019, there are more than 10 countries, thousands of data providers, and about 30 Robo Advisor companies. we will create an allied ecosystem of 500 well-known P2P finance companies. Such an initiative will provide global funding. will make the investment industry more productive and innovative as a whole and ZPER will provide a stable environment in which more than 300 million individuals, more than two million independent enterprises and more than 300,000 SMEs can collect or invest money.

Challenges in P2P Platforms

  • Challenges in P2PFinans Company Selection
  • Difficulties in Allocating Secure and Efficient Portfolios
  • Challenges to Liquidation of Investment Products
  • Difficulties in Using Innovative Loan-Valued Data

ZPER's Solutions for P2P Finance Platform

Designing Various Investment Products with the Global P2P Finance Alliance ZPER is an open ecosystem that P2P finance companies and related service companies around the world can join. Trusted P2P financial companies around the world offer a number of P2P investment products here. In addition, RoboAdvisor companies participate in the ZPER ecosystem design, offering safe, global and diversified investment portfolios to minimize the potential investment risks posed by changes in the internal and external financial environment. Ecosystem-related financial services also provide a safer investment, such as bond disposals and NPL procurement arrangements.

What is Zper Ecosystem?


ZPER is a blockchain-based decentralized ecosystem that can be freely participated by a wide range of people and companies participating in P2P finance around the world. beyond the borders. Participants of ZPER can safely operate according to their needs and roles. Invest in individual products of P2P financial companies investing in RoboAdvisor's portfolios that invest in the receivables of other investors demanding resale by investing in products offered by P2P finance companies in the ZPER ecosystem

P2P Financing Companies Responsible for the overall control of processes related to processes such as borrowers' appraisal, credit generation and reimbursement management. The management of credit contracts and credits should be deeply connected and conducted with the geographical and cultural characteristics of the countries. strictly in accordance with the laws of each country. For this reason, P2P finance companies with credit expertise in each country provide their participation.

How does RoboAdvisor Companies Work?

Investment returns include investment, investment periods, default rates, bankruptcy rates, etc. Based on their own ratios, they are analyzing the investment products in the ZPER ecosystem with their own algorithms and structuring them to enable investors to effectively diversify their investments. to make more profit. Investors can choose the products they want from a range of portfolios designed by more than one RoboAdvisor company.

Token Sale


Road Map of the Project


Projenin Tanıtımı Videosu

For more detailed information about ZPER, please click the related links:

By: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Minggu, 15 April 2018

White Rabbit - Movies at affordable prices!

Good afternoon, dear friends! Today I wanted to talk about a direction like cinema. We all love, sit comfortably in a chair and watch your favorite movies for hours on the fly. Or how not to say such a wonderful thing as going to the cinema? This is generally a big thing. Sit and watch the movie on the big screen in good quality and with excellent dubbing. But now such a trip to the cinema is quite expensive and sometimes not everyone has the opportunity to go to your favorite movie. And that's why people search for movies on the Internet or download from torrents. And this is bad, for these points of view the copyright holder does not receive a deserved profit and decently loses on it.
It is a platform that helps every viewer feel comfortable and this platform is able to solve many challenges faced by customers or viewers in the film industries as the problem of lack of choice, lack of convenience, piracy, lack of transparency, few films and even directors.

I propose to review the White Rabbit project. This project is a plug-in for your browser. With it, you can safely find the movie you need. Moreover, the price of this film will be several times cheaper than other sites or at the cinema. Since all intermediaries are excluded from the chain, the customer is the copyright holder. This is an obvious advantage for movie lovers. In addition, many well-known smart contracts are used to transfer money, which reliably allow and, above all, to openly transfer money to the seller.

WHITE RABBIT creates a system to increase the popular distribution system through revenue sharing, allowing third-party application and the development of sponsorship tools available to users and sites.

The WHITE RABBIT plug-in is also a portal to the consolidated user library and our content ecosystem called "HOLE RABBIT". This Rabbit Hole (library) offers additional content to users, such as behind-the-scenes or disappointed scenes, unique content such as events with directors. It's an integrated non-intrusive plug-in / browser application that guarantees a seamless streaming experience for users.
The WHITE RABBIT plug-in recognizes streaming content and allows users to offer the white rabbit token (WRT) to the content holder (CRH).

White Rabbit creates a business model for the 21st century, which allows for immediate settlements that ensure a positive cash flow, creates a fair and transparent revenue stream for content creators, for third-party apps to promote innovation in monetization and engage fans and sales opportunities, new services and interact with fans and restore the logical order !!!
Furthermore, I can not help but pronounce such an interesting function as a collection of films. For example, you bought a movie and after a while you wanted to see it again. Thanks to this library it will be possible. The film will be kept in the so-called rabbit hole or in English Rabbit Hole. Personally, I think it will be very convenient and every film lover will like it.
In general, I would like to say that the project is interesting enough and this platform will be very useful for cinema lovers.


Official website: https://whiterabbit.one/
White paper: https://whiterabbit.one/docs/White_Rabbit-White_Paper_v1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/jumpin
Facebook: https://fb.me/WRJumpIn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WRJumpIn
Medium: https://medium.com/@JumpIn

By: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

MIDEX sebuah terebosan platform terbaru

Saya akan memperkenalkan sebuah Pertukaran berlisensi di jantung Platform Keuangan dari Midex Exchange
Midex adalah sebuah platform keuangan internasional pertama dengan menggabungkan teknologi perbankan modern, peluang internet, data besar, teknologi blockchain, mengikuti standar keamanan dan kenyamanan kelas dunia. Tidak ada analog di dunia.
Seain itu Midex juga termasuk platform finansial berbasis Blockchain dengan Exchange Berlisensi yang disetujui oleh Swiss Bankers and Lawyers , Kami memfasilitasi koneksi yang aman dan andal antara cryptocurrency dan infrastruktur keuangan tradisional.

Di antara proyek top Midex adalah pertukaran koin cryptocurrency yang benar-benar berlisensi. Bursa saham cryptocurrency sudah menyediakan perdagangan sepanjang waktu sesuai dengan semua aturan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Midex Exchange menyediakan layanan untuk mendukung transaksi pertukaran individu dengan pengguna platform lainnya, mengembangkan dan memelihara berbagai alat yang efisien untuk analisis perdagangan, memiliki robot perdagangan, dan mendistribusikan pemberitahuan dari trader berpengalaman.

Apa itu Midex ?

Pertukaran kerja
Pertukaran sudah berfungsi dan berlisensi secara hukum, Anda bisa memeriksanya di sini

Kami menjual token untuk mengisi pertukaran dengan likuiditas dan untuk mengembangkan lebih lanjut platform keuangan.
Mengapa token MDX?
Karena uang Anda seharusnya bekerja

Apa keuntungan menjadi bagian dari MIDEX?
Mengapa token MDX?
Karena uang Anda seharusnya bekerja

HINGGA 20% dari pendapatan KOMISI dapat didistribusikan ke pemegang token di masa depan

Midex token menyimpan dana terdiri dari 20% dari komisi harian dari operasi pada pertukaran dan layanan lainnya. Dana ini didistribusikan di antara pemegang token sesuai dengan taruhannya. * * Tidak ada di sini yang dapat ditafsirkan sebagai kutipan investasi dalam bentuk apa pun. Kutipan Token MDX ini bukan merupakan penawaran untuk menjual atau membeli sekuritas di yurisdiksi mana pun. Dokumen ini tidak menawarkan pembelian Token MDX kepada individu dan perusahaan yang tidak memiliki kapasitas hukum yang memadai untuk berpartisipasi dalam tokenale.

Dapatkan fungsionalitas internal Midex khusus dengan token MDX

Tingkatkan penarikan uang tunai atau batas transaksi Anda dan dapatkan diskon biaya tunai manual

Menjadi bagian istimewa dari dari Midex!

Anda dapat memperoleh hak istimewa untuk menukarkan token Anda ke dalam saham di masa mendatang

Bagaimana cara mengendalikannya?

Midex private blockchain melakukan semua transaksi ke blockchain publik Midex dan mengeluarkan hash transaksi ini yang mana setiap pengguna dapat memeriksa status operasi melalui antarmuka web dan mengetahui rincian tentang pengirim, penerima, tanggal dan dengan demikian mengkonfirmasi operasi apa pun.

jika ingin mengetahui lebih jauh tentang midex silahkan kunjungi link dibawah.

Dengan: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Kamis, 12 April 2018

Sa pojavljivanjem pametnih ugovora zasnovanih na blok-kupcima, bez poverenja, potreba za uslugama Oracle koje se bave ugovorima o ishodu arbitraže značajno su porasle. Većina trenutnih implementacija pametnih ugovora se oslanja na jedinstveni skup jedinstvenog ili kombinovanog autoritativnog oraclea kako bi dovršio ishod ugovora. U slučajevima kada se obe strane mogu složiti o autoritetu i nemogućnosti predodređenog proročanstva, to je dovoljno. Međutim, u mnogim slučajevima ne postoji jedno od odgovarajućih proročanstava ili se proročanstvo ne može smatrati autoritativnim, jer

mogućih grešaka ili korupcije. Lokacija oraclea spada u ovu kategoriju. Prognoza fizičke lokacije predmeta zavisi od izveštavanja, releja, skladištenja i obrade komponenti datog proročanstva, od kojih sve uvode greške i mogu biti korumpirane. Rizici uključuju manipulaciju podataka, podatke o zagađivanju, gubitak podataka i dogovaranje.

XYO mreža je radila na mogućem konceptu razvitka, kao što su napisali pametne ugovore za platformu blockchain, interakciju s fizičkim svetom kao da je API. XYO mreža je prvi kreirani protokol na svetu koji omogućava dva entiteta da transakcije u stvarnom svetu bez centralizovane treće strane. Naše apstrakcije omogućavaju nam da verifikujemo lokacije bez poverenja programerima, stvarajući protokol sa novim slučajevima korišćenja koji nisu omogućeni do današnjeg dana.

XYO mreža će biti izgrađena na postojećoj infrastrukturi od preko 1.000.000 uređaja koji cirkulišu u svetu koji se distribuira kroz poslovne objekte koji se bave potrošačima. Bluetooth i XY GPS uređaji omogućavaju svakodnevnom potrošaču da radi fizičke tragove za praćenje stvari koje žele pratiti (kao što su tasteri, koferi, bicikli, pa čak i kućni ljubimci). Ako one pogrešno zamene ili izgube takvu stvar, videće tačno gde je to gledajući lokaciju na aplikaciji za pametne telefone. Za samo šest godina, XYO mreža je stvorila najveću svjetsku Bluetooth i GPS mrežu potrošača.

Cilj mreže XYO je stvaranje ne-urgentnog i decentralizovanog propozicije sistema lokacija koji je otporan na napad i daje najveću moguću sigurnost prilikom ispitivanja za dostupne podatke. To postižemo kroz niz apstrakcija koje u velikoj meri smanjuju rizik od prevara lokacija kroz niz dokaza o nultom znanju duž komponentnog sistema.

XYO mreža ima četiri osnovne komponente, čuvare, mostove, arhiviste i božanstva. Ove četiri komponente omogućavaju geo-fokusiranje izgradnje konsenzusa i verodostojnu verifikaciju podataka o lokaciji. To znači da kada napišete pametni ugovor koji određuje da se objekat pojavi u određenoj XY koordinati, ako se tamo pojavi, znaćete da je na toj lokaciji sa apsolutnom sigurnošću. Ovo se sve uradi bez rizika od prevarivanja uređaja za signalizaciju lokacije koje su potvrdile hiljade Sentinela u XY Oracle mreži sa najdužim lancem Doof Origina (što daje veće povjerenje u heuristiku).

Sentinel komponente su heuristički svedoci. Oni posmatraju heuristiku i garantuju sigurnost i tačnost heuristike produkcijom časopisnih knjiga. Najvažniji aspekt Sentinela je to što proizvodi knjige koje Divineri mogu biti sigurni došli iz istog izvora dodajući im dokaz o porijeklu.

Mostovi su heuristički transponderi. Oni sigurno prenose hevrističke knjige iz Sentinelsa u Diviners. Najvažniji aspekt Mosta jeste to što Diviner može biti siguran da heurističke knjige koje su primljene sa mosta nisu ni na koji način izmenjene. Drugi najvažniji aspekt mosta je da dodaju dodatni dokaz o porijeklu.

Arhivističke komponente čuvaju heuristiku u decentralizovanom obliku sa ciljem da se usklade sve istorijske knjige, ali bez tog zahteva. Čak i ako se neki podaci izgube ili postanu privremeno nedostupni, sistem nastavlja da funkcioniše, ali samo sa smanjenom preciznošću. Arhivisti takođe indeksiraju knjige tako da mogu da vrate niz podataka o knjizi ako je potrebno. Arhivari čuvaju samo sirove podatke i plaćaju ih samo za preuzimanje podataka. Skladištenje je uvek besplatno.

Diviner odgovara na određeno pitanje analizirajući istorijske podatke koje je sačuvala XYO mreža. Da bi se ovo postiglo, heuristika sačuvana u XYO Mreži mora imati visok nivo dokaza o porijeklu kako bi izmerio vrijednost i tačnost heuristika tako što je sudeo svjedoka na osnovu dokaza o porijeklu. S obzirom na to da je mreža XYO sistem bez poverenja, Divineri moraju biti podstaknuti da pruže iskrenu analizu heuristike. Za razliku od Sentinelsa i Mostova, Divinari koriste Dokaz rada kako bi dodali odgovore na blokču.


XYO Token Specs

Prodaja javnog token-a ima višeslojnu strukturu cena koja počinje od 1 ETH: 100,000 XYO i maksimalno iznosi 1 ETH: 33,333 XYO. Detalji o obimu i ceni zasnovani na našoj vremenskoj strukturi biće objavljeni uskoro.

  • Pametna ugovorna platforma: eterična
  • Vrsta ugovora: ERC20
  • Token: XYO
  • Ime žetona: XYO Network Utility Token
  • Token adresa: 0x55296f69f40ea6d20e478533c15a6b08b654e758
  • Ukupna emisija: Konačna i ograničena na iznos ostvaren nakon glavne prodaje žetona


Pridružite nam se u našoj posvećenosti izgradnji decentralizovanog svijeta.
XY je izgradio svet verifikacije otvorene lokacije od 2012. godine pokrenom uspešnog potrošačkog GPS-GPS biznisa koji je neophodan za razumijevanje i izgradnju mreža lokacija u stvarnom svijetu. Trenutno, XY ima više od 1,0000 svetionika širom svijeta.

XY oslobađa praćenje uređaja za praćenje zemlje: "XYGPS"
XY je lansirao prvi svjetski GPS hibridni uređaj i Bluetooth uređaj. XYGPS može prijaviti svoju lokaciju bilo gdje u svijetu gdje su dostupni Cellular data i GPS.

XY oslobađa XY4 + uređaj
XY je objavio XY4 + uređaj koji omogućava da radi kao čvor XYO mreže kroz ažuriranja firmvera.
XY Prelazak 1.000.000 znakova svetlosti
XY uređaj rođen je milion.

Oracle Network XY Rođen u Blockchain-u
Počeo je razvoj pokretne mrežne platforme interne XY lokacije do implementacije otvorenog bloka: rođena je Oracle XY mreža.

Q1 i Q2
XY Mints Prvi "XYO Token" koristi se za inteligentne ugovore za pristup XYO mreži
Prvi XYO Token je kreiran i predstavlja zvaničnu valutu koja će se koristiti u XYO mreži.
XY će završiti XYO u test mreži ("XY TestNet")
XY će dovršiti razvoj Oracle Testnet XY i započeti pokretanje blokchain protokola usmerenih na lokaciju na svoj Sentinel uređaj.

Q3 i Q4
XY će pokrenuti XY Oracle Main Network ("XY MainNet")
XY će pokrenuti punu lansiranje Oracle XY mreže na XY Sentinel beaconu i započeti testove sa novim Sentinel partnerima (posebno IoT kompanijama i programerima za mobilne aplikacije).
XY da završi API za inteligentnog ugovarača za interakciju s Oracle XY mrežom
Objavljivanje XYO Network API-a koji dozvoljava pametnim izvođačima ugovora da sklapaju ugovore za interakciju sa XY mrežama. Biblioteka koja će se razvijati: Biblioteka etičke solidarnosti, biblioteka Viper Ethereum i JavaScript biblioteka za veb lokacije interaguju sa XYO Network (slično Webs.js integraciji sa MetaMask).

XY za objavljivanje XY Sticker-Tracker-a, koji se može dodati u paket e-trgovine
Pokrenite proizvod "XY-Stick" koji omogućava prodavcima eCommercea da prate svaki svoj proizvod u realnom vremenu.

XY povećava globalnu mrežnu opremu sa više lokacija
Podižite XY Sentinel pokrivanje (provajder podataka i provjeritelj), kao i ostale komponente Oracle XY mreže (Bridge, Archiver, Burial).

XY za pokretanje SatoshiXY i VitalikXY LEO Satellite Sentinels
Akcije će se prodavati na XYO satelitskom satelitu Low Earth Orbit; Uloga predstavlja vlasništvo u odjeljku XYO Token.

XY prema preduzećima, organizacijama i maloprodajnim preduzećima koja imaju velike korake za verifikaciju lokacije
Formulisati poslovna partnerstva sa većim kompanijama i entitetima koji mogu iskoristiti decentralizovane i nepouzdane instinte za lokaciju (npr. Logistički sistemi, kompanije lanca snabdevanja, časovi revizora, e-poslovanje i nebrojene druge niše).

XY će proširiti globalni domet čitave Oracle XY mreže

Više informacija potražite na dolenavoj liniji kao izvorni kod:

Sajt: https://xyo.network/index.html
Whitepaper: https://xyo.network/whitepaper/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XYOracleNetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/xyonetwork
facebook; https://www.facebook.com/xyonetwork

By culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Senin, 09 April 2018

SocialX - Social Media Platform Based on Cryptocurrency

What is SocialX?

SocialX is a blockchain database that supports community development and social interaction with cryptococcal awards. SocialX combines the concepts of social media with lessons from building crypto and their community.

SocialX is the first decentralized photo and video app that will keep your JEMAH LIVES safely in one app. With SocialX it is not necessary to post your photos & videos on a centralized platform like Facebook or Instagram.

Connect with your friends via encrypted messenger and exchange SocialX more than just messenger. You can send smart payments and contracts to friends from within chats while enjoying the default encrypted messaging service, using a peer-to-peer protocol that does not rely on centralized servers. SocialX will provide the safest and most reliable chat app.

During ICO SocialX will launch a 5 tier bonus structure that will look like this:

  • Level 1: 1 hour: Bonus 50%
  • Level 2: 24 hours: 25% bonus
  • Level 3: 48 hours: Bonus 10%
  • Level 4: 3 days: Bonus 5%
  • Level 5: 7 days: 0% bonus

You can take advantage of this favorable investment structure by investing in SocialX ICO.

SocialX has a very powerful management team to make ICO work completely.

Members of their core management team are the likes of Philip Henday (founder of ICO and CFO), Theodor Diaconu (Co-founder and CFO), Cihan Total (community manager), Oliver Nedved (Head of Design), Dennis Henke (Management Assistant) and Pascal Thelmann (creator of marketing and content) and many more that can not be mentioned here because of the time.

All SocialX funds during ICO will be held safely in multi-signature and hard wallets. This is the safest wallet in the blockchain industry.

According to the whitepaper statement SocialX.

All Accounts will be made transparent after the ICO is completed so that all participants monitor and audit at any time. The Management & Team Fund will be paid out within 24 months according to the pre-determined Workspace There are several SocialX platform features that I find very interesting.

These features according to SocialX White paper are as follows:

  1. No success for fake accounts and fake likes or followers The community decides which Content is valuable.
  2. Can grabs and generates a lot of high quality content quickly.
  3. The value of the platform is passed to the user.
  4. Achieves data reliability with blockchain technology at a lower cost than before.
  5. Give each photo or video a monetized value.
  6. Manage photo & video licenses & rights.
  7. Reward community with SocialX token.
  8. Build a great community around what we love most about photos and videos.
  9. Reward community, means a fair reward for great and valuable content.

SocialX also runs online campaigns to raise awareness. Some of these campaigns include social media, blog posts, signature campaigns.

SocialX offers 2% of all Tokens for gift campaigns collected during ICO to interested participants. You can join in this gift campaign and get a SOCX Token. However there are some basic requirements set for this campaign.

In conclusion like this written by SocialX whitepaper like:

The SocialX platform is being built with the mass market introducing it to a known world
Social media is combined with a new decentralized environment where creativity thrives.
Throughout this whitepaper, we have tried to show potential SocialX projects and
The blockchain technology in which it will operate. This is the beginning of mass adoption
Decentralized media. SocialX is for the community.

Join SocialX ICO and earn huge profits online

For more information, see the following line:

By culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263


What is HAI Project?
This is the first HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that combines three important sectors that govern our economic environment even though we can not see it clearly.

The ultimate goal of HAI is to provide the opportunity for small business owners to compete with large companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the opportunity to trade profitable and ultimately project themselves and their business from criminals around the world. World.

Traditional AI systems are very expensive and not available to normal users, with HAI game changes, cheap and powerful HAI being able to:

Market EstimatesTo have a successful trading experience, hours or even days from
research is needed to decide when the trade should be done, normal people do not then you do not have time.

HAI does the hard work, so you can spend time doing what you really love, but like you very much involved in market research. HAI can help you make better decisions, 1HAI, and 1 brain better than mere brain.

Hunter ThreatAttackers become smarter and increase the complexity of their resources,
it will be the HAI that you will protect and even your business these criminals, using the threat of hunting, malware analysis, and behavioral analysis techniques.

Decision MakingBusiness Intelligence can help small businesses increase their sales by offering robust analysis of possible scenarios, market research, and product development. Just because we do not start with many sources does not mean we can not
Competing against larger competitors, HAI offers cheap research and decides to create a helper platform for you and your ideas.

Artificial Intelligence is the solution, creating a system capable of defeating thousands
humans in just a fraction of an hour, saving thousands of hours and more importantly, saving
money, a lot.

The HAI Token is intended to represent the percentage of actual network strength, allowing users to use AI for purposes within the scope of the project.

Supply & Sales Token
The token implementation will be through an Intelligent Contract which will generate tokens according to Pre-ICO and ICO orders at the rates specified below. There is a token hard token 100MILLION HAI.



  • Pre-ICO 30 April - 13 May
  • ICO Phase 1 May 14 to May 27
  • ICO Phase 2 28 May to 11 June
more info:

by culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

SMARTREALTY - совершение сделок с недвижимостью более прозрачно, эффективно, безопасно и легко понять

Что такое SmartRealty


Технология Blockchain упрощает экосистему недвижимости, позволяя людям безопасно и эффективно обмениваться данными и деньгами. Это делает информацию более доступной, отсекает посредников и снижает риск обмана и кражи. Более безопасный, быстрый и надежный процесс покупки и продажи для всех участников. «- Мэтью Мерфи, глобальный вице-президент Renren, инвестирует и строит компании в секторах недвижимости и Fintech.

Система SMARTRealty имеет три основных элемента:

Контрактная платформа SMARTRealty. Контрактная платформа состоит из шаблонной системы, которая позволяет подрядчикам создавать интеллектуальные контракты SMARTRealty, которые соответствуют их конкретным требованиям к транзакциям и соответствуют местным законам для их юрисдикции.

Список платформ SMARTRealty - список платформы SMARTRealty позволит владельцам недвижимости перечислить свои объекты для аренды или продажи и распространит этот список на многие другие сайты по аренде недвижимости и аренде в Интернете.

Token RLTY - Token RLTY - официальный токен SMARTRealty для использования с интеллектуальным контрактом SMARTRealty. Платежи могут производиться в основной валюте (крипто и фиате), но будут автоматически конвертированы в токены RLTY, чтобы платежи регистрировались и отслеживались правильно.

Один простой пример использования интеллектуальных контрактов SMARTRealty.

Две стороны согласны инвестировать с использованием SMARTRealty
Это может быть для покупки и продажи части собственности или простого годового договора аренды. Стороны используют платформу SMARTRealty для обоснования условий их соглашения в интеллектуальном контракте SMARTRealty, который включает в себя все согласованные сторонами условия, включая дату оплаты, сумму, подлежащую выплате, срок действия соглашения , будь то для несоблюдения и т. д.

Контракт SMARTRealty Управление отношениями между сторонами
оплата может производить платежи с использованием ETH, BTC, LTC, USD, EUR или многих других валют, которые автоматически преобразуются в токены RLTY и применяются к контракту SMARTRealty. Платежи также могут быть сделаны непосредственно с маркером RLTY, если это необходимо. Контракт может быть даже «запрограммирован заранее» для автоматического уведомления в случае нарушения или прекращения действия по истечении срока или протокола, согласованного сторонами на момент заключения договора и / или в соответствии с местным законодательством.

SMARTRealty Executes and Deal Закрывает контракты
После последнего платежа или переменной, одобренной сторонами, контракт будет исполнен и по истечении срока действия транзакция будет завершена. По истечении срока действия может быть подана необходимая подача или, если договор аренды, аренда может быть прекращена, а депозит будет возвращен в соответствии с условиями соглашения. Такие контракты могут быть даже организованы автоматически, если это необходимо, или могут быть согласованы новые условия и заключены новые контракты, если стороны согласятся.


Первоначальные продажи токенов - это событие, в котором организация выкупает все или часть маркерного маркера для других криптовалютов для сбора средств. Владельцы токенов получают стимулы через вознаграждение за лояльность, основанное на количестве жетонов, которые у них есть. Потенциальное увеличение ценности токена из-за его полезности для множества различных приложений также является стимулирующим стимулом для участников.

Мы считаем, что продажи токенов - это будущее толпы продаж. Эта продажа токенов также является прекрасной возможностью пригласить людей, особенно из мира blockchain и криптовалюты, в сообщество SMARTRealty и дать им возможность участвовать в наших историях успеха, внося свой вклад во все аспекты проекта: от разработки продукта до маркетинга до стратегическое партнерство.

Знак SMARTRealty называется RLTY. Наш предпродажный период продолжается, и официальные публичные продажи токенов начинаются 15 февраля 2018 года и продлится 90 дней. Любой, кто участвует в предварительных продажах, имеет право на получение 50% бонуса. Есть 500 000 000 токенов RLTY. 20% жетонов выделяются на предварительную продажу, а 20% - на фактический период ICO. Общее выделение токенов RLTY выглядит следующим образом:

Дорожная карта

Команда smartrealty.

Для получения дополнительной информации smartrealty.

Веб-сайт: http://www.smartrealty.io/
Техническая документация: http://smartrealty.io/whitepaper/

автор: culun86

ETH: 0xbc37A4d7f960f4d1Dda9153Fb1a1Df7a81278263

Rabu, 04 April 2018

I AM Hero - A Well Decentralized Platform In Job Search

What is I AM Hero?

The new development in the world of technology that increasingly has a very rapid development and continue to experience innovation and quality on the better technology, and increasingly has benefits for clients or various communities around the world in understanding the activities and various updated info and opportunities in find solutions in a variety of problems or in the development of a large industrial industry in designing and in the integration of increasingly better and more improved system, as well as the best opportunities in various societies in finding a job or business in accordance with the competence and in accordance with the skills they have so that it will increase the economic growth that is increasingly improved and getting better from time to time, and will have a good future by organizing the life now well.disini we will introduce a new breakthrough d nature of technological development that is in the development of facilitate in the search for work with the workers with the best quality and have the best skill skills in his field by introducing I Am hero is a platfrom that supports for improvement on ease in job search or find the workers so it will be better.

WhitePaper I Am Hero

I Am Hero, is the best step that is presented in a concept and structure and has been implemented and implemented in a special platfrom in support and ease of finding the best solution in job search, and finding the best quality workers with decentralized methods and systems and good security system by keeping the clients' privacy and worker well, with good service and service level, and will provide good opportunities for workers to give their quality to the costumer with good skill and competence,

A well-structured Roadmap road trip, with solid team development and teamwork, and working together well will have important influences in the development and development of better platforms, and more and more have good potential in the future, and will further provide the interest of the workers to get bigger, and the interaction is increasing.

Good System Design will provide great interaction, then a decent decentralized system will provide a better level of integrity, with a wide range of interactions in large platforms, and will bring more and better platforms.

The Advantages of I Am Hero:

  1. Provide opportunities for job seekers to find work that suits their skills
  2. Providing the best solution for costumer in finding skilled workers
  3. Ease of convenience for workers with payments that suit their work
  4. Method with a system of high security integration, to keep workers in work
  5. Building great community interactions.

Activity Details Crowdsale IAM Hero:

Whitelist was held on February 20, 2018
40% off
Presale activities are held on March 21, 2018
Discount 28%
ICO activities will be held on April 22, 2018
ICO activities will end on May 22, 2018
10% off

Total Supply 2,000,000,000 IAHC
The price of Pertoken is 0.0000142 ETH / IAHC
Softcap is 100 ETH
Hardcap 7142 ETH

  1. For Tokensale Activities is 25%
  2. For Development Activities and workers is 20%
  3. For Marketing Activities and Patnership is 20%
  4. For Team and pool 15%
  5. For Activity Fund Implementation is 8%
  6. For Storage and backup is 7%

Detail All Team I Am Hero: 
  1. Michael Berlant , Online Bussiness since 17 years Founder Several Ventures
  2. Uwe Uehle , Motivator
  3. Alesya Gordina , Brand & Community Manager
  4. Maksim Kondratjev , Project Manager
  5. Eugene Shilin , UI Designer
  6. Dmitry Procvetov
  7. Olga Brede , Design Team , Project Manager
  8. Andrew Ovchinnikov , PHP Designer
  9. Janis Vanags , Development Project Manager
  10. Rick McGrath , Writer , Teacher & Survival Expert
  11. Vadim Dorman , Marketing & Communications
  12. Klaus Kroeger , Investor & Advisor

About Soycoin

Soycoin is the future of "stablecoin" in the blockchain community. SoyCoin (SYC) is a combination of cryptocurrency, green technology, and real industry. SoyCoin is the first project to offer green technology solutions using soybean to supply mining livestock networks that do not rely on centralized power supply systems. This will undoubtedly lead to the strengthening and development of the cryptocurrency industry and its infrastructure.

Goods produced by SoyCoin will be purchased using various cryptocurrencies. This allows small and medium businesses to buy and sell using cryptocurrency for raw materials from SoyCoin products as goods for retail stores. This will expand the application of cryptocurrency in everyday life.

The advantages and benefits of the soycoin project are as follows:

  1. Production of waste-free industry based on green technology.
  2. Network costs from the mining industry are approaching free.
  3. Development and application of broader cryptocurrency in everyday life.
  4. Development and application of green energy and energy in industry.
  5. Development does not depend on the cryptocurrency industry infrastructure.
  6. Development and use of blockchain technology in real industry.
  7. Production of clean organic products without GMO maintenance.
  8. The largest network of companies in various industries.
  9. Creating thousands of new jobs.
  10. Development of related industries.

Token Distribution

  • 80% of total SYC token will be allocated to participants during token sales
  • 17% of total SYC token will be distributed to the project team within 12 months
  • 3% of the total SYC will be allocated to Bounty and Advisers participants
Team Information

more info: